At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the competition for the deer in the world

Chapter 49 The Death of Haozhou, First Hearing the Bad News

Chapter 49 The Death of Haozhou, First Hearing the Bad News

It was noon.

Cheng De led six thousand elites towards Huai'an City.

at the same time.

A great event happened in Haozhou.

The Li family, the Chen family, the Song family, and the Zheng family, the four major landowners in Haozhou City, brought their servants, a total of 4000 people, to attack Yang Wei, who was stationed in Haozhou City, in the early morning of this morning.

The fuse of the matter was that Jin Yiwei Commander Zhang Qijiu led the Jin Yiwei to frequently and secretly investigate the Li family, the Chen family, the Song family, and the Zheng family.

However, people are not as good as God.

Zhang Qijiu never expected that the matter would be leaked, causing the fear of these four families, and secretly united to launch a sudden attack.

The reason for the leak was that when Jin Yiwei under his command came into contact with the tenants of the four major landlords, he accidentally aroused the idea of ​​someone with a heart, and reported everything he saw to their respective landlords.

And these four landlords called the tenant farmers who had been questioned by Jin Yiwei to question them.

The tenant farmer answered truthfully.

As a result, the four major landlords were fearful, worried that the Sizhou army would kill them and take away their property, so they secretly united and pulled up a team of 4000 people, ready to resist.

These four families took the lead in launching the attack at Chenshi today. They divided into three groups, one was preparing to attack the east gate and the south gate, the other was rushing towards the general's mansion, and the other was setting fires everywhere in the city, causing chaos.

Yang Wei, who was training soldiers in the school field, was furious when he heard the news. He immediately gathered [-] soldiers and horses, and divided them into three groups.

Among them, there are two ways to kill towards the east gate and the south gate.

Another way: Yang Wei was very worried about the safety of Ma Xiuying and Guo Hui in the general's mansion, so he took five hundred elites and headed towards the general's mansion.

After Cheng De left Haozhou City, Zhang Qijiu left two hundred brocade guards in the General's Mansion, responsible for protecting the safety of Ma Xiuying and others.

However, facing an enemy several times larger than their own, the two hundred brocade guards seemed a little stretched.

In less than half an hour, even if the two hundred Jinyiwei fought bravely, but the opponent had a large number of enemies, in the end there were only twenty Jinyiwei left.

These twenty guards in brocade clothes were all wounded, with resolute faces, and they stood in front of the gate of the general's mansion lined up in a row.

The general who attacked the general's mansion was a member of the Li family, named Li Bin.

He brought 1000 people to attack the general's mansion for the treasure house in the general's mansion.

This is a joint agreement between the four families, to take down the treasure house first, and then recruit troops.

Of course, if you take down the General's Mansion, you can also take down the female relatives in the General's Mansion by the way.

As far as they know, Cheng De's woman is in the general's residence.

The woman who took down Cheng De can also be used as a bargaining chip.

However, I didn't expect these Jin Yiwei to be so tenacious.

After nearly 300 people fell on my side, there were still [-] people left on the other side.

This was beyond Li Bin's expectation.

Looking at the remaining [-] injured Jin Yiwei, Li Bin said indifferently: "Now you only have [-] people left, do you still want to fight to the end?"

It's just that the twenty Jinyiwei kept silent and took a deep breath, preparing to continue fighting the enemy.

Li Bin's face was ashen, "Those who know the current affairs are the heroes. Those who don't know the current affairs will bring themselves to perish."

Seeing that the twenty Jinyiwei did not respond, Li Bin completely lost his patience and gave up his original idea of ​​persuading surrender. He waved his hand, "Let the arrow!"


A shower of arrows shot at the twenty Jinyiwei.

After these brocade guards looked at each other, they all looked at the arrow rain calmly.

Someone said: "Madam should have arrived at a safe place by now, we made an appointment to meet on Huangquan Road! Let me kill you!!"

"Kill!!" The rest of Jin Yiwei echoed.

Facing the rain of arrows, 20 people rushed towards Li Bin one after another.

The momentum is like a rainbow!

However, before these 20 people rushed to Li Bin's eyes, they still fell down one by one.

Falling into a pool of blood, their eyesight gradually lost, and the corners of their mouths smiled before they died.

In the eyes of Li Bin and others, this scene shrank their pupils.

These people are really terrible and respectable.

Fortunately, they are all dead now.

Li Bin said coldly: "Everyone, follow me into the General's Mansion, empty the treasure house of the General's Mansion, and be quicker with your hands and feet. By this time, the Sizhou Army should be on their way."

Li Bin felt regretful in his heart: it was a pity to let Cheng De's woman escape.

When everyone heard the words, they all trembled.

Immediately, Li Bin and his group broke in and moved all the valuable things out of the general's mansion.

After Zhang Qijiu heard the news that the four major landowners in Haozhou City had suddenly launched an attack, his heart was filled with anger.

Originally, he was sorting out the records of investigating the four major landowners in the house these days, and when he was ready to sort it out, he sent people to the General's Mansion in Sizhou City.

But he didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly, and he was caught off guard.

Immediately, Zhang Qijiu sent Jin Yiwei to protect Li Shanchang, Lu Bubu, Luo Mao and others, and took them to a safe place.

As for the General's Mansion, Zhang Qijiu was not worried, he had already made arrangements in advance.

After Cheng De left the General's Mansion, he found a skilled craftsman in the courtyard west of the General's Mansion, made a big hole and installed an iron gate. Through the iron gate, he could go straight to a Jinyiwei garrison on the main street. Then it can be taken to a safe place to hide.

This was an arrangement he had prepared for the worst, and he didn't expect it to be used so soon.

For a moment.

Zhang Qijiu had a cold look in his eyes, and led 1000 people from Jinyiwei towards the nearest Zheng family to kill.

Zhang Qijiu was completely angry.

If he hadn't made arrangements, if something happened to the horse girl, he couldn't imagine what would happen to the general?

And what about himself?
At that time, I am afraid I can only apologize with death.

After a stick of incense.

Zhang Qijiu brought a thousand royal guards to the gate of Zheng's house.

Looking at the closed door.

Zhang Qijiu waved his hand, "Break it open!"

It didn't take long.


The door opened.

"The Zheng family intends to rebel, and the whole family will not stay!" Zhang Qijiu's voice was extremely cold.

"Yes." Jin Yiwei replied.

Jin Yiwei quickly divided into dozens of groups, and they all headed towards different directions of the Zheng family.

Kill everyone, old or young, women or children.

For a while, the Zheng family's blood flowed like rivers.

Corpses lay all over the ground, lying everywhere.

Zhang Qijiu walked straight towards the inner courtyard of the Zheng family, looking at the bloodstains everywhere, expressionless.

at this time.

Suddenly a person came out from a room in the middle.

Zhang Qijiu looked intently and found that this person was the scholar Zheng Yuan who had been in contact with Master Lu many times.

Zheng Yuan was holding a bamboo flute in his hand at this moment, and at this moment, he no longer had the vigor of the past.

He felt alive and dead, like playing or not playing the bamboo flute.

As for Zhang Qijiu's figure, Zheng Yuan didn't seem to notice it, he didn't care at all, just sat on the ground in front of Zhang Qijiu, played the tune once, the tune was sad and beautiful.

After Zhang Qijiu listened to the song, he said softly: "I'm afraid this song can only be found in the sky, you should go to the sky to play it."

Then, Zhang Qijiu swung the long knife tightly in his hand, the light of the knife flashed, Zheng Yuan's head flew two feet away, the corpse was still sitting, still holding the flute in his hand.

The blood on the tip of the long knife dripped on the ground and remained dry for a long time.

After glancing at Zheng Yuan's head, Zhang Qijiu went into the room where Zheng Yuan had just walked out to check.

Zhang Qijiu heaved a sigh of relief when he rummaged through boxes and cabinets and found no more living people hidden there.

After half an hour.

Zhang Qijiu and his party took over the entire Zheng family, and a large amount of land deeds, jewelry, and food fell into the hands of the Sizhou army.

After piling up all these harvests in the large courtyard of the Zheng family, and leaving a hundred brocade guards to guard them, Zhang Qijiu led people non-stop and killed them towards the Chen family, Li family, and Song family.

Two hours later, none of the Chen family, Li family, and Song family were alive.

Zhang Qijiu was also in each house, leaving a hundred brocade guards to watch over the harvest piled up in the courtyard.

the other side.

The rebels at the east gate and south gate of Haozhou City were all killed.

As for the General's Mansion, Li Bin and others were carrying the precious belongings in the treasury, but they didn't expect Yang Wei's people to come so fast.

There was no nonsense at all, and the two sides directly hacked and killed.

Because Li Bin and the others were caught off guard and took the upper hand, and Yang Wei was commanding elites, Li Bin and the others soon ran out of money and fled desperately.

After recapturing the General's Mansion and ordering people to put the property back into the warehouse, Yang Wei left 200 people to guard the General's Mansion.

Afterwards, Yang Wei gathered Sizhou troops including Dongchengmen and Nanchengmen, and quickly attacked to kill the people who were lighting fire everywhere in Haozhou city.

Three hours later.

Only then did the chaos in Haozhou City subside completely.

The fires everywhere were extinguished only with the cooperation of the common people and the Sizhou army.

However, after the war, Li Shanchang arranged for someone to count the losses, which was very appalling.

However, this loss is far inferior to the gain.

However, in this battle, the Sizhou army killed 520 people, injured 400 one, Jinyiwei suffered 350 casualties, Haozhou civilians died 430 and [-] people, injured [-] people, and burned [-] houses.

Li Shanchang looked at the statistical list and fell silent.

He was thinking about how to report this time to Cheng De.

a long time.

Li Shanchang began to write with difficulty, but his face was very heavy.

It took half an hour for Li Shanchang to finish writing.

Thinking of the locust plague control, Li Shanchang began to write again. This time his brows stretched and he wrote very quickly.

Regarding the control of locust plagues, everything is progressing in an orderly manner.

Haozhou, Dingyuan, Sizhou, and Xuyi have all implemented actions.

For the details, only Lu needn't know.

Lu didn't need to do things quickly, and the Sizhou army in Dingyuan, Sizhou, Xuyi, Haozhou and other places cooperated very well, and the common people also understood, so they moved very quickly.

In a few days, the matter of controlling the locust plague can be turned over.

In the same way, it means that it is time to leave Haozhou and go to the Sizhou General's Mansion.

Li Shanchang put down the brush in his hand and looked into the distance, listening to the wailing sounds from time to time, he felt quite uncomfortable.

Probably those who cried were all crying for the innocent family members who were affected this time!

Even he was almost involved in this matter.

If Zhang Qijiu hadn't sent Jin Yiwei to save him in time, he would have almost died in this incident.

After sighing heavily, Li Shanchang ordered his servants to send the written letter to the General's Mansion in Sizhou City first.

Cheng De and his party finally arrived at a forest four miles away from Huai'an City at dusk.

Afterwards, Cheng De ordered to set up camp on the spot, and sent several teams of scouts to search around.

at this time.

in the big account.

Cheng De looked worried.

Looking at the bright or dark candlelight, Cheng De's eyes were cloudy.

Why is there no news from Feng Guoyong and He Sanwu?
Is something wrong?

Also, there was no news from Jueshengwei, which cast a cloud over Cheng De's heart.

Late at night, Cheng De was so worried that he couldn't fall asleep.

I just feel infinitely irritable and restless.

Until the child time.

Cheng De was about to fall asleep.

Suddenly at this time, the people from Jueshengwei appeared.

Cheng De immediately lost his sleepiness and let Jueshengwei enter the tent.

After Jueshengwei bowed to Cheng De, he handed the letter in his hand to Cheng De.

Just as Cheng De received the letter, Jueshengwei fell backwards, his eyes darkened.

Cheng De helped Jueshengwei in time, and shouted outside the big tent: "Sapphire!"

Lan Yu entered the tent after hearing Cheng De's voice.

When he saw Sapphire, Cheng De pointed to Jueshengwei and said, "Take him down first and have a good rest."

Sapphire moved closer, glanced at Jueshengwei, then put her hand on Jueshengwei's pulse, rolled over Jueshengwei's eyelids, and checked Jueshengwei's body.

Sapphire's body froze suddenly and fell silent.

Cheng De wanted to stop the action of looking at Lan Yu, but seeing that he was looking at it seriously, he didn't bother him.

However, Sapphire's expression couldn't hide Cheng De at all, and Cheng De's heart skipped a beat.

Hastily bent down and put his hand on Jueshengwei's pulse, Cheng De was stunned.

How can it be?

It was still warm just now, why is it gone now?
Immediately, Cheng De looked at Lan Yu, "Looking at you, you seem to know how he died?"

Lan Yu replied, "General, he died from the poison of a snake."

"Snake venom?" Cheng De looked at Sapphire in surprise.

"General, please look, this is the bite mark of a poisonous snake." Sapphire spoke while lifting a piece of clothing on Kai Jueshengwei's left arm.

Cheng De took a look, feeling a little depressed, "There should be a plaque on him, you can find it, this is the only plaque that can identify his identity, and only Yang Zhongkai knows his identity."

Sapphire did as she did, and she found a dark wooden diamond-shaped sign on her chest, with a number engraved on it: 69.

Lan Yu was stunned, but Cheng De took the sign from Lan Yu's hand, and was fascinated by the number.


Cheng De said calmly: "It's nearby, find a place, and bury him properly! No monument will be erected."

When Lan Yu heard this, she didn't ask any further questions, and replied, "Yes, Lan Yu will go now."

Seeing Lan Yu carrying the body of the Jueshengwei on her back, Cheng De glanced at the wooden sign again, and put it in his arms.

This outstanding sound guard needs to be re-shirted!
Then, he turned his attention to the letter in his hand.

This letter is a bit heavy.

It made his hands tremble a little, and he was very afraid that something would happen to Feng Guoyong and He Sanwu.

However, Cheng De still kept his mind and opened the letter to read.

Cheng De read this letter very slowly.

After reading it, the letter in Cheng De's hand slipped from his fingers and fell to the ground without realizing it.

Then, his eyes went dark, and he almost fainted.

Forcing his nerves, Cheng De picked up the letter again in disbelief and read it again.

The contents of the letter read:

From the General:

Zhizheng 12 years, January [-]st, Zishi.

The subordinates and He Dadu are unified and follow the plan.His subordinates attacked Qinghe, and He Dadu took over Qingjiang.

The subordinates attacked Qinghe by surprise. The Yuan army was lazy and all sleeping soundly, so they attacked at night.Although the city is high and the walls are strong, our Sizhou army fought to the death from top to bottom, and their morale was high. Thanks to Xu Da, Tang He, Zhou Dexing, Geng Zaicheng, Feng Siqi and five people, they were brave enough to break through the city walls and open the city gates. Our army took advantage of the trend and went down Qinghe.

In this battle, our army suffered 4000 casualties, killed [-] enemies, and surrendered [-]. Xu Da, Tang He, Zhou Dexing, Geng Zaicheng, and Feng Siqi were all seriously injured. The bleeding didn't stop, but fortunately, in Qinghe City, I found a genius doctor to help, the bleeding stopped, and the injury was stable.

He Dadu seized the Qingjiang River, but the Yuan army was prepared for it.He Dadu fought bloody battles under Qingjiang City, killing countless enemies. When the battle was in full swing, suddenly a cold arrow hit him.Therefore, the battle to seize Qingjiang was defeated.

The subordinates gathered more than 6000 people from the defeated army of He Dadu. Today, Qinghe has a total of 1 people from our Sizhou army, and [-] people have surrendered, totaling [-] people.

Knowing the matter of He Dadu's reunification, his subordinates sent people to look for it everywhere, but they couldn't find it in the end.

The subordinates hated Qingjiang Yuan soldiers, secretly investigated the matter, and found out that it was all because of Zhou Qisan's throwing of Yuan, and He Dadu's sniper shot was also related to it.

The Huai'an strategy, the subordinates think it is still feasible.

If you are looking for the unification of the capital, your subordinates will never give up.

He Dadu had to avenge his arrows and had to avenge him.Zhou Qisan had to kill this person.

This matter has become the mind of the Sizhou Army.

I hope the general will decide!

Cheng De lost his mind for a moment, but his heart was full of anger.

However, Cheng De suddenly realized something and secretly calmed down.

Because, he remembered a very deep sentence:
Don't be angry, anger will reduce your wisdom; don't hate, hatred will make you lose your judgment.

Once He Sanwu's body is gone, the search for him will never stop.

As for Zhou Qisan, Cheng De wished he could tear him apart.

However, the problems before him now made him have to think again.

Is it to fight Qingjiang or Huai'an now?

Think for a while.

Cheng De decided to fight Huai'an City.

If Huai'an were to be attacked, Qingjiang should have suffered a lot of losses after the previous battle, and would be unable to help Huai'an City again.

Moreover, he decided to let Feng Guoyong stare at Qingjiang to death, so that Qingjiang's Yuan army could only retreat in Qingjiang City.

If Qingjiang is attacked, Huai'an has the strength and opportunity, and it is very likely that it will assist Qingjiang.

At that time, it will not be so good to be attacked by the enemy.

After the decision was made, Cheng De quickly wrote a letter and sent someone to send it to Qinghe Feng Guo overnight.

The main content of the letter is to tell him: first, stare at Qingjiang Yuanjun; second, continue to send people to look for He Sanwu.

After doing all this, Cheng De began to think about how to destroy Huai'an City.

Time is passing by quickly.

Soon, the earth ushered in the dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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