Chapter 54

When Cheng De heard this, he immediately ordered three thousand soldiers and horses.

The Jueshengwei led the way and headed towards the place where Liu Gu was about to start an incident.

the other side.

There is an ancient temple in the north of Huai'an City.

Suddenly, a group of rats filed out, holding each other's heads and tails, a total of 21 rats.

Not long ago, the local people held the winter sacrifice ceremony, and there were several pairs of candles left in the temple.

At this moment, it is already night, and the candle lights are uncertain.

The group of rats sprinted under the candle, clung to each other, and finally climbed up around the lamp post, eating the candle wax like no one else was around.

And in this place, a group of people gathered here with red scarves on their heads, about four hundred in number.

Their eyes followed Liu Gu's line of sight, and it was the scene of the group of mice moving just now.

Liu Gu looked at the group of mice, and then turned to the crowd, "The mice all know to rely on each other's strength in order to eat food, let alone us?"

After a pause, Liu Gu continued: "Do you all know who is enshrined in this temple?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"The person enshrined in this temple is Emperor Wu of Song Dynasty Liu Yuye. And I, Liu Gu, are actually the descendants of Emperor Wu of Song Dynasty. I also found this matter from the genealogy before. I think that Emperor Wu of Song Dynasty was such a hero back then! Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty joined the army, took charge of the soldiers of the northern government, conquered from the south to the north, and finally won the world. In today’s troubled times, it’s time for this man to use his life, and the prince and general will Ning You plant?” Liu Gu clenched his fists excitedly and looked at everyone Said.

Everyone stared at Liu Gu, waiting for him to continue.

Liu Gu understood the meaning of everyone's eyes, and continued to say: "What a man has done, he should lift a three-foot sword and run across the world, and we should follow suit!"

After hearing this, everyone said, "We are willing to recognize you as our leader!"

After everyone finished speaking, Liu Gu asked people to take out the pigs and sheep that had been prepared, as well as incense paper candles.

Then Liu Gu burned incense and bowed three times to the statue of Emperor Wu of Song Dynasty, and said: "Emperor Wu entrusted me with a dream and asked me to do something. I, Liu Gu, are willing to obey the oracle and start today."

Later, Liu Gu led a group of people and was about to kill Huai'an City.

Suddenly, Cheng De and his party arrived.

Cheng De ordered the crowd to be surrounded.

For a while, Liu Gu and others were terrified.

Liu Gu couldn't believe it, he did it so secretly, how could anyone know?

Immediately, Liu Gu looked at the group of people behind him, glared at them and said, "Who leaked our incident tonight?"

Seeing Liu Gu's appearance of wanting to kill, the group of people behind Liu Gu did not dare to look directly at him and lowered their heads one after another.

They are also thinking: Who leaked this?

After Cheng De glanced at Liu Gu, he said indifferently, "Your name is Liu Gu?"

When Liu Gu heard this, his body froze, and he turned his head to look at Cheng De who was riding on the horse, his face was as white as paper.

Glancing at the soldiers of the Sizhou Army around him a few more times, he was terrified.

After thinking about it, Liu Gu calmed down, "Return to my lord, the younger one is Liu Gu."

Cheng De glanced at Liu Gu, "What are you gathering here for?"

Liu Gu rolled his eyes, feeling relieved, and thought to himself: It seems that this group of people don't know about him.

So Liu Gu replied: "My lord, we are here for the annual winter festival."

Cheng De sneered and said, "Now, you still haven't told the truth, have you?"

After hearing this, Liu Gu was startled, "My lord, this is—"

Cheng De took another look at everyone except Liu Gu.

When it was found that their expressions were full of vigilance and their eyes showed hostility.

Cheng De's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Cheng De slowly raised his hand, but Liu Gu secretly said that he was not good, and quickly knelt down and cried bitterly: "My lord, the younger one sees that the elder is not the Yuan army, so the younger one will tell the truth. We are all from Huai'an City." The poor people, because of the bullying and persecution of the Yuan people, had to gather here to fight for a chance!"

However, just after Liu Gu had finished speaking, someone from the newly recruited Yuan army in the Sizhou army of Chengde said, "General, this man is lying. I have seen this Liu Gu before. He was a rascal in Huai'an City before. He usually steals chickens and dogs, etc. Not less. But we used to see him often, and we only beat him up, and didn't kill him. I hope the general will learn from him!"

After hearing this, Liu Gu was shocked.

He never expected that at this critical moment, the car overturned.

But Cheng De nodded: "That's it. It seems that you Liu Gu really don't know how to live or die. When you die, you are trying to deceive me? It seems that the people who follow you Liu Gu are not good people. .”

After saying this sentence, Cheng De looked at Liu Gu and his party coldly, waved his hand and said, "Kill them all!"

Liu Gu was full of despair, but seeing that there was no hope of survival, he pointed his face grimly at Cheng De and said, "I am the descendant of Emperor Wu of Song Dynasty, and I acted according to his oracle, aren't you afraid of being punished by Emperor Wu of Song? "

Cheng De looked at Liu Gu expressionlessly, "Crazy talk, if Emperor Wu of Song was still alive, he would crawl out of the ground and beat you to death if he saw you as a junior. Besides, you are not some kind of Emperor Wu of Song. Alive. Do it!"

"Kill!" Hearing the words, all the Sizhou army slashed at the crowd with long knives.

After a stick of incense.

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, piled up like a mountain.

Cheng De didn't change his face, and after glancing at the statue of Song Wu Emperor Liu Yu, he said lightly: "Go back to the camp!"

Afterwards, Cheng De and his party returned to the barracks.

After returning to the big tent of the military camp, Cheng De took a rest directly.

A gleam of moonlight shone on the solid outline of Huai'an City, as if it was in the sky or in front of your eyes.

He Sanwu walked towards Huai'an City in a panic.

At this time, He Sanwu's clothes were so torn that there was not a single piece of them intact.

Moreover, there was a strong rancid smell coming from his body.

And the wound on his right arm already gave off a rancid smell.

He was dizzy and his body was shaking constantly, but he persisted with one breath.

In the past few days, he has experienced many hardships in the world.

After the arrow fell into the water from the attack on the Qingjiang River, he tried his best to swim up to the shore, but because the water in Hongze Lake was too cold, he struggled a few times and passed out.

After fainting, his body floated on the surface of Hongze Lake.

That night, he happened to be rescued by a fisherman on a fishing boat passing by Hongze Lake.

It's just that the fisherman didn't have good intentions to save him.

The fisherman just regarded He Sanwu as meat.

When He Sanwu woke up, he found himself tied to the boat and unable to move.

At that time, the fisherman who rescued him from Hongze Lake was sharpening his knife.

From time to time, he put his eyes on He Sanwu, and the deep green light in his eyes made He Sanwu realize that he was in a life-and-death crisis.

However, the rope tied to him by the fisherman was so strong that he couldn't break free.

I can only watch the fisherman sharpen his knife, waiting for death to come.

However, what he didn't expect was that when the fisherman was walking towards him step by step with a sharpened knife, suddenly a group of water thieves appeared on Hongze Lake.

But the water thief shot the fisherman to death with an arrow, and the fisherman died in front of his eyes. When he died, his face was facing him.

When the water thief stepped into the boat and found that there was no property on board, he spread his grievances on He Sanwu.

After a severe beating, He Sanwu was injured more and more.

Afterwards, he was taken to the lair of water thieves.

However, he secretly remembered the route of the water thief's lair, waiting for the opportunity to escape.

Fortunately, he finally went through some hardships and escaped from the water thief's lair.

On the way, he met a fortune teller who told him to go straight in the direction of Huai'an City, and there must be life.

At that time, he was only concerned about escaping from the water thief's lair and lost his way, so he believed the fortune-telling and walked towards Huai'an City.

After walking to Huai'an City, He Sanwu was exhausted and finally collapsed.

Before he fell, the world was dark in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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