At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the competition for the deer in the world

Chapter 48 The siege of Dongming, the locust plague first appeared

Chapter 48 The siege of Dongming, the locust plague first appeared

To positive January 12, [-] years.

The court of the Yuan Dynasty ordered Pingzhang Gongbu to lead the guards of the Han army and the Tatar army. A total of 4 people besieged and killed Liu Futong in Dongming.

January [-]nd.

ugly time.

Not long after Liu Futong captured Dongming, he was surrounded by Gong Buban's army galloping across the starry night.

The situation is grim and the crisis is coming.

Liu Futong's residence.

Liu Futong, Qian Wen, Xun Dao and Mao Gui are going to discuss how to get rid of the current predicament.

Xun Dao is a native of Dongming City. He is a hermit who admires Liu Futong. He recently joined Liu Futong and became one of Liu Futong's staff.

Liu Futong looked around the crowd solemnly, "Unexpectedly, we escaped Han Wunuhan's siege, but fell into the siege of Gong Buban's army. It seems that the Yuan army is determined to bite us."

Everyone present frowned upon hearing this.

For a moment.

Qian Wen said: "General, I have thought twice. Our current plan is to conquer Hua and Junzhou, and enter Kekaizhou. If such a feat is really accomplished, when the time comes, our Red Turban Army will It will grow rapidly, and the Yuan Dynasty’s constant pressure will be easily resolved.”

Qian Wen's words made everyone's eyes light up.

"Mr. Qian's words are certainly reasonable, and they can also be used as the next strategy of our Red Scarf Army. But the question now is how to get through the immediate crisis?" Mao Gui's eyes flashed with worry.

What Mao Gui said made everyone's face darken.

at this time.

Xun Dao suddenly said: "Gong Buban, I know this person quite well. It is not difficult to break through the crisis in front of us."

Everyone present looked at Xun Dao.

Liu Futong frowned, "What's your plan, Mister? Why don't you come up with them one by one."

Xun Dao nodded: "The general can order Luo Wensu and Sheng Wenyu to lead [-] elite soldiers each, as the left and right wings, and General Mao Gui to lead [-] soldiers as the central army. As for the general, he will stick to Dongming. We will make dinner at the second watch tonight. , Taking advantage of the bright moon in the middle of the night, pull out the stronghold and set up camp, take the horses and the bells, and walk quietly. Then kill the Yuan army and set fires everywhere."

Mao Gui was very puzzled, "The army of Gong Buban is camping three miles outside the city now, won't our red scarf army be discovered by Yuan soldiers once we leave the city?"

Liu Futong also showed confusion on his face.

Qian Wen was thoughtful.

Xun Dao smiled and said, "I know that there is a small path in Dongming City. You can pass through this path directly and appear behind the Yuan army. The siege of Dongming can be broken."

After hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

Liu Futong said with a smile: "If so, then Mr.'s plan is feasible."

"General, it's time to make preparations." Qian Wen said.

Hearing this, Liu Futong put away his smile, looked at Mao Gui, and said solemnly: "Mao Gui, you tell Luo Wensu and Sheng Wenyu about this plan, let them go down and make preparations, and you also go down and make preparations."

Mao Gui nodded, but asked, "I need to send someone to investigate that trail."

Afterwards, Liu Futong looked at Xun again and said, "Where is the trail that Mr. said?"

Xun Dao didn't respond immediately, but groped for a piece of white cloth from his arms.

Lines are drawn on the white cloth, and various detailed marks are made on it.

Then, Xun Dao handed the white cloth to Mao Gui, "This is where the trail is."

Seeing this, Liu Futong smiled and said, "Mister seems to have been prepared for a long time."

Xun Dao smiled and said nothing.

Everyone looked at Xun Dao one after another, full of admiration in their hearts.

Pingzhang Gongbuban's only hobby is drinking.

It's just that he loves more deeply.

Drinking like life.

Since he took command of the army, there has not been a day when he has not indulged in wine and sex.

at this time.

It was completely dark.

In the big tent of Gong Buban.

Gather all the generals of Gongbu Squad.

Gong Buban looked at the people present and said with a smile: "The Red Scarf Army is all mobs. Since my army has come, the Red Scarf Army and the others will be the leaders. I have summoned everyone here to get drunk with you. We will wait until tomorrow. Siege the city again, and then kill them all without leaving a piece of them, kill them to your heart's content."

When everyone heard the words, they all agreed: "The general is wise."

So, Gong Buban set up a banquet in the tent, and everyone left after getting drunk.

Wait until the third watch is over.

Eleven thousand tiger and wolf soldiers of the Red Turban Army were killed in three groups.

At this time, Gong Buban was drunk in the tent, snoring like thunder, and there was no movement at all.

Mao Gui ordered people to light fires everywhere, and led [-] Qingqi to find where Gong Buban was.

The fight shook the sky, and the flames shot up to the sky.

Gong Buban finally woke up.

When he heard the sound of killing, he jumped up quickly and asked the soldiers angrily, "Why are you making so much noise? I wonder if I will kill the Red Scarf Army tomorrow?"

However, the soldiers of Gong Buban did not answer at all.

He was very flustered, he hurriedly grabbed Gong Buban and got on his horse, fleeing in a hurry in the dark.

And Gong Buban also sobered up, regretting it very much, secretly said: This battle is my fault.

It seems that drinking will really make things wrong.

If it wasn't for drinking too much, why did it come to this?

Looking at the endless night, Gong Buban felt the determination to quit drinking for the first time.

As for the guilt of the defeat in this battle, he is not worried, because someone in the court can speak for him.

Mao Gui ordered people to chase and kill them. The Yuan army was in chaos and trampled on each other, causing countless casualties.

Therefore, the siege of Dongming was lifted.

After Liu Futong and others found out, they burst out laughing.

Finally, the siege of Dongming was lifted.

On January 12, [-].


Cheng De and his party rushed to Hongze City.

Deng Youde welcomed Cheng De and others into the city.

Hongze City.

Cheng De's mansion.

"General, you are finally here." Deng Youde smiled.

Cheng De didn't speak immediately, but looked at Deng Youde, "How long has it been since Feng Guoyong and He Sanwu attacked Qinghe and Qingjiang?"

Deng Youde replied: "One day has passed."

"Did they send back any news?" Cheng De asked.

"No." Deng Youde replied.

"Where is Jueshengwei? Don't they know?" Cheng De's eyes were full of worry.

"There is no movement from Jueshengwei." Deng Youde replied.

Cheng De fell silent.

"Is there any movement from the Yuan Army in Huai'an City?" Cheng De looked at Deng Youde.

Deng Youde said seriously: "I have sent ten teams of scouts on the road from Hongze to Huai'an City. According to the news they sent back, the Yuan army in Huai'an City did not send Yuan troops to attack Hongze City."

"That's it! Feng Guoyong and He Sanwu shouldn't have much problem. I'm going to head for Huai'an City with six thousand elite soldiers at noon." Cheng De said.

Deng Youde looked a little hesitant, "General, there are a lot of Yuan troops in Huai'an City, but the general only has 6000 people, this—"

Cheng De interrupted Deng Youde, "I am naturally aware of your worries. However, I have not considered storming Huai'an City. This Huai'an City can only be taken out of your wits. When I get near Huai'an City, I will contact Jueshengwei , Make plans at that time. Moreover, once Feng Guoyong and He Sanwu attack Qinghe and Qingjiang, if the city guards, Yuan will send people to Huai'an City for help. I can also intercept them halfway."

"The general is wise!" Deng Youde bowed and saluted.

Cheng De smiled when he heard the words, "Besides, even if the Yuan army in Huai'an City receives the distress letter from Qinghe and Qingjiang Yuan soldiers, if they dare to send Yuan troops to support them, I will wait for the opportunity to set up an ambush and kill them. Of course, if Jueshengwei investigates earlier With the Yuan army's support plan, the chances of winning will be even better."

Deng Youde nodded: "The general is as intelligent as the sea, and his subordinates admire him."

Cheng De shifted his gaze to Deng Youde, "Is there any embarrassment in Hongze City?"

Deng Youde was startled, and thought for a while, "General, the locust plague in Hongze has begun to spread outside the city."

Cheng De's face changed greatly when he heard this, "How could Hongze City be so fast?"

Deng Youde was silent.

Cheng De regained his composure and looked at Deng Youde, "Is there any arrangement for locust control measures?"

"It's been arranged. But, I'm afraid it's too late." Deng Youde's face was a little heavy.

Cheng De's heart sank suddenly.

The plague of locusts in Hongze City has already begun, so Sizhou, Xuyi, Dingyuan, and Haozhou are probably coming soon.

Think for a long time.

Cheng De looked at Deng Youde and said, "Do your best and save as many fields as you can."

"Yes." Deng Youde replied.

There was another silence in the arena.

long silence.

Painful silence.

(End of this chapter)

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