Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 78 Please Become Stronger Than Any Existence

Chapter 78 Please Become Stronger Than Any Existence
Mu Chenxing's new battle armor is still a close-fitting streamlined armor, a bit like Zhao Xin's armor, and also a bit like Qiangwei's armor.

Anyway, it’s not dark, and the color matching matches the wings quite well. The integrated dark matter computing cloud claims to have a computing power exceeding 1000 million supercomputers on Earth.

The speed of the dark energy analyzer has been significantly accelerated, and the feedback from the Detective Eye has also become much more sensitive. Others will not be displayed.

The improvement of combat power is limited. He is not taking the path of micro-wormhole transportation, and he has not yet learned how to use high computing power to calculate the enemy's trajectory and attack the combat method.

Following Lianfeng and boarding the helicopter, when they came to the Juxia, just in time for the Xiongbing Company to land and board the ship with an armored plane in the air, and saw Brother Hou being dragged by Leina's hands to land on his face, Mu Chenxing helped him with a sore nose.

This chick is so dark.

3000 meters high, face down, being dragged by her abruptly and patted on the deck of the aircraft carrier, the feeling is absolutely sour.

But Brother Hou is Brother Monkey, his face has not changed, he is worthy of being a king kong, and he is still in the mood to ask others: "What do you mean by conquest?"

Really cool.

Feels harder than galactic force.

"Hmph!" Lena, who was walking towards him, let out a heavy snort, tilted her head, raised her face, squinted her eyes, and walked over as if she couldn't see him, rubbing her shoulders.

"What's the matter?" Qilin came over and asked with concern.

"It's okay, the child loses his temper, don't bother with her." Mu Chenxing shook his head indifferently, and looked at Qilin's stomach: "How's the injury?"

In the previous exercise, she was sent several hundred meters by Monkey King's Ruyi stick, and it hurt to watch.

"Sister Yuqin has been treated remotely, and she's completely fine, as if she wasn't injured." Qilin smiled and didn't take it seriously.

In the Xiongbing Company, her body is as fragile as a piece of paper, but in terms of will, she is the strongest one.

How can I strengthen her body function?

Not only can't find a good opportunity, but there is really nothing beyond the ability of a generation of super genes.

Mu Chenxing sighed, and advised, "Let's take a good rest."

"Don't worry." Qi Lin shook her head: "Let's go, go and assemble. It is said that the commander of the Xiongbing Company wants to see us. I haven't met this supreme leader yet."

Mu Chenxing curled his lips, and was about to go to the interior cabin of the aircraft carrier with the others, when a woman in the uniform of a medical officer and a "big evil" appeared in the force field.

Here comes the cold ice.

She looked at the wave of thoughts pervading the entire aircraft carrier, and muttered in a low voice: "You grow up very fast, kid, come over and have a chat?"

These words reached Mu Chenxing's ears directly, and he didn't refuse, nor could he allow him to refuse.

He said softly to Qi Lin: "I asked for leave before, you guys go to gather."

Disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Liang Bing.This woman is wearing a military uniform today, her heroic appearance reveals the ultimate enchantment, but Mu Chenxing does not dare to let go of her dangerous intuition.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, and I feel a lot more confident. Is it because the gene of the power of the galaxy has been implanted?" Liang Bing shook his head regretfully: "The combination of time and space may not be the best choice. Forget it, Lu It's your choice..."

She paused suddenly, because she read the information that Mu Chenxing had killed Su Mali.

"Damn it, you're so ruthless!" She seemed to think of something interesting, and couldn't help laughing out loud: "Haha, I really want to see someone's reaction, it must be fun.

You might be in trouble, kid. "

The words were full of schadenfreude, but she didn't give a specific explanation. It was her own memory.

"The silver blade is very suitable for the space-time ability, use it well." She didn't mean to grab it, it was just a dark silver dagger, and it was nothing compared to the value of the child in front of her.

"Are you here to investigate the enemy's situation yourself?" Mu Chenxing hadn't been able to speak until now, this demon queen was too good at chattering.

"There is nothing to investigate, just the people of the Super Seminary, there is no secret in front of this queen. I am bored, come and see you, an interesting kid."

"Then I'm really honored." Mu Chenxing didn't believe a word.

Liang Bing smiled indifferently. She was willing to be patient for the child in front of her. It might take 1000 or 1 years for a god to grow, and she could afford to wait.

Pointing earnestly and earnestly: "If you want to protect your planet, it is not enough now, child, you have to learn to stand in a higher dimension and think like a god.

The fate of this planet was decided a long time ago, I just hope you don't die for it foolishly.God’s growth requires giving up a lot, and you need to focus on the future. "

Liang Bing didn't say any specific information, but Mu Chenxing could understand.

The goal of Taotie's millennium war plan is the earth. At that time, the super seminary formed by the survivors of Deno had just arrived on earth, and Karl's layout began 1000 years ago.

The target is directed at Kaisha, the king of angels.

He didn't want to participate in this kind of scheme between the great gods, and he didn't dare to participate.

He has indeed gotten a little improvement recently, but he has not yet reached the point of participating in that kind of high-end battle. His brain has not been teased yet, and he has not been dazzled by power.

Kaisha, who is more than 3 years old, Liang Bing, who is more than 3 years old, and Karl who is no younger than them. These three are all people who have experienced wind and rain and stood at the pinnacle of the known universe.

There are as many minds as there are micro-wormholes in the universe, and the number of celestial-level dark matter computers cannot be counted.

If you get involved in their struggle, you won't even know how you died.

"I just want to keep my homeland." This sentence is purely to maintain the personality, and it is impossible for Mu Chenxing to really work hard for this earth.

Without threatening his own safety, it is his real idea to take action to protect Huaxia in the super god universe.There is no way, whoever makes his two friends want to serve the country, he can't turn a blind eye.

"It's up to you, the queen has said that if you want to go out for a while, no problem, the queen is waiting for you. One day you will truly understand this universe, and then fall into the arms of the queen. I am very confident about that. Those angels Little Bichi, I can't give you what you want."

Liang Bing smiled very confidently, this child is not a quiet character, she could tell it the first time they met.

Now he has killed Hexi's old lover and snatched the token of love she gave away. It's so interesting. The queen is looking forward to the follow-up development.

"Then I can go?" Mu Chenxing had just finished planning his battle system, and he was still a little nervous, but he didn't feel complacent for a few hours, and the demon queen came to attack people.

The world is so friendly to me!
Liang Bing didn't answer, twisted his waist, took a catwalk, and walked farther and farther along the passage in the ship.

I really have to go, Mu Chenxing's "go" is not the same as the "go" understood by others.

He appeared in the laboratory where Lianfeng was in a flash. In the past two days, she was possessed by Qu Tong. The pressure on her soul and body was great, and she felt more and more exhausted.

I was sitting on a chair rubbing my forehead to relieve my dizziness, when suddenly I felt more sleepy, and I fell asleep as soon as I tilted my head.

Mu Chenxing's thoughts retreated from her acupuncture points.

He didn't order any sleeping points, at least he didn't know what those things were, but used his thoughts to massage a few points in Lianfeng's body that were helpful for calming the nerves and sleeping.

For example, the Anmian point behind the ear, Neiguan and Laogong points on the Heart Meridian of Hand Jueyin, Shenmen Point on the Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin, Yongquan Point on the Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin, etc.

It's also because the other party is really tired, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sleep.

Lianfeng slept soundly, she felt like she had a long, long dream, in which her home was still prosperous, and she was still carefree.

But she understood that with the explosion of the stars in the Deno galaxy, all of them turned into fly ash, and she became a rootless interstellar wanderer wandering in the vast universe.

She doesn't like this kind of life.

My heart is sour.

Even after waking up, my heart still felt very empty. By combing my hair, I gently wiped away the moisture from my eyes, and asked softly, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Less than two hours."

The voice that answered her gave her an inexplicable sense of security. Turning around to look, she was indeed the person she thought had the most potential to become a god.

"Morning Star? Aren't you gathering?"

"I asked for leave before."

"Okay, you can avoid the limelight, we are weak now, and we need to bear with the Lieyang people. However, I am confident." Her eyes were full of fanaticism:

"Chen Xing, you will become a god, a god that surpasses all existence in the known universe, you have such potential! I believe that that day will not be too far away, and I will be under your protection, and I will never have to wander again.

After wandering for 1 years, I am tired, and I don't want to live like that again.

Morning Star!Become stronger as soon as possible, become stronger than any existence! "

"Ah, I will."

Mu Chenxing agreed, walked up to the tearful Lianfeng, and provided her with a shoulder to rely on.

And took this opportunity to take back Qu Tong.

(End of this chapter)

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