Chapter 55

The next day, Qingxiao.

After Cheng De woke up, he inspected the barracks.

After inspecting the barracks, when Cheng De was about to return to the big tent, he suddenly saw Yang Lian walking in front of him, walking like the wind.

"This subordinate has seen the general!" Yang Lian bowed his head and saluted.

Cheng De glanced at Yang Lian, "Are you here for the staff of the Ai Yin class?"

Yang Lian was startled, then raised his head, "It's not because of this, it's because of something else."

Cheng De was startled suddenly, "Oh what's the matter?"

Yang Lian hurriedly replied: "Report to General, He Dadu has news."

When Cheng De heard this, his eyes were full of joy, "He Sanwu is still alive?"

Yang Lian: "He Dadu is still alive."

"Okay, it's good to be alive, where is the other person?" Cheng De looked at Yang Lian fixedly.

"He Dadutong was discovered by Brother Jueshengwei who came from Sizhou City last night. At that time, He Dadutong fell under the Huai'an City. He invited a well-known doctor in Huai'an City to temporarily stabilize He Dadutong's injury." Yang Lian replied.

Cheng De patted Yang Lian on the shoulder and said with a smile, "This matter is well done."

Yang Lian quickly replied: "This is the responsibility of the subordinates, and I dare not take credit for it."

"Take me there! I want to meet He Sanwu, otherwise, I always feel uneasy." Cheng De looked at Yang Lian with a smile.

"Yes." Yang Lian bowed and replied.

Immediately, Cheng De led 100 people, led by Yang Lian, and headed towards the courtyard where He Sanwu was resting.

After two sticks of incense.

Cheng De came to a secluded and quiet courtyard.

There are two rows of Jusheng guards stationed outside the courtyard, standing on the left and right, with ten people in each row.

After seeing Cheng De and Yang Lian's group, these Juesheng guards quickly bowed and saluted.

Cheng De waved his hand, "There's no need to be too polite."

Then he turned his head and looked at the 100 people behind him, "You are also guarding outside, don't let other people in, so as not to disturb He Sanwu's rest."

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

Yang Lian walked in the front, gestured as an invitation, and led Cheng De to a room deep in the courtyard.

In this room, the furnishings are simple and extremely lively.

Looking at He Sanwu who was closing his eyes tightly on the bed, Cheng De fell silent.

He Sanwu's right arm was wrapped with layers of clean white linen, but the current linen was soaked with red blood.

It looked particularly terrifying and astonishing.

Looking at He Sanwu's face again, he found that he was much thinner than before.

After standing in the room for about a stick of incense, Cheng De glanced at He Sanwu and left the room.

And Yang Lian, who had been standing behind Cheng De, also breathed a sigh of relief.

He found that the general in silence was terrifying.

Now, I can finally leave this room, and I don't have to continue to bear the power of the general anymore.

After Cheng De walked out of the room first, Yang Lian closed the door gently and continued to follow Cheng De.

At this time, Cheng De walked into a pavilion in the courtyard, with his hands behind his back, looking at a verdant willow tree in front of him.

"There are some accounts, and it's time to settle them." Cheng De sighed.

Yang Lian lowered his head, silently staring at the ground.

"You go there yourself, go to Qinghe, tell Feng Guoyong to lead his troops to attack Qingjiang." Cheng De turned his head to look at Yang Lian and said.

Yang Lian raised his head and looked at Cheng De, "General, do you have any other orders?"

Cheng De pondered for a while, "Feng Guoyong decides how to attack Qingjiang. But after defeating Qingjiang, he must capture Zhou Qisan alive, and then let him send someone to send Zhou Qisan to Huai'an City first. How to deal with Zhou Qisan , When the time comes, leave it to He Sanwu. However, Zhou Qisan's head was sent to Sizhou City and hung on the wall of Sizhou City, so that everyone who came and went to Sizhou City would know the fate of betraying the Sizhou Army. ", Cheng De paused, "Jueshengwei can't rest, under the rule of our Sizhou army, we must spread the news of Zhou Qisan's betrayal and execution, and at the same time, carefully report how ungrateful Zhou Qisan was Describe it, so I don’t need to tell you how to do it?”

Yang Lian nodded and said solemnly: "Then my subordinate will go to Qingjiang to meet General Feng. As for Zhou Qisan, this subordinate will definitely arrest him and bring him to Huai'an City."

Cheng De shifted his gaze back to the willow tree in front of him, "Be careful in everything."

"Yes." Yang Lian bowed and retreated.

Cheng De is thinking about some things at the moment, including military affairs, politics, people's livelihood, and imperial examinations.

Cheng De walked out of the courtyard with thoughts.

At the door, Cheng De pointed to three famous guards, "The three of you come with me!"

After staring at Cheng De's lips, the three absolute guards followed Cheng De silently.

Cheng De left 50 people to guard the courtyard, and returned to the barracks with 50 people and three top guards.

After returning to the barracks, Cheng De let Jueshengwei all enter the big tent.

Sapphire was stationed outside the big tent.

At this time, in the big tent, Cheng De was writing with all his might with a brush.

The three Juesheng guards stood three steps away in front of Cheng De, with their heads lowered, looking at the ground.

There was silence in the field.

Only the sound of "唰唰唰" sounded from time to time.

After a while, Cheng De wrote four letters in a row.

Cheng De put down his brush and looked in Jueshengwei's direction, "I have four letters here, and I need you to rush them to their destination within eight hundred miles."

The three Juesheng guards raised their heads and nodded.

"First of all, there are two letters for Haozhou, one for Li Shanchang and one for Lu Wu. You should deliver this letter!" Cheng De pointed to a Juesheng guard.

The Jueshengwei who was pointed quickly bowed to salute, stepped forward, took it from Cheng De's hand, and bowed back a few steps.

"Now, go to Haozhou!" Cheng De said.

Seeing Jueshengwei who nodded and left quickly after receiving the letter, Cheng De looked at the other two again.

"Furthermore, I have a letter that must be handed over to Chang Yuchun. The Jueshengwei should know where Chang Yuchun is now. When you arrive at the border of Chuzhou, contact the Jueshengwei near Chuzhou, and you can send the letter to Chang Yuchun. In the hands of Yuchun." Cheng De looked at the two outstanding guards in the field.

One of the Jueshengwei volunteered, stood up, and quickly took it away.

"Finally, send this letter to Sizhou City and hand it over to Li Sanqi." Cheng De urged.

Jueshengwei nodded, took the letter, and left with a bow.

"Sapphire!" Cheng De shouted.

"General!" Sapphire saluted.

"You take 200 people to patrol the streets of Huai'an City. If there are criminals, they will be arrested and put in prison. Remember, don't disturb the people. In addition, tell the people of Huai'an City to exempt Huai'an City from taxes for three years." Cheng De ordered.

"Yes." Sapphire's eyes lit up, excited.

Seeing that Lan Yu was about to leave, Cheng De stopped him in time, "Wait!"

Sapphire's body froze, "General—you're not going back on your word, are you?"

Seeing Lan Yu's aggrieved appearance, Cheng De was speechless.

"Don't let go of every corner of Huai'an City, and go to inspect it." Cheng De said solemnly.

"Yes, General, this subordinate promises to complete it." After Lan Yu finished speaking, she bowed quickly and ran out of the big tent.

Cheng De: "."

After putting aside his messy thoughts, Cheng De spread out the territory map of the Yuan Dynasty, and when he saw his Sizhou Army's current territory, he was delighted, but suddenly surprised.

In the past, the Yuan Dynasty may not have taken itself seriously.

But now, the territory of the Sizhou Army has increased, and I am afraid that it is impossible for the Yuan Dynasty to allow itself to continue to grow.

Before that, Yuan Chao's eyes were all on Liu Futong and Xu Shouhui.

Now, I'm afraid I have to add myself.

After re-examining the territory he ruled, Cheng De discovered a fatal problem.

That is, if the Yuan army goes to Jinhu City and sends a large number of Yuan troops to cut off the distance from Sizhou City to Hongze City, then it will be impossible to take care of everything under its own control.

Somewhat similar to Liu Futong's forces, the Yuan Dynasty was cut off from the north to the south, so that the grain from the south could not be transported to the north, and the army from the north could not come to the south.

After thinking for a long time, Cheng De felt that Jinhu City must be in his own hands.

As long as it is in your own hands, if there is a shortage of food in the west of the rule, fish and shrimp can be transported from the east of the rule to serve as food.

In the same way, if there is a shortage of salt in the west of Zhixia, salt can also be transported from the east of Zhixia.

Therefore, Golden Lake City is very important.

Only by holding Jinhu City in your own hands can you ensure that the route of transporting grain from east to west and transferring salt from east to west will work.

Moreover, after winning the Golden Lake City, Cheng De decided to recuperate for a period of time and develop his strength in all aspects.

For example, the development of firecrackers and artillery of the Sizhou Army, as well as some political, ideological, and dietary aspects.

The current territory also needs some time for him to digest.

"Come on!" Cheng De shouted.

"General!" a soldier saluted.

"Go to Hongze City quickly and ask Deng Youde to come to Huai'an City." Cheng De ordered, frowning.

"Subordinates obey orders!"

Silence was restored in the big tent.

Cheng De calmed down and looked at the official documents.

Most of these official documents are some records about the newly surrendered Yuan army prisoners.

A small part is some unresolved cases piled up in Huai'an city.

His eyes fell on the official documents of unhandled cases, Cheng De thought, it's time to meet the staff of Ainban.

the other side.

The court of the Yuan Dynasty was shocked because Huai'an Road fell into the hands of Sizhou Army.

At this time, Tuo Huan, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, summoned Prime Minister You Tuo of Zhongshu Province to enter the palace.

When Tuotuo just entered the palace and saw the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, before Tuotuo saluted, he heard a sentence, "Didn't the prime minister say that the Red Turban Army would be pacified immediately, and the world would be peaceful soon? Now there are Liu Futong, there is Xu Shouhui in the south, now it is good, and there is Cheng De in the south. Prime Minister, tell me, are you really trying to calm the chaos?"

Tuotuo looked at the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty who was furious, and bowed to the ground directly, sweating profusely, and was afraid to speak for a while.

Tuo Huan Tie Muer, the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, looked at Tuotuo kneeling in front of him in fear, and couldn't help but calm down a lot, "Prime Minister, I didn't mean to reprimand you, but I don't know why the rebels are getting more and more suppressed." clear!"

Tuotuo heard the words, raised his head, looked at the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and said: "I think the Red Scarf Army is a mob. Xu Shouhui and Liu Futong are nothing to fear. Cheng De, the Sizhou Army, has never heard of the Red Scarf Army. So, I thought, maybe we can recruit Cheng De, the Sizhou army, and let him help fight Liu Futong, and our Dayuan dispatched 30 troops to wipe out Liu Futong's rebels in one fell swoop. After that, we will join forces with our Dayuan north and south elites to wipe out Xu Shouhui, The world can be peaceful, and His Majesty will never worry."

After hearing this, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty turned happy, "In this case, then quickly send someone to recruit Chengde, Sizhou, Anasi. The prime minister will decide how to recruit and what position to give."

Suddenly, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty paused, "It's just——if Cheng De is unwilling to accept the recruitment, how can the prime minister treat him?"

Tuotuo looked at the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty with a calm expression, "Your Majesty, I think that people have something to offer, and they will take anything they want!"

After the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty heard this, his eyes lit up and his face was overjoyed, "Good! The prime minister is right, if that's the case, let the prime minister handle it!"

"I obey the order." Tuotuo bowed and saluted.

Then, Tuotuo left the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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