Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 92 You Need Asylum

Chapter 92 You Need Asylum

The negotiations went smoothly, and the 83 arrested agents, including Hawkeye, were all sent to the apron outside the palace.

But S.H.I.E.L.D.'s planes couldn't land, and Wakanda didn't have such a backward airport. They were all plasma-jet spaceships, and the old-fashioned airport runways had long been eliminated.

Therefore, T'Chaka "generously" sent a cargo spaceship that looked a bit like a big loaf of bread, and it could hold about [-] people, no problem at all.

"You guys go first." Sitting next to the old king, Mu Chenxing waved to Coulson and Banner.

"I'll keep the queen." Banner felt that he was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, suitable for the mission of the queen.

"Don't worry, when I want to leave, no one can stop me, there will be no danger." Mu Chenxing sent his companion away with a smile.

Seeing the aircraft soaring into the sky, he said quietly: "The real appearance of Wakanda will definitely shock the world. The five big gangsters of the United Nations may be scared to death by you. What do you think? Mr. King."

"Wakanda is not afraid of anyone!" The old king replied stiffly.

"Your technology is very advanced, but apart from advanced technology, what else is there? Wakanda, with a population of only a few 10, can withstand the consumption of several wars?"

"The Panther God will guide her people." Every wrinkle on his face reveals piety.

"Well, let me put it another way, you need shelter." Mu Chenxing didn't want to overthrow Wakanda, although he didn't like this kind of social form where the royal family and tribal leaders were superior and ordinary people were ignorant and oppressed.

But people have lived like this for centuries, and no one thinks of rebelling. Naturally, he will not force others to change.

I didn't even want to set off a world war and make people miserable.I just took advantage of S.H.I.E.L.D. to cause some trouble, sell anxiety, and want to take this opportunity to conquer this country.

"The Panther God will protect her people." T'Chaka's attitude was still tough.

It seems that I have stepped on his bottom line, and I am not as easy to talk as before.

"Okay, then let me put it another way. I want a thousand heart-shaped grasses and [-] tons of vibration gold. Otherwise, I will kill you all. You should know that I have such power."

"Okay!" T'Chaka replied quite simply.

Sure enough, as long as his dominion is not moved, he is a very sensible person.

Take some practical benefits first, and then wait for things to develop slowly. Mu Chenxing understands the truth that hot tofu cannot be eaten in a hurry.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has already seen what it looks like here, and Wakanda can't hide anymore. The pressure from all parties will inevitably follow, and T'Chaka will feel uncomfortable.

A world war or something will definitely not start in the short term. No country leader will be a fool. In the early stage, there must be frequent temptations. Wakanda's life will not be easy.

Eventually they will recognize reality.

The war potential of several 10 people cannot withstand the pressure of this world.

"I still say that, you need asylum. Mr. King, if necessary, I can provide you with asylum and find allies for you."

After waiting in the palace for a few hours, I received the news that the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had returned safely. Mu Chenxing took the heart-shaped grass and vibrating gold into the space, and before leaving, he thoughtfully connected T'Chaka's joints , and then disappeared from his sight.

After returning to Marbury, he unexpectedly found that Coulson was also there. This guy's social skills must be full, and he has gotten along well with Ethan and the others in such a short period of time.

"We are very grateful to Mr. Mu for his help, and everyone is very grateful." His tone was very sincere, and he sincerely thought that this contact was extremely successful.

After raiding the enemy's leader, he was alone, and neither the enemy nor the enemy was injured. He felt that he saw a hero.

"It's useless to say nice words, you can't miss anything." Mu Chenxing replied with a smile.

Coulson made a firm promise: "Please rest assured, we are very trustworthy."

Agents are trustworthy, hehe, whoever believes is a fool.

Only strength can make others trust themselves.

Mu Chenxing knows in his heart that power is the foundation of his life, and only when he has enough power can he be surrounded by good people.

Can't stop growing stronger.

This time I grabbed something in Wakanda, but unfortunately it is of little use to me for the time being.

Vibranium's physical properties are excellent, but Wakanda's battle armor weaving technology can't keep up with his needs. The manufacturing process is too inferior, and there is no nanotechnology, let alone atomic-level operations.

It is incomparable with the Dark Metal Armor.

I need to take it back to the Super Seminary, let Lianfeng study it carefully, update the formula of the dark alloy, and manufacture a new type of dark alloy armor with better performance, which is a combination of dark iron and vibrating gold.

The physical characteristics of Zhenjin are really similar to what Lianfeng deduced. Its atomic nuclei are stationary. Only when they are impacted by sound waves and kinetic energy, will they collide to produce quantum, absorb energy and complete energy release.

As for why it was still, Mu Chenxing finally figured it out after in-depth analysis.

When Zhenjin's atomic nucleus is in a normal state, it can actually maintain absolute zero, which is minus 273 degrees Celsius.

Because the atomic nuclei do not collide with each other, the energy cannot be transmitted, and naturally there is no heat conduction. When the energy is released by the impact, it is also the time when the atomic nuclei collide violently. The temperature rises, and there will be no low temperature effect.

Fantastic metal.

As for why it has such physical properties, it can only be said that it is born like this, and its atomic structure is like this.

Because of this atomic structure, vibrating metal is extremely inert and extremely strong, making it very suitable for making defensive equipment.

It is also an excellent material for making energy weapons, but melee weapons are relatively less interesting, because when the vibration metal is in a high-energy state, the physical strength will decrease exponentially, which has a great impact on the direct killing ability required for melee combat .

I am not a scientist, so I can only have a general idea of ​​how to use it, and in-depth research still depends on professionals.

After Coulson left, Mu Chenxing left a cubic of vibration gold for Tony and others to study, and also sent a cubic to Ma Xianhong.

There are [-] cubic vibrating gold in his current space, but there is no need to take out all of them in the experimental stage. When the results are obtained, we will talk about it when it is mass-produced.

He didn't take out the heart-shaped grass either.

This mutated herb that only grows on the land rich in vibration gold is not a medicine for strengthening genes, but a catalyst for optimizing gene expression.

That is to say, it does not have the ability to change genes in the slightest, but it only promotes your body function close to your original upper limit, very much like a non-toxic and harmless adrenaline that works permanently until you drink the antidote and relieve the heart-shaped grass. efficacy.

He plans to take it out with other benefits when the team is built, and the issue of equipment has to be left to Ma Xianhong and Tony to start making.

"The energy problem has been solved, and the power system and body materials are in place. I look forward to your work being able to defeat me." Mu Chenxing said some words of encouragement, and then went on to do his own research.

He wants to make a "box" for the space gem to prevent it from being stolen when he is not in Marvel.

(End of this chapter)

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