Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 68 No need to install time and space genes anymore

Chapter 68 No need to install time and space genes anymore
Ji An became the fifth member of the council and the sixth member of the internal chat group.

Yue Buqun was the first to express his welcome: "Congratulations to have a colleague join us. I met Mr. Ji when I was in Yue Buqun."

Recently, he is staying in the capital city waiting for the emperor to be conferred, and he has earned a large sum of money in inter-universe trade. He is living a carefree life with a lot of leisure and no shortage of water.

This kind of behavior of chatting with people across the world gave him a sense of superiority that he was beyond the three realms and not in the five elements, and his whole temperament became ethereal.

More and more like a real person.

Ji An quickly replied, "Mr. Yue, hello."

In fact, he suspected that this Yue Buqun was the head of Huashan Mountain in the martial arts novel, but he was embarrassed to ask directly.

And Mu Chenxing was talking about things with Ma Xianhong, so it was not easy for him to intervene.

My little brother has become a little strange, and has experienced crossing the world and joining an inter-universe organization, and also met a character in a fantasy work. He has received too much information in a short period of time, and his head is a little hard to turn.

He also mechanically expressed his thanks for the welcome wishes from Tony and Ethan.

In fact, he always felt unreal, as if he was dreaming, as if he was stepping on cotton, he followed the two people around him into a wooden attic, and then was pushed into a stove like a big-headed octopus.

Listening to Mu Chenxing's instructions to him: "Brother, trust me, relax, and when you come out, you will have superpowers and a thousand-year lifespan."

Staring into his eyes, Ji An nodded deeply.

At the beginning, two hopelessly disabled people were paralyzed in a small ward of ten square meters, encouraging each other, relying on each other, and the friendship that came over step by step, he was willing to give his life to each other.

The furnace door was closed, and Mu Chenxing started to operate the furnace. The energy flowed through the twelve orthodox meridians, and then passed through the eight extraordinary meridians. After completing the big and small circles, the congenital energy continued to benefit Ji An's body and soul through the adjustment of the self-cultivation furnace.

Rapidly improving the essence of his life.

In addition to the weakened version of the body of the immortal, it also reproduces the fairy of the earth.

Earth wandering immortals are the best at escaping for their lives. Cooperating with the body breathing of the immortal body, they can sneak deep underground for a long time, and can avoid most of the dangers.

It's a pity that the Ancha used in conjunction with Di Youxian cannot be reproduced. Ancha is a technique of using qi created by the sages imitating the echolocation of bats. To explore the situation underground.

This kind of skill is like the breathing rhythm when running. The self-cultivation furnace can reproduce the ability of "running", but it doesn't care which "breathing rhythm" you use yourself, you need to practice it yourself.

Mu Chenxing has never learned secret investigation, he has mind scanning, so he doesn't need this kind of skill.

In the future, let Ji An come back and find Zhang Kun to learn.

During the stove, Feng Zhenghao's father and daughter were led by his son Feng Xingtong to the Xiushen hall.

The three of them looked at the running self-cultivation furnace curiously, waiting for the result of recreating the ability of moving energy for ordinary people.Although Lao Feng had seen the information his son had inquired about, but hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he was still a little skeptical.

He inquired about some inside information, and the higher-ups attached great importance to this matter. Miss Ren, the person in charge of the Central China region, directly turned against the company and warned the company's board of directors not to reach out.

This attitude is worth pondering.

So he chartered a plane overnight to Biyou Village. When he came here, hundreds of soldiers had already blocked the road. If his son hadn't been able to get in, he wouldn't have been able to get in.

There must be risks in coming here this time, but how can there be any benefits without risks?
The Feng family is rich and powerful on the surface, but the situation in the alien world is not good, surrounded by wolves, it is like walking on thin ice.

Perhaps, this is a good opportunity for the successors of Eight Miraculous Skills to rely on the support from above to report to the group to survive.

At least he thought so.

So, he came and agreed to let his daughter Feng Shayan become Biyou Murakami's root device.

This request was made by Mu Chenxing, who wanted the land shrinking technique.

After Ji An was released, she was pulled by Ma Xianhong to popularize some knowledge about practicing qi and meditation, and Feng Shayan took the position of holding the stove.

Replicating the Earth Shrinking Technique is much simpler than the Immortal Body. Five or six minutes later, Mu Chenxing had mastered this spatial ability.

I have to say that this ability is very interesting, but Feng Shayan didn't really display its power.

This young lady of the Feng family's ability to detect the external environment is too poor. She releases the qi to form a qi field, and then mobilizes the spatial ability in the qi field.

Her qi field was less than a hundred steps away, which locked the upper limit of the ground shrinking technique, and she couldn't sustain the consumption in this way for a long time.

Mu Chenxing is different. His Psychic Field has a radius of more than 500 meters, and it is still growing. Scanning Psychic Power consumes almost no consumption, and it is much more accurate than the way of releasing Ling Qi.

So just after he got this ability, he surpassed Feng Shayan by several levels.

You can bridge spaces at will within a radius of 500 meters. Not only can you send out your own attack and return the enemy's attack, but you can also achieve short-distance teleportation within the force field.

Because of the extremely fast retraction and release of mind power, he can even use continuous teleportation to travel long distances, just like an ancient monk who can stride 500 meters in one step.

This is also the real origin of the name Shushushu, because the first person to show this ability to the world was Fei Changfang, a great monk in the Han Dynasty.

He just uses the method of continuous teleportation, traveling thousands of miles a day, making people feel that the earth is shortening under his feet.Since then, the name of land shrinking technique has been given, and it has been used to this day.

Excellent ability, extremely high growth limit, Mu Chenxing likes it very much, because he no longer needs to use storage space to pretend that he is a super soldier with activated time and space genes.

He is now a real person who can manipulate space.

"President Feng has two children who joined Biyou Village, and we have really become strategic partners.

I can tell you clearly that the higher-ups are meeting to study how to promote the self-cultivation furnace technology, which involves a complicated world structure, and we can only wait patiently.

I hope President Feng can use your rich life experience to help young people like us walk more smoothly. "

This is of course a fool, but if you don't fool me, how can you use the power of the Tianxia Group?

Mu Chenxing had no intention of harming anyone, it was a win-win situation, and he didn't have the slightest psychological burden.

"Over the past few decades, the successors of the Eight Wonders have had a hard time living. We really need to report to the regiment to keep warm. Don't worry, you two, the world will definitely help you." Feng Zhenghao saw the true effect of the self-cultivation furnace and made up his mind.

After only talking for a few words, both sides felt that it was very rewarding, so they dispersed and acted separately.

Anyway, Biyou Village can only wait now. As for Feng Zhenghao whether to gather funds or contact his network, that is his business.

"I have to go, there is something urgent, if the situation is not right, run quickly." Mu Chenxing told Ma Xianhong.

"Don't worry, I have my sense of propriety." Although Lao Ma is rather homely, he is not a novice who has not experienced anything.

Before returning, Mu Chenxing told Ji An: "The council can defend against information interference, such as thinking intrusion, consciousness rewriting, etc., you don't have to worry about it. However, if you say it yourself, or if you can't stand the torture, the news will still be released." leaked.

In our world, there are many aliens, advanced civilizations can read dark information, and your every word and deed can be read, so you must pay attention to your usual speech.

Don't leak anything about the council, don't worry about superpowers, just say it's a sudden awakening. "

"Yes, I will pay attention." Ji An agreed immediately.

By the time the two returned to Chaoshen Universe, an hour had passed, they ate and drank in the private room, pretended to be full and drove back to the academy.

This one-and-a-half-hour dinner was like a simple gathering of friends. It was not a deliberate investigation, and there was no flaw at all.

As for visiting other universes, the advanced civilizations in this universe do not have the detection technology to break through the universe.

In the hour that disappeared, there was no problem with the information, it can only be said that it was blocked or deleted.Morgana blocked the dark message when she came to her door. This is a very common technical means in advanced civilizations.

Others won't just think about traveling through the universe because a piece of information is blocked. Their habitual cognition will not think about it, they will only think that there is a shadow of advanced civilization behind it.

Cognitive habits are not so easy to break through, as long as you don't leak it, there is no big problem, and they are not the focus of attention from all parties, just pay attention to sensitive words.

The worst thing is, just run away, don't worry too much.

When he returned to the academy, it was only after eight o'clock in the evening, and it was not time to go to bed. Mu Chenxing sat cross-legged in the dormitory allotted to him, exercising Qi while waiting for the arrival of late night.

He was waiting for someone to fall asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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