Chapter 91
"There's no need to sneak in secretly. Your plan is too conservative and it's a waste of time." Mu Chenxing was not interested in the rescue plan proposed by Coulson.

The previous negotiations went smoothly, and the information of the light speed engine was exchanged for a shot, and the information held by the S.H.I.E.L.D. side has already been sent over.They will also be responsible for communicating with the U.S. Air Force, and another part of the data and related instruments and items will be sent over after the agents are rescued.

But there is a condition, to cooperate in combat.

In the name of S.H.I.E.L.D., rescue our own agents.

It doesn't matter, cooperation is cooperation, and Mu Chenxing doesn't care about their twists and turns.

In order to show that this operation was a cooperation between the two forces, Tony and the three were also afraid that Mu Chenxing would be fooled by others because of his young age, so they unanimously decided that Tony and Daisy would provide information support, and Dr. Banner would accompany them in the battle.

On the SHIELD side, Coulson led a tactical team and provided logistical support.

Successfully turned a thing that can be done in 10 minutes into a regular operation that requires several hours of flying to reach the target location.

It's too formal, air command center, nine-man action team, battlefield sand table, and tactical seminars.

Including a pilot who flew the plane and two radar operators, a total of twelve people drove a large plane specially made by Airbus and headed towards East Africa.

In 10 years, the advanced Quin-style stealth aircraft has not yet been installed, and Airbus cannot do supersonic cruise, so the speed is really not fast.

The tactic proposed by Coulson is that the command center hovers over the enemy to provide radar warning, the operators parachute in advance, and then sneak in secretly, with the assistance of local intelligence personnel, complete the rescue operation and quickly evacuate.

Very professional.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a special warfare expert.

But you can't do that, because Wakanda is not an ordinary small country.

Airbus like a fat goose, hovering above people's heads, can be beaten down in less than a minute.Even if people don't want to be exposed, there is a high probability that they won't do anything, but what useful information can conventional radar obtain?
The capital of Wakanda has an energy shield, and the camouflage of optical camouflage is also very good, and the air early warning is completely useless.

"The plane was circling at an altitude of 8000 meters. The three of us, Dr. Banner and Coulson, were directly airborne and carried out beheading tactics to capture King T'Chaka of Wakanda."

Mu Chenxing proposed his own tactics, and took a tactics class with Ajie for an afternoon, which can be regarded as learning something.

Raising his hand to stop other people from rebutting, he continued:

"This is called catching the thief first, and it is the most efficient tactic. After T'Chaka is captured, Coulson will negotiate with him and demand the release of all the agents. If the negotiation fails, I will launch a strong attack.

Just wait for the plane to land and pull people after everything is over, there is no need to be so troublesome. "

Coulson pursed his lips, thinking of the battle at Culver University. The entire battle took less than half a minute, which was shorter than the time it took him to drive there.

"According to Mr. Mu's arrangement, everyone go get ready." He made the final decision.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s six-member tactical team, you look at me, I look at you, what are you going to do?Ready to sleep in a sleeping bag?Or prepare a few bottles of champagne to celebrate the victory?
What are we doing here?

What are we here for?
Their depression and resentment, when the plane arrived in the sky over Berninzana, the capital of Wakanda, Mu Chenxing, Banner and Coulson suddenly disappeared, and within less than ten seconds, the operation success came from the headset. After the news, disappeared without a trace.

The action efficiency is too fast!

Also unbelievable is King T'Chaka of Wakanda.

He conscientiously enjoys life in his own palace, does not recruit anyone, does not provoke anyone, there is no more honest king than him in this world, and the United Nations owes him a lifetime peace award.

But suddenly three people appeared beside him out of nowhere, the old king smiled disdainfully, and wanted to assassinate this king who is a contemporary black panther, you are in bad luck.

I just wanted to get up and show the intruders African characteristics, and let them know what it means to have a black face and black hands.

After a sound of rattling bones rubbing against each other, he found that his limbs were all dislocated, his muscles were sore and limp, and he completely lost the ability to move.

He wanted to activate the Panther armor, but found that the device for storing the armor was missing.

What happened?
The enemy's attack method is beyond his cognition.

"Mr. King, please keep your palace guards quiet, otherwise, things that neither you nor I want to see will happen." Mu Chenxing felt like a big villain when he said this.

From the plane at an altitude of 8000 meters, it was directly transmitted to the palace of Wakanda. The energy shield built with electromagnetic technology could not stop the launch of mind scanning and ground shrinking at all.

Before T'Chaka could react, his thoughts penetrated his body, removed the joints of his limbs, sealed many acupuncture points, took away the Zhenjin armor, and completely subdued his opponent.

All this in just two or three seconds.

Banner and Coulson, who were traveling together, had just recovered from the teleportation, and were shocked by Wakanda's gorgeous and futuristic architectural style. Isn't this a small poor African country?How is it like a future science and technology city?
You won't go to the wrong place, will you?

The radar of the command center shows that Wakanda is either a wasteland or a mountainous area. Where is the high-tech city?

They have more doubts in their hearts than tall buildings in Wakanda.

"Intruders, let the king go!"

"Release the king and surrender immediately!"

Dressed in a red robe and holding a vibrating gold spear, the female palace guards had just reacted, pointed their sharp blades forward, and warned loudly.

The sound of the police came out of the hall, guards rushed in continuously, and the sound of scolding was endless. Mu Chenxing felt very annoyed, and his thoughts were swept away. In an instant, more than a hundred palace guards dislocated their limbs and fell down.

The entire palace hall was filled with the muffled groans of pain, only he, Banner and Coulson were left standing.

"Everyone back down." T'Chaka's order was a step slower, and only the people who entered later were saved.

The members of the guards who fell to the ground were carried out of the hall.

Finally quiet, we can talk about business.

"Colson, I leave it to you."

"Okay." Coulson agreed, trying to calm his surprise, and a friendly smile floated on his cheeks again: "Hello, Your Majesty, we are agents of the Homeland Strategic Offensive Defense and Logistics Support Bureau, please rest assured , we have no malicious intentions."

Mu Chenxing ignored the negotiation, opened his probing eyes, and browsed Wakanda's database.

The technology is much lower-end than I thought.

There is no breakthrough in basic science. All the scientific theories have been published in the current world, but the application has been completed with vibrating metal technology.

For example, magnetic levitation, holographic projection, ion propulsion, electromagnetic force field shield, plasma technology, energy binding force field, optical camouflage camouflage technology, etc., all belong to applied technology.

Although it is not as high-end as he imagined, it does not delay him copying some interesting materials and passing them to Tony.

"Are you sure you are going to Wakanda instead of the future world? These technologies are very high-end, and vibration gold has been widely used? Where did they get so much vibration gold?" Tony yelled in surprise.

Their vibrating gold is everywhere, and the reserves Mu Chenxing has discovered are trillions of tons, and people use vibrating gold for their eating spoons.

Because he couldn't leave the palace for the time being, and he was embarrassed to scratch the ground, he could only collect nearly a thousand cubic meters of vibrating gold ingots within the range of the force field.

The density of vibration gold is even lower than that of titanium, and a cubic meter is only about three tons. Three thousand tons of raw materials are just a drop in the bucket for Wakanda, and they probably won't care.

Apart from Zhenjin, the only thing he values ​​here is the heart-shaped grass. He will ask T'Chaka for some later. They grow heart-shaped grass like a greenhouse, but only the king is allowed to eat it. There must be a lot of it.

He definitely wouldn't mind sharing some with himself, Mu Chenxing was very sure.

(End of this chapter)

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