Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 77 Silver Blade

Chapter 77 Silver Blade
Mu Chenxing came for the dark silver dagger, so he had to wait for Su Mali to take out the weapon from the exclusive dark plane.

Here I have to talk about the dark plane.

While watching the battle at the command center of the Super Seminary, the intelligent assistant Xiao Fan had already analyzed the underlying information of the dark plane, and Mu Chenxing also understood the technical principles of the dark plane.

The Super Seminary does not naturally exist outside the main space, the so-called dark plane, at least not all civilizations in the known universe have discovered it.

The Dark Plane is just a scientific name, the first term proposed by the Kamigawa civilization.

Why is it called the dark plane?
Because this technology is based on dark energy technology.

Dark energy accounts for about 73% of the total universe. It reacts neutrally with light but does not reflect light or react with electrons, so it is invisible to the naked eye and cannot be observed by low-level civilizations based on electromagnetic science.

Only god-level civilizations have the technology to study dark energy, or in other words, only when they understand dark energy through research can they enter the threshold of god-level civilization.

This energy is ubiquitous and unobservable, so it is called dark energy.

The dark plane technology is to create a high-concentration dark energy field. With the help of the negative pressure of dark energy, the aggregated wormhole corridors are fixed into space bubbles, and then curled or folded in the main space.

Every super soldier has its own exclusive dark plane, controlled by the gene engine, which is not only used for auxiliary observation and driving dark energy, but also as a portable weapon arsenal.

Exclusive equipment and external calculation groups can sink into the dark plane.

But because the negative pressure is too strong, materials with low structural strength will be torn apart, so it can't be used as space equipment for daily life, and ordinary creatures will die if they enter it.

Depending on the technology, the size, characteristics, and energy frequency bands are naturally different. It is extremely difficult to invade other people's dark planes.

Mu Chenxing couldn't do it, so he could only wait for Su Mali to make a move.

For this slag who was exiled to the earth by Hexi 2 years ago, most of the functions of the wings of time and space and the gene engine have been shut down, and there is no other way to threaten him except for a dark silver dagger.

It is also impossible to run.

"Su Marie, come out to pick up the guests!" He stood in the castle lobby and called out loudly.

Su Marie is really rich. The castle, housekeeper, and maid are all available. Several bodyguards rushed in and pointed their guns at Mu Chenxing in the center of the lobby.

"Boy, whose subordinate are you, so impolite? When you see me, you have to kneel down!" A strange-looking blond man walked out with his back slightly hunched.

He walks erratically, looks like an Erweizi, and puts on eye makeup under his right eyelid. Just such a thing, he is actually the first love of Hexi, one of the three kings of angels?
There are really all kinds of weird things in ancient times.

He probably saw the wings on Mu Chenxing's back, regarded him as a scum who passed by the earth, and wanted to put on the posture of the army commander of the old era.

Mu Chenxing is not used to him: "I don't want to talk nonsense, we can only live as one today, and you look like you have kidney deficiency that you can't stand upright, you should act first."

"Oh, boy, how old are you? I haven't heard..."

Su Mali is really treacherous, while speaking, An Su's silver dagger has already pierced Mu Chenxing's face.

But the dagger disappeared in an instant, making the second half of his words stuck in his throat.

Suddenly losing the greatest support, his face sank.

Mu Chenxing had already achieved his goal, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense, the anti-void information shock was launched, the enemy was instantly silent, and his body, energy, and thinking were all in chaos.

In the material world, the body loses its sense of balance, black eyes, tinnitus and aphasia, all sense organs cannot collect effective information, and the energy in the body collides randomly, making it difficult to control.

Of course, this state cannot last for a long time, and it can be adjusted back after a few breaths.

But in battle, life and death can be decided in an instant.

A silver light flashed, and Su Mali's head was in a different place.

The newly seized Ansu silver dagger is good to use, but unfortunately it doesn't look good. It has a black grip of [-] centimeters and a curved curved blade of [-] or [-] centimeters. The total length is less than [-] centimeters. The style doesn't quite fit his aesthetic.

He likes flying swords like the Eight-faced Han Sword.

It's a pity that I want to rebuild it, and I don't have the smelting technology of Ansu Silver.

Ignoring the panicked and screaming butlers and servants who ran away, he casually dealt with several bodyguards who shot at him, and waved at Su Marie's body: "Come on!"

The soul came out of the body, completely wrapped by Mu Chenxing's qi, turned into a black smoke, and condensed into a palm-sized qi ball in his hands.

The reason why he kept his soul was because he wanted to obtain the combat experience of the imperial envoy An Su Yin Dagger and Tian Zha's military intelligence.The second is because this guy is Hexi's first love after all, if one day, a [-]-year-old silver-haired angel came to the door, he could have an explanation.

You see, you are not dead yet, your soul is still there, you may still be able to live if you get a body.

As for the corpses on the ground, it is useless. The genes in the super soldiers have self-destruct programs.

Whether it is out of the body or the super soldier dies, the self-destruct program will automatically run. It is impossible to recover super genes from the corpse.

Basically worthless.

He was directly transported several kilometers underground with the fallen bodyguard. There was no corpse or murder weapon. Who could sue himself for murder?
Even if someone sues, Mu Chenxing is not afraid, he just doesn't want to have follow-up troubles.

After dealing with the scene, no longer wasting time, teleported several times in a row, and went directly to outer space, flapped his wings, and returned to Huaxia.

This method of teleportation and flight is the method that he feels is the most suitable for him after an actual test flight.

Small movement, fast take-off, short acceleration time, flexible and efficient, especially easy to use.

Anyway, he does not admit that his flying skills are not good!
After returning to the Super Seminary, only half an hour passed.

It will be more than 50 minutes before the battle armor is finished. He is leaning against the wall in boredom, holding the dark silver dagger, thinking about how to modify it.

To be honest, he is not afraid of anyone below the third generation of gods.

An anti-void information shock, followed by the dark silver dagger transported from space to the deadly place of the enemy, in addition to the third-generation gods who can repair fatal injuries and the fourth-generation gods who aggregate body cells at will, the first, second, and third-generation super fighters, come a death one.

Even the three generations of gods can make good gestures, and it is not certain who will win!

The blessing of an excellent weapon is just so awesome.

The dark silver weapon is on the female angel's side. It is called the silver blade. It is a top-level weapon that only Kaisha has the right to master.

In the same way, the white knife goes in and the red knife comes out.

It's a pity that it can't load any energy. It can only kill the enemy with its own physical characteristics, and it doesn't have the ability to kill Shenwu to destroy genes.

Some fly in the ointment.

This point, he has personally tested, the hardness of the skin blessed by the power of the galaxy gene is as fragile as jelly in front of this dagger.

Dark energy, light energy, biological energy, no response at all, like a cold goddess, no one looks down on her.

But this substance is definitely not an insulator of energy.

Mu Chenxing dared to guarantee it.

Because in the materials of the council, there are related records of the formation of the universe, and all matter in the universe is the product of the combination of energy and information.

In other words, the dark silver is also a wave of energy in essence, how can energy be insulated from energy?It is only because of its extremely stable structure and strong inertness that it shows the physical characteristics of not reacting with other energies.

Even if the smart assistant parses the underlying information of the dark silver, it is useless to know its arrangement structure.

It's so fucking stubborn, the genetic engine in the body can't shake its atomic structure at all, and the means of rewriting information has not yet been mastered.

Mu Chenxing doesn't know how to program energy, and needs a scientist like Zhixin to teach him how to build a void engine.

He can't understand it by himself!
(End of this chapter)

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