Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 67 You Need Strength

Chapter 67 You Need Strength

Mu Chenxing arrived at the Super Seminary at noon. After a fight, he had another genetic test. When he came out of the laboratory, it was already evening.

Walking in the afterglow of the setting sun, he was in a particularly good mood. It only took half a day to plant a seed in Lianfeng's body, but she didn't notice it.

What a pleasant surprise to catch a big fish.

This is not a small person. He is currently the chief technology officer of the Super Seminary, the chief engineer of the god-level project and the Black Great Wall Project, and the successor after Ducao's death. He has extremely high authority. This stuff is within her purview.

Not only can the gene be obtained, but the problem of activation can also be solved together.

There may be even greater gains in the future.

"Hey." He couldn't help but laugh out loud.

While walking briskly towards the place that Ji An had made an appointment with, she took out her mobile phone and called Qi Lin.

"Sister Qilin, where are you?"

"In training, in order to make up for the time wasted by fighting, today we have to train until midnight." Qi Lin's tone was not very good, because someone came to fight, their training quota was doubled.

Even when she answered the phone, she was directly connected to the private channel, and the sniper rifle in her hand was never put down. Accompanied by her voice, there were dull gunshots one after another.

"Can you catch fish in training?"


"Then you still talking on the phone with me?" Mu Chenxing joked casually.

"Then hang up!" Qilin's tone was full of gunpowder.

"Come on, let's talk about five yuan more." Mu Chenxing chuckled, "Speaking of business, can you ask for leave? I've made an appointment with Brother Ji An, let's have dinner together?"

"I can't go back. The previous airborne training took us more than 1000 kilometers away. Eat first, and talk about it next time when you have time. Anyway, we are all in the academy, and we can make appointments at any time."

"Okay, then you train hard, and I will eat your delicious food together."

"Thank you!" Qilin rolled her eyes, and smashed the moving target in the air with one shot. This kind of ultra-long-distance training for shooting moving targets made her feel a little boring.

"You're welcome, bye."

After hanging up the phone, he sighed, and next time he will find a chance to strengthen Qilin's ability to survive.

He stepped out of the gate of Super Theological Seminary quickly, and saw Ji An not far away, half lying on the hood of an off-road jeep with a cigarette in his mouth, in a daze.

Mu Chenxing couldn't tell what brand this car was and what its performance was. He didn't know much about cars, but the body was tough and the paint was black and shiny. At first glance, it was the type that middle-aged men liked, especially with a melancholy uncle.

"Uncle, don't pretend to be deep, there are no ignorant girls here to deceive you."

"Your mouth, you will be beaten sooner or later." Ji An stretched his hands, turned over and jumped off, his legs and feet seemed to be recovering well.

"Let's go quickly. I didn't have time to eat at noon. I was so hungry that my chest was stuck to my back." Mu Chenxing opened the door and got in the co-driver. There is no restaurant near the Super Seminary. If you want to eat, you can either go to the cafeteria or drive ten kilometers away outside residential areas.

"Then why do you come to this crappy place?" Ji An leaned over the back seat and handed him a bag of bread after getting into the car: "The cafeteria in this crappy place is not good, I bring my own food. Let’s have a bite first, and I’ll treat you to a big meal later.”

Mu Chenxing sighed secretly, the standards of the Super Seminary were very high, how could the cafeteria not be delicious?I don't like it here, so I don't even want to eat here.

But the superior issued a transfer order and had to come. One can imagine the frustration of these days.

"Just quit."

"Let's mix it up. I'm free and the salary is high. I walk around the outer wall of the college twice a day. I don't have anything to do. It's good."

"If you want to leave, I can send you away, and I guarantee that no one will bother you." Mu Chenxing wanted to send him to another universe.

"I heard that this place is used to deal with aliens? When I first came here, I didn't have any acquaintances, and I didn't bother to ask them. Don't you have superpowers? You should know some inside information, is it true?"

Ji An asked while driving, and felt that there was something wrong with his words, and added: "If it involves confidentiality regulations or something, just pretend that I didn't ask."

Mu Chenxing shook his head: "There's nothing to keep secret, but I'm afraid it will cause confusion among the people, so I haven't announced it yet. The aliens will indeed come, the news has been confirmed, and there will be a war soon. Do you want me to take you there?" A safe place? Relatives and friends can also send them there.”

"There really are aliens out there?" Ji An gripped the steering wheel with both hands, his brows frowned into the word "Chuan", and asked in a deep voice, "Are you all summoned to fight aliens?"


"Remember to hide when there is danger, are still young, work hard, let adults do it. Remember? Don't be fooled into going up like a fool."

Ji An's brows have not been relaxed, the news of the aliens' coming has mixed feelings in his heart, some things, in the face of alien invasion, it would be too unmanly to entangle.

The two drove to the hotel in silence.

Mu Chenxing asked for a private room, and after the food and drinks were served and locked the door, he said to Ji An: "Come with me to a place, don't say anything now, don't ask anything."

"I'm not going." Ji An thought he was going to take him to the "safe place" mentioned before, and shook his head and refused: "Chen Xing, I thought about it all the way just now, and I will join the army after this meal. It's hard to meet. Come, have a good drink with brother."

"Didn't you just persuade me not to work hard? Joining the army at this time is very dangerous."

"I, I grew up in an orphanage without father or mother. I owe the life of the country and I have to pay it back." Ji An picked up a bottle of beer and beckoned him to sit down: "Come on, don't talk about this, first Let's have a drink and celebrate our brother's complete recovery."

Mu Chenxing sighed, this guy is eating this meal as if his head is severed, how dangerous it is to fight aliens, he can understand it with his heels, but he still decided to join the army.

Well, everyone has his own will, and he is willing to show respect for his friend's choice.

But whether you are struggling to survive or going to the battlefield, you must first have strength.

"Don't be in a hurry to drink." Mu Chenxing didn't want to waste time, he had already made up his mind to use the time difference of the dinner to complete the strengthening of abilities without arousing suspicion.

Nian Liyi wrapped Ji An into the storage space, and applied to Ma Xianhong to travel through the universe under one person.

After getting the authorization, he immediately crossed to the corner outside the Xiushen Hall, which was where he left last night.

There was a time difference of nearly twelve hours with the Super Seminary alone. Ji An, who was released, looked at the rising sun in the east, holding a beer bottle, with a dazed expression on his face.

"You can see the sunrise just after watching the sunset? Did we come to the United States? Fuck, is your super power so awesome? Cross the earth, I'll go!"

"It's much better than that, the little master crosses the universe!" Leaving the Super Seminary, Mu Chenxing made a joke and directly invited Ji An to join the council.

The invitation information can solve most of the doubts, saving him dry-mouthed explanations.

When Ji An was reading this message, Ma Xianhong approached him, and Mu Chenxing discussed with him: "I want to invite all the directors to come to you and use a self-cultivation stove to strengthen their abilities, do you agree?"

"No problem, it's really exciting to think of this kind of cross-universe meeting." Ma Xianhong was as generous as ever.

This is also the reason why Mu Chenxing brought Ji An over directly.

But now is not the time to do that, and he said, "When your side settles down, let's discuss it and find a time for team building."

"It's going to take a while. The situation here has changed a bit. The troops who came to support them last night were stationed directly outside the village. Ren Fei from Huazhong contacted me and said that the higher-ups were having a meeting to discuss this matter and asked me to ignore the company. Wait at ease."

Ma Xianhong smiled helplessly: "The meeting, the meeting, I don't know when it will be. Oh, yes, the president of the Tianxiahui may have found out some inside information, and brought people to the village overnight. Let's meet him later ?”

"Has Fengshayan come?" Mu Chenxing led Ji An, who had agreed to join, and walked into the Xiushen Hall, while talking to Ma Xianhong about Zhao'an in Biyou Village.

(End of this chapter)

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