At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the competition for the deer in the world

Chapter 96 On the Strategy of Virtue-Based Governance

Chapter 96 On the Strategy of Virtue-Based Governance ([-])
Bian Zhongheng saluted Cheng De politely.

Cheng De nodded in response.

"Reporting to the general, the student Bian Zhongheng thinks that in terms of economics, there is one more thing to add." Bian Zhongheng said in a deep voice.

Cheng De smiled and said, "Okay, tell me."

Bian Zhongheng: "Open Hong Kong to attract investment."

Cheng De was shocked, and looked at Bian Zhongheng, feeling a little surprised.

He had thought of opening Hong Kong to attract investment, but the time has not yet come.

However, what surprised him was that Bian Zhongheng had the same consideration as him.

This had to make him dare not underestimate anyone.

Thinking about it again, Bian Zhongheng and Bian Yuanheng have an extraordinary relationship, and Bian Yuanheng was originally in business.

Perhaps, this Bian Zhongheng has an extraordinary talent in business.

As for the opening of Hong Kong to attract investment, there is a lack of a person in charge to organize this matter.

Right now, it seems that Bian Zhongheng is ready-made.

But that alone is not enough.

He also wanted to examine this Bian Zhongheng more, especially in terms of character.

Hearing Bian Zhongheng's words, everyone present thought deeply.

But some people immediately had disdain written on their faces.

In the eyes of these people, scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen don't need to pay so much attention to it.

There is no need to open Hong Kong to attract investment.

Regardless of what they thought, though, it was the general who made the decision.

At this time, Cheng De also had some calculations in his heart, looked at Bian Zhongheng and said, "I understand what you mean. However, in terms of the situation of our Sizhou Army, it is not the right time. After a while, I will will be considered."

Bian Zhongheng nodded, and he was not disappointed.

Moreover, as far as the general's attitude was concerned, he already had some guesses in his heart.

The general may have his own ideas about opening up the port.

Bian Zhongheng retreated into the crowd and stopped talking.

But Yao Guangxiao, who was young and prosperous in the crowd, was a little anxious.

He was a little worried if he couldn't get into the general's sight.

I'm afraid this official career path is a little difficult, and it has added some ups and downs.

He has a restless heart, and his ambition has always been in the temple.

That's why I gave up my original decision to study and practice in Songshan Temple.

Then, Yao Guangxiao walked out from the crowd.

Cheng De looked at Yao Guangxiao.

Found this person: handsome face, bright eyes, aura like a sword waiting to be unsheathed, sweeping away everything.

Yao Guangxiao respectfully saluted Cheng De: "Student Yao Guangxiao, I pay my respects to the general."

Cheng De's face froze.

Yao Guangxiao?
A famous person featured in a big book in history.

This made Cheng De look at Yao Guangxiao with a weird look.

It's quite a surprise that such a famous person is under the rule of his Sizhou army.

But Cheng De's face was very calm, and he glanced at Yao Guangxiao lightly: "What countermeasures do you have, let's talk about them one by one."

Although Yao Guangxiao was excited in his heart, he didn't show the slightest bit on his face: "The students have some countermeasures in terms of politics, and they are about to present them to the general."

Cheng De was sitting upright: "Tell me carefully, and everyone should listen carefully."

Yao Guangxiao was overjoyed at first, and then felt a heavy pressure.

Yao Guangxiao looked at Cheng De with wise eyes: "One is to ensure the uniqueness of the successor. The Mongols who started in Mobei used Mongolian cavalry to set foot on a large territory, but they inherited the traditional way of rule, which led to the political situation of the Yuan Dynasty. Instability. Royal groups competed for the throne, and ministers competed for power and profit, which caused extreme political chaos. A stable regime is extremely important to both the people and all officials. Students think that in the future Sizhou The military can learn this lesson."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at Yao Guangxiao with astonishment.

This person is really courageous.

The general is so young now, you dare to say this, you are really smart.

Aren't you afraid of being hated by the general?
Those who have always been in power, the most annoying thing is that some people point fingers in this matter.

You are so brave now, maybe you will be even braver in the future.

It's a pity that it's not wise to do so.

The road is not long.

Many people feel sorry for Yao Guangxiao in their hearts.

They guessed that the general would definitely not want to see Yao Guangxiao later.

In this regard, they have a well-thought-out plan.

However, Cheng De is not a narrow-minded person, and his thinking is not so limited.

He only felt that Yao Guangxiao's words made sense.

But with regard to how to choose successors, one is "establishing the elders but not the virtuous", that is, the so-called eldest son inheritance system, and the second is "establishing the virtuous and not establishing the elders", that is, regardless of whether the son himself is a descendant or a concubine, and does not look at age. Young and old, as long as they have enough talents, they can be selected as heirs.

However, he also guessed what Yao Guangxiao meant, which should be the eldest son inheritance system.

As for establishing the virtuous but not the long-term, we have to talk about the secret reserve system implemented by the Qing Dynasty.

But secret storage also has its flaws.

First of all, in essence, the secret establishment of the crown prince system is still the inheritance of the throne of the descendants of the highest power of the dynasty, and of course it is also one of the tools for ruling the country, so it is actually not much different from the eldest son inheritance system.

What's more, the system itself still has many deficiencies, for example, it will be restricted by various factors during the implementation process.

Thinking of this, Cheng De felt that he was thinking a little too far on this issue.

But no matter which method is used to elect a successor, he will not hand over the foundation he has laid down to others in the future, let alone engage in the democratic republic of later generations, so that the position he will get in the future will be subject to many restrictions.

In Cheng De's view, doing this in ancient times would only be counterproductive.

After all, if you want to do this, you have to inspire the people's thinking, and inspiring the people's thinking to become advanced does not happen overnight, but a tortuous process.

Besides, if he really did that, his descendants in the future would probably greet him hundreds of times every day, and he wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully underground.

After putting aside all these thoughts in his mind, Cheng De's eyes fell on Yao Guangxiao, and he said calmly, "Go on."

Cheng De's performance fell into the eyes of everyone.

They were all surprised.

He didn't get angry at all, this Yao Guangxiao is really lucky.

At the same time, they felt a little admiration for Cheng De's broad mind.

They all felt in their hearts that it would be good to work with such a boss.

And Yao Guangxiao was a little excited in his heart, sure enough, the general did not disappoint him.

Also, dare to be the first to call out to expel the barbarians and restore China, how can it be a general-minded person?

Yao Guangxiao stabilized his mind and continued: "The second is to streamline the administrative organization. Take the Yuan Dynasty as an example. After the Yuan Dynasty unified the country, it not only retained the original organization, but also absorbed some institutions from Jin, Xixia, and Southern Song Dynasty, resulting in overlapping institutions. , the responsibilities are chaotic, and they shirk each other when dealing with the incident, which seriously affects the administrative efficiency. The officials compete for power and profit, and the politics become more and more dark. I believe that the people of insight here have a deep understanding. Otherwise, the Yuan Dynasty would not appear now This is the situation."

This time, no one objected, and they all thought it made sense.

And Cheng De also nodded: "You continue to talk."

After being encouraged by Cheng De's eyes, Yao Guangxiao continued: "The third is to reopen the imperial examination. This time I will continue to take the Yuan Dynasty as an example. First of all, the selection and appointment of officials in the Yuan Dynasty can determine the poor conduct of the official team and the darkness of the officialdom. The selection of officials in the Yuan Dynasty paid attention to their roots and followed the politics of blood. Secondly, corruption was common in the officialdom of the Yuan Dynasty, and corruption was even more rampant. Officials at all levels were mercenary, and officials protected each other. , I must be aware of it. In the Yuan Dynasty, when you were an official, you needed money in various names. The money that subordinates paid to meet the chief for the first time was called "seeing money"; Money is called "chasing festival money"; money for celebrating birthdays is called "birthday money"; If you are worried, you will be happy when the world is happy. The reopening of the imperial examination will change this situation."

Yao Guangxiao's suggestion of reopening the imperial examination made many people present feel alive.

This is especially true for those headed by Li Shanchang and Lu Yong.

Long before, they discussed and suggested that the general reopen the imperial examination.

But it was rejected by the general on the grounds that the time was not enough.

Now, Yao Guangxiao brought up the matter again, and they wanted to hear the general's thoughts again.

It would be great if the general could change his previous attitude.

All the people present cast their eyes on Cheng De one after another.

Cheng De looked calm, and said lightly: "I know this countermeasure well. Long ago, Master Li and Master Lu discussed and proposed this countermeasure. At that time, I also expressed my position. Today, too That's it. The time to reopen the imperial examination has not yet come. When the right opportunity comes, the imperial examination will be reopened, and you don't have to feel disappointed."

Hearing Cheng De's words, Li Shanchang and Lu didn't have to feel disappointed in their hearts.

Regarding the reopening of the imperial examination, the general said that the so-called time has not come, what exactly does it mean?

Li Shanchang and Lu didn't need to understand it in their hearts, and neither did the others present.

After Yao Guangxiao heard Cheng De's words, he was not disappointed, but rather looked forward to it.

Afterwards, Yao Guangxiao stood back in the crowd and didn't say anything further.

Because he has said all he has to say.

next moment.

Hu Weiyong walked out slowly from the crowd, and respectfully saluted Cheng De: "My subordinate Hu Weiyong happens to have a few words to add to Yao Guangxiao's political countermeasures just now."

Cheng De didn't hesitate at all: "Say it."

Hu Weiyong said sternly: "The soldiers of the Sizhou Army now include Mongols, Semu people, and Han people. And the general did not treat them differently in the army. His subordinates think this is very good, but they are not good enough."

When Hu Weiyong said this, he looked up at Cheng De and found that Cheng De's face was still calm, and then continued: "First, my subordinates think that as long as they are Mongols or Semu people, they should be reused as long as they have talents. You can start with Si The Mongols and Semu people in the state army may have their family members well-educated or have other talents. The general should also conduct some investigations and then appoint corresponding positions. In this way, these Mongols, The hearts of Semu people are becoming more and more loyal, which will help the Sizhou Army's morale to become more stable."

"Secondly, the subordinates thought that under the Sizhou Army, the hierarchy system of the Yuan Dynasty should be completely abolished. In order to consolidate the rule, the Yuan Dynasty divided the whole country into four grades: the Mongols were the most honorable, the Semu people were the second, and the third The first class is the Han people (Han people, Jurchen, Korean people, Khitan and other ethnic groups under the rule of the Jin Dynasty), and the bottom is the Southern people (all ethnic groups under the rule of the Southern Song Dynasty). As we all know, the Yuan Dynasty called the Han people "Hanzi", while the Southerners They are called 'barbarians', and they are treated unequally in all aspects of society. If the general abolishes this under the Sizhou army, the people will return to their hearts and welcome them, and the high-level people under the general's rule will not dare to do anything wrong. for chaos."

When Cheng De heard this, he felt that he had been negligent before.

In any case, Hu Weiyong's point touched his heart.

Cheng De signaled Hu Weiyong to continue with his eyes, and Hu Weiyong did not disappoint Cheng De.

"Third, if the laws of Sizhou are completed, no matter the Mongols, Semu people, or Han people under the rule, they should be treated equally and dealt with according to the law." Hu Weiyong looked at Cheng De and said.

Cheng De raised his hand to signal Hu Weiyong to continue.

Hu Weiyong: "Fourth, marriage segregation was not practiced under the rule of the Sizhou army. Even, in order to rule the people, some policies should be introduced to promote the integration of different ethnic groups and Han people. In this way, different ethnic groups can get along well, and the people under the general's rule will My heart goes to the General."

Cheng De pondered for a moment, then said with a smile, "Good."

Hu Weiyong returned to the crowd with satisfaction.

Hu Weiyong's words also attracted the attention of many people present.

Especially Li Shanchang, Lu Wuyu, Song Lian, Shi Naian, Liu Bowen, Yao Guangxiao and others.

Cheng De looked around everyone and said: "What Hu Weiyong said just now is indeed very reasonable. Of course, I also thought of something just now. Whether it is the Mongols and Semu people in my Sizhou army, or the Mongols among the people under my rule , Semu people, if they have talent or meritorious service, I will give these people Chinese surnames and Chinese names."

"The general is wise." Everyone said in unison.

Cheng De looked at the people present and said, "There are people offering advice on politics and economy, but on culture, can anyone offer advice?"

As for the military aspect, Cheng De will not bring this up here.

Instead, they will discuss with Feng Guoyong, Li Sanqi and others.

Song Zan walked out of the crowd with a serious face, and Song Lian noticed him immediately.

Seeing his child playing, Song Lian showed a proud look on his face.

If it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion, he might have to show off in front of Li Shanchang, Lu Yong, Shi Naian and others.

Song Zan saluted Cheng De and said, "Student Song Zan has something to say about culture."

Everyone looked at Song Zan one after another, and Cheng De's eyes also fell on Song Zan.

"One is to attach importance to Han culture. Since the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, the nobles of the Yuan Dynasty have always maintained a contemptuous attitude towards Han culture. Even the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan, once questioned-"What is the use of the Han people to compose and recite poems in the affairs class?" ?' The students thought that Confucianism should be valued under the Sizhou military rule, but in the Yuan Dynasty, the status of Confucianism dropped again and again, and students thought it was because of the failure of the imperial examination and the decline of the status of Confucian scholars.”

Everyone present secretly praised Song Zan, and most of them agreed.

And Cheng De was silent.

In Cheng De's view, the imperial examinations in his mind are based on Confucianism, science, and martial arts, not just Confucianism.

Furthermore, emphasizing Han culture is not necessarily the same as emphasizing Confucianism, the two are not the same.

Cheng De's attitude made everyone present startled.

Cheng De did not express his position on this point, but said: "Song Zan's emphasis on Han culture is feasible in my opinion. I established Sizhou College with this deep meaning in it. Moreover, the establishment of the Academy of Sciences , also has such a deep meaning. Even Sizhou Military Academy is the same. In the future, Sizhou Academy, Academy of Sciences, and Sizhou Military Academy can all train many students for the inheritance and promotion of Han culture. Sizhou Academy, Academy of Sciences , Sizhou Military Academy, each academy teaches different subjects and cultivates different talents. Therefore, the Academy of Sciences, Sizhou Military Academy, Master Li and Master Lu should remember to hurry up."

Cheng De's words fell into the ears of everyone, making the audience quiet.

They secretly guessed Cheng De's intention to establish Sizhou Academy, Academy of Sciences, and Sizhou Military Academy.

Especially the Academy of Sciences.

They don't understand.

But they know that the general has his own considerations about emphasizing Han culture, and he has already made plans.

But Li Shanchang and Lu Wuyu hurriedly bowed and said: "Yes."

Song Zan's mood at this time was complicated.

He hoped that the general could prosper Confucianism under the rule of Sizhou, but judging from the general's words just now, the Confucianism general must prosper, but the military strategists, and even the Academy of Sciences, must also prosper.

That is to say, the general will not focus on one side only.

He didn't know if it was a good thing for the general to do so.

But the only consolation is that at least the general agreed to the prosperity of Confucianism.

So Song Zan calmed down and continued: "Students think that the second countermeasure is to attach importance to teaching and conduct imperial examinations to become officials. As the general's territory grows larger and larger, generals will also conduct imperial examinations in the future, but in the imperial examinations In the past, scholars from all over the country could be selected first, and all outstanding scholars were sent to Sizhou City for inspection and selection by the general's mansion. How to select became the key? The students thought that they could establish schools in various places and choose great Confucians who were erudite and well-versed in the scriptures , as the head of the school, responsible for inspecting each student, so as to select outstanding students."

Cheng De was silent again.

What he hopes is that Sizhou College, Academy of Sciences, and Sizhou Military Academy can establish various branch colleges in various places, and the branch colleges are named after places.

Of course, he also knew that it would take a lot of money to realize this.

But he believes that when Japan is conquered in the future, with so much money, these things can be completely done.

And when the day when Japan is conquered, he feels that the population will increase a lot.

It's totally okay to go all out.

However, there is no such condition now.

Because there is not so much money.

After Song Zan finished speaking, seeing that Cheng De didn't respond, he knew the countermeasure he proposed. Presumably the general had his own considerations.

He didn't know which point made the general disagree.

The others present did not speak either.

They also didn't know what aspect of Song Zan's countermeasure did not meet the general's expectations.

However, among the people present, how many people still guessed a little bit of Cheng De's thoughts.

Liu Bowen, Li Shanchang, Lu Yong, Yao Guangxiao, and Shi Naian.

Cheng De noticed that the atmosphere was a bit quiet, so he broke the situation before him and said, "As for Song Zan's second countermeasure, I can be sure that it will be implemented in the future. However, regarding the second countermeasure, I still have to I have some additions of my own. But these, I will not talk about them. We will discuss them after our Sizhou army captures Jinling City in the future."

When everyone heard this, their hearts immediately relaxed.

Since the general said so, there must be no big problem.

Afterwards, the rest of the scholars present expressed their views on politics, culture, and economy, and Cheng De also listened to them.

But most of them are some details added under the premise proposed by the previous few.

In the end, Cheng De already had a decision in his mind.

He looked at the fifteen scholars present, especially when he saw Liu Bowen, he was still a little disappointed.

Liu Bowen paddled the whole time without saying a word.

But regarding Liu Bowen's arrangement, there are concerns.

The fifteen scholars present also looked at Cheng De, waiting for Cheng De's announcement about the conferment of the position.

Cheng De looked at the crowd and said, "I think what you said is very feasible. What you said just now, let Song Zan summarize all of them into an article, which is called the theory of governance based on virtue. All governance is based on peace of the people. Security leads to national security. I think it can change the officialdom and social atmosphere left over from the Yuan Dynasty, and can also strengthen moral education. Of course, we must also pay attention to policy protection and form a people-oriented strategy for governing the country under our Sizhou military rule. Finally, the relevant Fifteen scholars are appointed to official positions, I hereby declare—”

Cheng De deliberately paused for a while, and the fifteen scholars present, except Liu Bowen, were a little nervous, waiting for Cheng De's appointment arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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