At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the competition for the deer in the world

Chapter 97 Only when the Military Aircraft Department was established, there was an emergency milita

Chapter 97 Only when the Military Aircraft Department was established, there was an emergency military situation
Cheng De looked around at everyone, saw the expectant look in everyone's eyes, and showed a faint smile on his face.

"The post of Zuo Shu Zuoling of the Ministry of Household Affairs is held by Bian Zhongheng. Bian Zhongheng, would you like it?"

Cheng De's voice fell.

Bian Zhongheng was extremely excited, and hurriedly bowed to Cheng De and said: "Yes, my subordinate Bian Zhongheng pays respects to the superior."

As early as yesterday, he received repeated orders from Uncle Shi.

No matter what position the general finally confers on him, he must be called the superior.

Uncle Shi didn't say the specific reason, but he knew it would definitely not harm him.

Cheng De paused and nodded: "I hope you will do your duty in the future, and you must not disappoint my expectations of you."

"Yes." Bian Zhongheng replied with a bow.

Others present saw that Bian Zhongheng was awarded the position on the spot, and everyone was secretly looking forward to it.

And Shi Naian looked at Bian Zhongheng with relief.

Cheng De no longer looked at Bian Zhongheng, but glanced at the other people present, and said, "Wei Feng is in charge of the right secretary of the household department. Wei Feng, would you like it?"

After hearing this, Wei Feng was overjoyed.

It never occurred to him that he would be assigned this position.

What a surprise.

After all, almost all of the people present were stronger than him.

Therefore, Wei Feng felt a little grateful to Cheng De in his heart.

"This subordinate is willing, thank you general!" Wei Feng saluted Cheng De respectfully.

Cheng De looked at Wei Feng and said, "From now on, you must be diligent and don't slack off."

"Thank you, General, for your suggestion." Wei Feng said seriously.

Then, Cheng De looked away from Wei Feng, and then looked at Li Cunyi: "Li Cunyi, from now on you will be the right secretary of the Ministry of Punishment."

Li Cunyi bowed and saluted, "Thank you, General."

"The Zuo Shu Zuo Ling of the Ministry of Rites is in charge of Lu Siqi."

"Thank you General Lu Siqi."

"The assistant order of the right book of the Ministry of Rites is held by Hu Weiyong."

"Hu Weiyong thanks General."

"The right secretary of the Ministry of Industry is Zuo Ling, and He Yu is in charge."

"My subordinate, He Yu, thanks the general."

After Cheng De finished speaking, he looked at everyone present.

He saw that many people's eyes were full of disappointment.

Among them, there are Yao Guangxiao, Zhang Yi and others.

Li Shanchang was elated after hearing Cheng De's appointment arrangement.

This time, he is the big winner among the master books of each department.

The three people he recommended were all entrusted by the general for reuse.

Looking at his old opponent Lu Yong, only one of the three recommended by him was appointed by the general.

As for the other two, one is domineering and the other is arrogant. I'm afraid the general doesn't like them!

Li Shanchang looked in Lu's direction, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

There was a gloomy glint in Lu's eyes.

This time, he was compared with Li Shanchang.

Actually fell into a disadvantage.

But this time, he didn't make a difference.

He didn't expect that Liu Bowen's attitude was so arrogant, and the general might not have a good impression of him.

As for Yao Guangxiao, he didn't know what the general was thinking.

Zhu Sheng, chief secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, was expressionless.

Song Lian, the director of the Ministry of Rites, was a little embarrassed.

His proud son, Song Zan, was not appointed by the general.

This made him feel a little disgraceful in front of other masters.

Shi Naian looked thoughtfully at the other unappointed scholars.

Cheng De narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the expressions of everyone present, and suddenly said: "As for the remaining scholars, don't be too disappointed. I decided to set up a new Military Aircraft Office under the General's Mansion. The place where the Military Aircraft Office works is called Military Aircraft The main duty of the Military Aircraft Department is to make suggestions, but only for military affairs. Under the Military Aircraft Department, there are military division sacrificial wine, military division left sacrificial wine, and military division right sacrificial wine. , Ye Chen, Ye Dui, Zhang Yi, Feng Zhang, Liu Yuan, He Wenhui, Song Zan, and Luo Mao. The military commander’s offering wine is Luo Mao, the military division’s left offering wine is Yao Guangxiao, and the military division’s right offering wine is Zhang Yi.”

Cheng De's words caused waves in everyone's hearts.

Luo Mao was able to gain the general's trust.

Originally, Luo Mao had already held the post of Zuo Shu Zuoling in the Ministry of Officials, and now he also served as the post of the newly established Military Aircraft Department, the military division sacrificial wine.

It's really enviable.

Li Shanchang and Lu Don't have to feel sour in their hearts.

In particular, Lu Yong felt helpless that his nephew Luo Mao had won the trust of the general.

Song Lian, Shi Naian, and Zhu Sheng were secretly thinking about the importance of the Military Aircraft Department.

Yao Guangxiao was extremely excited.

Zhang Yi has no extra thoughts about being able to serve as the right sacrificial wine of the military adviser.

Anyway, no matter what position he holds, it can help the actual verification of his knowledge.

As for Liu Bowen, it would be a lie to say that he is not lost.

He felt that Cheng De was worthy of being a commoner, but he was far behind in terms of knowing people with his eyes.

Didn't even look at him.

But Ye Chen and the others felt that being a military advisor was pretty good.

Cheng De took everyone's expressions into his eyes one by one, and said seriously: "Song Zan sorted out the ethics-based governance strategy and presented it to me. I will choose the countermeasures that can be implemented under our current Sizhou governance, and then we will have more Master Li, Master Lu, Master Song, Master Zhu, and Master Shi jointly implemented it. This move is to gather the hearts of the people in the world and be used by our Sizhou Army. I hope you can cooperate well."

"Yes." Li Shanchang, Lu Yong and others responded.

"Officials from the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Industry, and the Propaganda Department, if there is nothing wrong, they should all step down now!" Cheng De said calmly.

Li Shanchang, Lu Wuyong and others took the newly appointed officials from various ministries and retreated one by one.

In the field, only the people from the Military Aircraft Department are left.

Cheng De had someone call Luo Mao over.

For a while.

Romeo is here.

Cheng De didn't say any nonsense, and directly introduced Luo Mao to everyone: "This is the military officer Jijiu from the Military Aircraft Department. I hope you can help Luo Mao well in the future."

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

Luo Mao was a little confused at the moment.

After Cheng De's explanation, he realized that he had an extra burden on him.

Originally held the post of Zuo Shu Zuoling in the Ministry of Officials, I was already exhausted.

Now it's good, another military division came to offer wine.

It's really too much work for those who can.

Well, what else can he say?

He only had infinite gratitude to the general in his heart.

After all, who can gain the general's trust like him now?
Of course, Luo Mao also understood in his heart.

When he was in Huai'an City, when he conveyed the proposal of Li Shanchang and Lu Wuyou to reopen the imperial examination, he knew that he would be a lonely minister in the future.

But he doesn't regret it either.

On the contrary, he was a little eager to try.

His teacher Yang Zhongkai also taught him in private: since ancient times, no one has died, so keep his loyalty and history.

As long as it is beneficial to the people of the world, he is willing to do it.

After he dies in the future, he can also leave a good reputation in the history books.

And this is beneficial to his descendants.

Therefore, Luo Mao accepted a position that suddenly appeared in him - the position of Military Adviser.

At the same time, Luo Mao secretly memorized the names of everyone present.

Cheng De was about to continue to say something.

Suddenly, a sound came from outside the conference hall—"Eight hundred li hurry up!"

Cheng De's complexion changed.

But Luo Mao and the others looked a little dignified.

Without the slightest hesitation, Cheng De let in the soldiers who had rushed eight hundred miles away.

The soldier was sweating profusely and panting.

As soon as he saw Cheng De, he knelt down on one knee to Cheng De.

Cheng De didn't rush to urge him, but waited for the soldier to catch his breath.

For a moment.

The soldier took out the information from his arms, lowered his head, held it up with both hands, and said, "Greetings, General, the younger one is Mr. Deng's personal soldier. This is an urgent military situation on the front line of Jinhu City."

Luo Mao took the information from the soldier and handed it to Cheng De.

Cheng De opened the letter calmly and read it. After reading it, Cheng De showed a solemn expression.

This information reads:
Gong Buban, the defender of Gaoyou Mansion, led an army of 7 yuan to besiege Jinhu City.

Gong Buban claimed to have an army of 20 troops, and they approached the city in an attempt to attack the heart of our Sizhou army.

Jinhu City has a total of 1 people from our Sizhou Army, including the prisoners of the Yuan Army after the incorporation.

The subordinates will surely be able to keep Jinhu City intact.

But the only worry for his subordinates is Lu Timur on Yangzhou Road.

According to the information inquired by Jueshengwei, Lu Timur on Yangzhou Road has led an army of 10 yuan and is heading towards Sizhou City.

I hope the general will take more precautions.

Once Sizhou City is in danger, the subordinates must lead the army to fight a bloody road and rush to Sizhou City to help.

I hope the general will cherish it.

After Cheng De read the letter, he glanced at the other people present: "Everyone should circulate this information to each other, and think about any good strategies?"

Luo Mao took the letter from Cheng De first, read it quickly, and then passed it to Yao Guangxiao.

Yao Guangxiao took the letter carefully, and when he was reading it, everyone gathered around one after another, stretching their necks to read the letter.

not long time.

Everyone has watched it.

Luo Mao was the first to come up with a plan.

"Reporting to the general, my subordinates thought that when the Gaoyou Yuan army attacked Jinhu City, they could ask Li Pianjiang of Huai'an City to support them. Let Li Pianjiang and Deng Pianjiang look for opportunities to cooperate with others and raid the Yuan army of Gong Buban. If you can defeat Gong If the Yuan army of Bu Ban, the danger of the Yuan army of Gaoyou Prefecture besieging Jinhu City will be resolved. Moreover, if the Yuan army of Gong Bu Ban is defeated, generals Li Pian and Deng Pian will be able to take advantage of the trend and enter Gaoyou Mansion. Plant the flag of our Sizhou Army."

Hearing Luo Mao's words, Cheng De's heart was moved.

"Okay." Cheng De replied.

At the same time, Cheng De asked Luo Mao to record everything he said just now on paper.

Make another copy.

After Luo Mao finished writing, Cheng De signed his name on the back.

The copied copy also signed his name.

Then, Cheng De sent two Sizhou Army soldiers to send the two letters to Li Sanqi and Deng Youde respectively.

After arranging this matter.

Don't wait for Cheng De to relax.


Yao Guangxiao said: "General, regarding Lu Timur's [-] army on Yangzhou Road, my subordinates have a strategy to offer to the General."

Cheng De's eyes lit up, he looked at Yao Guangxiao and said gently, "Tell me one by one."

"Guiguzi once said, 'That's why the sage guards his gate, examines his succession, measures his power and ability, and checks his skills and weaknesses.' Lu Timur has an army of one hundred thousand, and the most powerful and most numerous are cavalry. If the general can restrain Lu Timur's cavalry, and then set up an ambush to kill Lu Timur's army, the morale of Lu Timur's army will be shaken, and the general will win." Yao Guangxiao said confidently.

A flash of surprise flashed across Cheng De's eyes, and he looked at Yao Guangxiao: "Then do you know how our Sizhou Army restrained Lu Timur's cavalry?"

Yao Guangxiao nodded: "When I was young, I got a strange book by chance. It recorded two methods that could be used to deal with the cavalry of the Yuan army. Moreover, these two methods are related to Zhuge Liang, the Prime Minister of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms."

Hearing this, Cheng De had some guesses in his mind.

But he remained silent and just shifted his gaze to Yao Guangxiao.

He wanted to make sure it was what he thought.

Encouraged by Cheng De's eyes, Yao Guangxiao continued to speak: "One, wooden carts. When the Yuan army cavalry charges, the wooden carts can be blocked in front of the infantry to block the Yuan army cavalry's impact.", paused , Yao Guangxiao frowned, "As for the second, use the Zhuge Liannu. The blueprint made by the Zhuge Liannu has a copy in the mind of the subordinates. However, although the Zhuge Liannu is powerful, but with this method, As for the soldiers who use it, there are certain requirements. The soldiers must be very familiar with the operation of the Zhuge Liannu."

After listening to Yao Guangxiao's method, Cheng De said with a smile, "You, Yao Guangxiao, will be in charge of making the wooden cart and the Zhuge Liannu. Try to do as much as possible before the Yuan army on Yangzhou Road arrives in Xuyi City. I don't know you Are you willing to accept this?"

Yao Guangxiao quickly replied: "This subordinate is willing."

Cheng De put away his smile, looked at Yao Guangxiao and said, "Besides the two methods you mentioned to restrain the cavalry, in fact, there is a better way. That is to use the improved firecrackers and artillery to deal with the Yuan army cavalry." It's a pity that my Sizhou Academy of Sciences has only just been established, and there is still a great shortage of relevant talents. The unimproved firecrackers and cannons are currently of limited use, but they should also be used on the battlefield. "

Yao Guangxiao nodded thoughtfully.

Zhang Yi on the side suddenly said: "General, I think that instead of passively waiting for Lu Timur of Yangzhou Road to lead an army of 10 yuan to attack Sizhou City, it is better to take the initiative to attack. One step first, one step at a time. Moreover, you can also take the lead Set up an ambush near the outside of Xuyi City. If time is not urgent, you can also set up an ambush everywhere on the road from Tianchang Wall to Xuyi City, so that the Yuan army will be shaken and morale will be lost when they step on the road from Tianchang Wall to Xuyi City. In this way, Our Sizhou army took advantage of the situation to attack and defeated Lu Timur in one battle, and at the same time made the general awe-inspiring all over the world."

Cheng De pondered for a moment before saying: "Strike first to be strong, and then to suffer. We must firmly control the initiative of this battlefield in the hands of our Sizhou army. We must fight, so the Yuan army can fight. If we don't fight, the Yuan army can't do anything to our Sizhou army. Only in this way, this victory will fall into the hands of our Sizhou army. I decided that this time I will personally bring 1 soldiers and horses to the Great Wall On the way to Xuyi City, set up ambushes everywhere and beat up the Yuan army. The time for the expedition is tomorrow."

As soon as Cheng De said this, the faces of everyone present changed drastically.

Especially Zhang Yi, he didn't expect the result to be like this.

He just wants the general to send a general who can recruit and fight well.

Unexpectedly, the result would be that the general would personally act.

This was really beyond his expectation.

If the general is in danger, I'm afraid he will bear the blame.

At that time, he will face criticism from others.

But when Zhang Yi saw Cheng De's firm gaze, he felt deeply helpless.

Alas, I only hope that the general will have his own destiny when the time comes.

"Of course, apart from Yao Guangxiao, you all also travel with the army." Cheng De added.

As soon as these words fell, the expressions of everyone present changed.

They felt a little uneasy.

This, the sword has no eyes on the battlefield.

In case, if something goes wrong, wouldn't it be a case of hatred on the spot?
The gentleman does not stand under the wall.

This is the foundation of their life.

Thinking of this, they looked at Cheng De.

But Cheng De had no expression on his face, and his mood was unclear.

The hearts of everyone present turned cold.

It seems that they can only follow the army.

But when he thought of the general's brilliant achievements in the past.

They felt a little comfort in their hearts.

Otherwise, replace someone else.

They must have sworn to the death not to follow.

People who can win battles like the general, although there are dangers, have more opportunities to make contributions.

Overall, after a bit of calculation, there is still a great chance of making a contribution.

Afterwards, after discussing some specific matters, Cheng De let them go down to rest.

Cheng De, on the other hand, returned to the study after the discussion was over.

He wants to meet He Jiusi here.

Get a few things in order before leaving early tomorrow morning.

It didn't take long.

He Jiusi is here.

Coincidentally, Feng Sheng also came.

Cheng De simply let the two of them enter the study together.

(End of this chapter)

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