Chapter 101

bang bang
bang bang
At this moment, Jin Zhixiu seemed to be able to hear the sound of her own heart beating. She felt that something was pressing on her and she couldn't breathe. From the surrounding air, she was invisible and surrounded her.

Now she desperately needs fresh air.

Impulsive emotions and rationality converged in his mind, and finally formed an inexplicable excuse.

"Ouba! Stop right here! I want to get off!"

Jin Zhixiu shouted loudly.

The manager glanced at Jin Zhixiu blankly, then asked for confirmation.

"Are you sure? It seems to be raining lightly outside."


Jin Zhixiu said immediately, and at the same time raised his finger and pointed out the car window.

"I'm going to do some shopping, and I'll go back by myself later."

"Can't I buy it when I go back? It has to be here."

The manager was still puzzled and asked suspiciously, but the gas pedal under his feet had gradually loosened.

"It's here, only here."

Kim Ji-soo said with certainty.

Looking at the appearance of his own artist, the manager had no choice but to pause, looked left and right at the road conditions, and then reluctantly agreed softly.


After all, the manager started to turn the steering wheel, and the commercial vehicle gradually approached the sidewalk on the right.

When the car was safely parked on the side of the road, the manager turned his head to look at Jin Zhixiu, and asked with concern.

"There should be an umbrella behind, you take it."

"It's okay, Oppa."

Jin Zhixiu, who was already in a panic, didn't care about those things, opened the door immediately, and quickly got out of the car.

Then he turned and closed the door, and then ran, disappearing from the manager's sight.

Li Sang-won looked at the place where Kim Ji-soo disappeared, frowned suspiciously, then looked away, breathed a sigh of relief, and started the car again.

Not far from the Xincun Treasury, Jin Zhixiu walked slowly along the storefronts on the street.

The canopy of the street shop above her head blocked most of the rainwater for her, but it also confined her to this small space.

Along this clean corridor, Jin Zhixiu slowly picked up his mobile phone, then put on the earphones, and then turned on the bluetooth switch of the mobile phone.

After confirming that the connection was successful, Jin Zhixiu opened the address book and found Chen Gewei's number.

The jade-like fingers pressed lightly, and the call was dialed a second after the touch.

Three seconds later, Chen Gewei's voice sounded in the earphones.



Herrington Square 9 minutes ago, penthouse.

Chen Gewei looked at the angry text message sent by Jin Zhixiu, hesitated for a while, and sent a text casually, then quickly left the study, and walked quickly to the living room.

When he came to the entrance of the living room and walked a step further, Chen Gewei looked at the two people who were sitting at the coffee table studying, and asked.

"I just pissed off a lady and now I want to ease things up with her what should I say?"

Jin Zhengxun and Yin Xiangyu turned their heads to look at him at the same time, and after they both froze for two or three seconds, the latter spoke first.

"Talk about something she likes?"

"You, out."

Chen Gewei directly pointed to Yin Xiangyu and said.

"I don't listen to the experience of the losers. You haven't talked about how many girlfriends you have succeeded so far."

Yin Xiangyu immediately frowned with displeasure, but Chen Gewei had already ignored him, focused his gaze on Kim Jong-hoon, and looked at him seriously.

The man who was about to enter the marriage hall in one and a half months suddenly felt great pressure. After hesitating for a while, he tried to speak.

"First...Start from her merits and praise her, for example...she has a nice voice, looks pretty and so on."

Chen Gewei pondered for two seconds, then nodded in agreement.


He lowered his head and edited and sent it. After finishing, Chen Gewei held up his mobile phone and began to wait for a response.

But after waiting for half a minute, there was still no response.

"She won't call me back."

Chen Gewei said something in a low voice.

Jin Zhengxun looked at Chen Gewei curiously, and wanted to get up and walk over.

"Who are you chatting with? Let me take a look, so I can help you refer to it."


Chen Gewei immediately raised his hand to refuse.

"You will be angry if you will destroy my current atmosphere and state."

After finishing speaking, Chen Gewei quickly turned around and walked back to the study.

Seeing Chen Gewei who appeared and disappeared back and forth like a gust of wind, Jin Zhengxun was puzzled, then turned to look at Yin Xiangyu.

"Who has he been dating recently?"

As Chen Gewei's cohabiting roommate, Yin Xiangyu's expression at this moment seemed to understand something.

In fact, after he heard the Qi character, he knew who Chen Gewei was chatting with.

So Yin Xiangyu smiled, then raised his hand to comfort Jin Zhengxun.

"No, no, it should be with customers. We have been connecting with people from Naver recently, and we have frequent exchanges."

"Ah, so..."

The understanding Kim Jong-hoon lowered his head, his head was full of trust in his brother.

Chen Gewei on the other side walked back to the corridor and stopped in front of the panoramic French windows.

Although Jin Zhixiu did not reply to his message, he called.

Seeing the screen change, Chen Gewei immediately quickened his pace, rushed back to the study, picked up the Bluetooth headset he put on the table, and put it on.

After answering the phone, Chen Gewei lowered his head slightly and greeted in a soft voice.



Jin Zhixiu on the other end of the phone also responded gently.




After greeting each other, the two young men and women fell into an awkward silence.

Chen Gewei's place was completely quiet, while Jin Zhixiu's place occasionally heard the sound of vehicles passing by.

After half a minute, it seemed that he couldn't take it any longer, and Jin Zhixiu spoke first.

"Are you still installing a workstation?"


Chen Gewei lowered his head, agreed, then stretched out his hand, picked up the screwdriver on the table, and pretended to start the installation.

Seeing that Chen Gewei agreed, Jin Zhixiu paused, and then continued.

"You... heard my voice..."

Jin Zhixiu said these words in a low voice. Although it was a little weak, Chen Gewei could still hear it clearly in a quiet room.


Chen Gewei agreed again, but immediately remembered something, and immediately added a sentence.

"Your voice is beautiful."

Jin Zhixiu on the other end of the phone was quiet again for two or three seconds, and then asked softly.

"You... have nothing else... to say?"

Chen Gewei thought for a while, turned his head and looked out the window, and then asked calmly.

"Well, what are you doing now?"

"I'm out now and just came back from a run."

Jin Zhixiu answered quickly this time, but her voice was still very soft.

"Is that why you can't answer the phone?"

Chen Gewei continued to ask, he stood up, walked to the window of the study, and confirmed that it was raining outside.

"Well, it's over now, I just separated from my manager Oppa."

Jin Zhixiu agreed softly.

Chen Gewei frowned slightly.

"Are you out there alone?"


Kim Ji-soo agreed again.

"I'm on my way home now."

Chen Gewei seemed to sense something, turned around quickly, walked to his computer, picked up the mouse, opened the background of the security system, and began to locate Jin Zhixiu.

"Didn't the manager send you back?"

Chen Gewei said while checking the location.

"Well... I'll give my manager Oppa a break, he's worked too hard."

Jin Zhixiu found an excuse and said.

On the computer screen, Jin Zhixiu's location has been displayed on the map.

She was on the east side of the Sangshuidong subway station and just passed a fried chicken shop.

Chen Gewei got up quickly, walked quickly to the outside of the study, and chatted with Jin Zhixiu at the same time.

"You are kind too."

"I've always been kind, okay?"

Jin Zhixiu suddenly said a little proudly, but his voice was lowered again in the second half of the sentence.

"Otherwise, who can bear your strange temper."

Chen Gewei came to the living room and found an umbrella, then quickly reached out to Yin Xiangyu, making a gesture of turning the key.

The latter understood immediately, and hurriedly reached into his pocket, took out the key of the Audi car, and threw it in front of Chen Gewei.

Stretching out his hand and receiving the key accurately, Chen Gewei left the apartment without looking back.

Jin Zhengxun looked at Chen Gewei who left decisively, doubted for a while, then looked at Yin Xiangyu again and asked.

"Is he really not dating anyone? It looks like he's going out to meet girls."

"Soak up your sister."

Yin Xiangyu said something immediately, and then patted Kim Zhengxun on the shoulder angrily.



On the streets of Sangshui-dong, Jin Zhixiu's eyes wandered around the shop signs around him, hesitating what he would have for dinner.

In the earphones, Chen Gewei's voice continued to sound.

"Am I having a weird temper?"


Jin Zhixiu agreed vigorously.

"very strange."

Chen Gewei on the phone paused, and then asked.

"It's strange."


Jin Zhixiu thought for a while, then said slowly.

"He's obviously very kind, but sometimes he's unreasonable, and it's especially disturbing."

Chen Gewei paused again, and then asked seriously.

"Are you annoying?"

"'s not that annoying."

Jin Zhixiu hesitated for a while, but said in a tangled manner.

Chen Gewei was quiet for two seconds, then agreed.

"I'll talk less after that."


Jin Zhixiu immediately denied it.

"The less you talk, the more annoying you will be. Like a boring gourd, who knows what you're thinking."

"Then I..."

Chen Gewei didn't know what to do now.

"You just keep it that way."

Jin Zhixiu said quickly.

"I'll get used to it slowly."


Chen Gewei agreed aloud.

The two were quiet again for a few seconds, and this time, Chen Gewei took the initiative to ask.

"Are you out shopping?"

Just as Jin Zhixiu was about to answer, she suddenly found that the shop street in front of her was cut off, and there was a community in front of her, and there was no place that could shelter her from the wind and rain.

So Jin Zhixiu put on his hat tightly, shrunk his neck, said "wait a minute" into the earphone, and then rushed out quickly, and ran to the commercial street on the other side of the community.

After a burst of hurried steps, Jin Zhixiu came to a convenience store.

She stood still for a while, and then heard Chen Gewei asking on the phone.

"What's wrong with you? Are you running?"


Jin Zhixiu agreed softly.

"There was no shelter from the rain just now, so I ran for a short distance."

"Don't you have an umbrella?"

Chen Gewei asked immediately.


Jin Zhixiu agreed in a low voice.

"I was in a hurry when I came out, so I forgot to bring it."

As Jin Zhixiu said, he looked at the pattering rain beside him, and then said indifferently.

"It's not raining very much..."

While Jin Zhixiu was speaking, the background sound of Chen Gewei in the earphones suddenly became a little noisy. It sounded like the low hum of a machine was continuously echoing.

"What's wrong with you? Why is it suddenly noisy?"

Jin Zhixiu asked suspiciously.

"The sound of the mechanical group working."

Chen Gewei said quickly without paying attention.

Jin Zhixiu frowned slightly, thinking that Chen Gewei had turned on a computer or other electronic devices to make such a sound, so he didn't care, and then talked to Chen Gewei.

"If you're busy, forget it. You can talk when you go back. Anyway, we live together... No, we live upstairs and downstairs."

"I am not busy."

Chen Gewei said decisively.

Jin Zhixiu pouted, and then asked softly with some confusion.

"Then... shall we continue the chat?"

"I also can."

Chen Gewei quickly replied.

Jin Zhixiu raised her head and looked around, suddenly, a coffee shop in front of her caught her attention.

Its name, SWEET'S, is written on the brown shop sign.

Jin Zhixiu remembered something, so he said with a little memory and surprise in his voice.

"I went to the SWEET'S coffee shop. The first time we met was in this coffee shop, but it was the one next to our company."

Chen Gewei on the phone was silent for two seconds, and then spoke truthfully.

"I've forgotten about the store."

Jin Zhixiu immediately showed an expression of displeasure, and immediately reprimanded him.

"It's not long, have you forgotten? Then what do you remember?"


Chen Gewei said quickly and calmly.

Jin Zhixiu's footsteps paused, and his expression froze for a few seconds, then he slowed down, then lowered his head, and said softly.

"Remember me what?"

Chen Gewei pondered for two seconds, then spoke slowly.

"Wurst-red curly hair, lavender top, standard facial features, very beautiful... The perfume smells very good..."

Jin Zhixiu lowered his head shyly, staring at the stone brick floor in front of him, then lowered his voice and said.

"I was filming in the company that day, and I didn't wear perfume on my body. Who would wear perfume during filming..."

"I don't know, my olfactory system tells me."

Chen Gewei said calmly.

Jin Zhixiu moved a few times in embarrassment, and continued to walk with his head down.

After thinking for two seconds in distress, she decided to change the subject.

"Have you... the workstation installed yet?"


Chen Gewei replied again, but this time the voice sounded somewhat three-dimensional.

"Hasn't it been installed for so long? Is it difficult?"

Jin Zhixiu asked curiously.

"No, it's not difficult."

Chen Gewei continued to answer flatly.

"Then what are you doing?"

Jin Zhixiu asked puzzledly.

"I'm...behind you."

(End of this chapter)

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