Top actresses want me to confess

Chapter 102 twists and turns

Chapter 102 twists and turns
The rain fell pattering down, patting on the ground paved with stone bricks and asphalt.

The sky has turned a darker blue-gray, the street lights are turned on, and the light is reflected in the puddles of water, reflecting patches of white scales.

Jin Zhixiu stood in front of the coffee shop, dense white noise passed through her earphones, knocking on her eardrums.

The cold wind was also blowing cunningly, piercing into her collar, bringing a burst of coolness to her body.

But even so, Jin Zhixiu still stood where he was, standing quietly.

She looked at Chen Gewei who was not far ahead, holding a blue umbrella and walking towards her step by step.

Jin Zhixiu once imagined that one day she would meet the person she loves, approach her in a dream scene, hold her hand, and call her name.

Chen Gewei in front of him was indeed handsome, and he barely passed the rainy night in the city.

But Jin Zhixiu is very clear that at the moment Chen Gewei still doesn't understand what love is.

He just approached himself spontaneously, but his clever brain hadn't turned in the right direction to classify his behavior.

Looking at Chen Gewei who had already walked in front of her, and raised her head to look at the umbrella he stretched out, Jin Zhixiu's expression had never been so calm as at this moment, even if her heart had been successfully teased by Chen Gewei just now.

What Chen Gewei did right up to that moment just now, the two times of wanting to raise and then suppress, successfully raised her mood.

But this sudden appearance was too extreme, so extreme that Jin Zhixiu's rationality sounded the alarm, and so extreme that her emotions broke through the bottleneck and fell into chaos and bewilderment.

In the end, just reorganize.

It's like a fixed-performance computer that suddenly encounters something beyond its processing capabilities, which leads to a crash, and can only be forced to restart in the end.

Fortunately, Jin Zhixiu has experienced a long-term independent life since she was a child. Her personality and her reason all make her restart speed very fast.

The moment Chen Gewei walked in front of her, her rationality had returned to the high ground, and her emotions were suppressed to an appropriate level.

Chen Gewei stretched out his hand calmly and put the umbrella on top of Jin Zhixiu's head, regardless of how much disruption he had just caused to South Korea's traffic.

On the highway, Schumacher raced like a possessed body, and the V10 engine and the military plate on the back became his biggest reliance.

But now standing in front of Jin Zhixiu without any danger, Chen Gewei acted as if nothing had happened. He first looked at the baseball cap on Jin Zhixiu's head, and then looked at Jin Zhixiu's face, and asked peacefully.

"Are you going to walk all the way back to Herrington in the rain?"

Jin Zhixiu did not answer his question, but raised his head seriously and looked at Chen Gewei, with a warning in his eyes, warning him not to allow him to deceive himself again.

"Didn't you install a computer at home? Why did you suddenly run behind me?"

Chen Gewei blinked his eyes lightly, turned his head to look at Xiao Yu next to him, and then said on a whim.

" movement."

Jin Zhixiu was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, then he stretched out his hand to Chen Gewei, and said in a charming voice at the same time.

"I want to eat chicken kebabs, you go to Dimension Mobile to buy them for me, if you can't buy this hat, I won't give it to you."

Chen Gewei, who was defeated by the general, also paused, then turned his head and looked around. The range of visibility in rainy days was very low. Within a radius of [-] meters as far as he could see, there was no shop that bought chicken kebabs.

Jin Zhixiu seemed to have seen through his mind, while smiling slightly, he opened his mouth to warn.

"Ah, you are not allowed to learn from me, you never joked before."

After giving up, Chen Gewei shrugged, and then said calmly.

"You've only known me for a few days, how do you know that I didn't joke around before?"

Immediately, Jin Zhixiu turned his head away in displeasure, pouted, and thought briefly for two seconds, then turned his head and looked at Chen Geweidao again.

"Did you drive here? So fast?"

Chen Gewei did not speak, but turned slightly sideways, raised his finger and pointed not far behind him, a blue Audi R8 was quietly hidden in the rainy night.

After looking at the sports car, Jin Zhixiu paused, and then asked softly.

"Did it come from your uncle again?"


Chen Gewei truthfully agreed.

"There are so many presents."

Jin Zhixiu complained in a low voice, then raised his head, and said with confidence.

"I'm hungry."

"Okay, what would you like to eat?"

Chen Gewei immediately asked.

"Well... think about it."

Jin Zhixiu thought for two seconds, then gave up and said.

"Well, let's get in the car first."

Chen Gewei turned sideways, pointed at his sports car again and said.


Jin Zhixiu immediately agreed, and then walked confidently towards the Audi R8.

Chen Gewei followed her steadily, holding the umbrella firmly in his hand, and the angle was more towards her side.

Jin Zhixiu opened the door first and got into the car, and Chen Gewei also circled into the driver's seat.

Under Jin Zhixiu's research gaze, Chen Gewei pressed the ignition button, and the sound of the sports car engine sounded immediately.

Hearing this familiar voice, Jin Zhixiu immediately remembered the background sound of Chen Gewei during the phone call.

And after Chen Gewei heard that he was in the rain, the background sound suddenly increased. It was already very obvious what this meant.

Jin Zhixiu's heart suddenly surged with complex emotions, some sweet but also some resentment.

What Chen Gewei has done so far has moved her, but the other party has not confessed for a long time, and behaved like a fool.

Turning his head to look at Chen Gewei again, he still didn't seem to care, he drove the car calmly, and drove her out of Shangshui Cave.

Jin Zhixiu looked away, it seemed that it was not a good plan to have a showdown with him while driving, and the progress bar in her heart hadn't reached the stage where she could take the initiative to break it.

Jin Zhixiu looked out the window casually, the Audi R8 had already driven forward for a short distance, and they had entered the boundary of Changqian-dong.

And in the direction on her right, she could just see the bald riverside apartment that had been burned down.

From the evening of burning, she and Chen Gewei's progress seemed to have taken a qualitative leap.


The vibrating sound of the mobile phone sounded, and Jin Zhixiu quickly lowered his head, realizing that it was his own mobile phone, and immediately reached out and took it out of his pocket.

I glanced at the caller's name, oh mom.

Jin Zhixiu hesitated, but still slid the on button, and then put the phone to his ear.

"Oh mom~"

Jin Zhixiu greeted softly.

"Oh, daughter, are you on an announcement right now?"

The mother on the phone, Jin Zhiyu, seemed a little busy, and was taking time to talk to her.

"Oh, it's over, I'm in the car coming back now."

Jin Zhixiu quickly turned his head to look at Chen Gewei, and then answered truthfully.

"Then have you had dinner? Come here if you haven't."

Jin Zhiyu said immediately.

"Your father brought your grandparents to Seoul for a comprehensive physical examination today, and will have dinner at home tonight, why don't you have dinner together?"


Jin Zhixiu fell into distress, she lowered her head and began to think.

However, at this moment, Chen Gewei beside him suddenly spoke.

"It's okay, I'll take you there, it's the apartment in Mapo-dong, right?"


Jin Zhixiu nodded in agreement, then picked up the phone and talked to his mother.

"Oh Mom, I'm just passing by, and I'll be there soon."

"Okay, wait for you."

Jin Zhiyu agreed with satisfaction, and then hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Jin Zhixiu pursed his lips, then turned to look at Chen Gewei.

The latter still had a flat expression and drove steadily without any emotional fluctuations on his face.

Jin Zhixiu raised his hand, took off the baseball cap on his head, then stretched out his hand, and put it on Chen Gewei's head.

"Didn't you say you won't send me off?"

Chen Gewei turned his head slightly and asked with a smile.

Jin Zhixiu pouted and said casually.

"If you're in a good mood, I'll pay you for your travel expenses."

Chen Gewei glanced at Jin Zhixiu again, and said softly.

"Audi R8's fuel consumption per 13 kilometers is about [-] liters, and the current gasoline price is..."


Seeing Chen Gewei being fussy, Jin Zhixiu immediately pointed at the hat angrily, and said seriously.

"It's a hat I've worn, and something I've signed can fetch a lot of money."

Chen Gewei smiled, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then I won't give change."

"whispering sound."

Jin Zhixiu withdrew his gaze in disdain, folded his arms around his chest, but immediately after, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again.


Five minutes later in Mapo-dong, the light rain has stopped.

The blue Audi R8 was parked under the apartment building, and the lights of the car reflected red light on the shallow water.

Jin Zhixiu got out of the car, and while waving at the sports car, he walked slowly backwards towards his parents' apartment.

The distance between the sports car and the apartment building was very short, and Jin Zhixiu only took a few steps back before reaching the stairs.

She turned around reluctantly, but finally waved to Chen Gewei.

Then he pushed open the door and disappeared from Chen Gewei's sight.

One minute after Jin Zhixiu walked into the safety gate, the Audi R1 made a movement, backed away slowly, then turned around and left the scene.

When Kim Ji-soo returned to her parents' apartment, her mother, Kim Ji-woo, opened the door for her.

As soon as he entered, Kim Ji-soo ran to greet his grandparents.

Grandma sat on the sofa and looked at her with a smile.The grandfather, on the other hand, focused on watching the news on the TV, with the same indifferent expression as the one who sent her here just now.

Father Jin Hejun also came out of the room and greeted him briefly.

At this moment, on the TV, it just switched to the next news, and the hostess in a bright yellow shirt began to broadcast.

"Today evening, a blue sports car was seriously speeding on the expressway beside the Han River, during which the maximum speed reached 186km/h, which caused huge disturbance to the traffic. Turn into the street of Shangshuidong near the passage and disappear..."

In front of the TV, his father Jin Hejun saw the news, sighed contemptuously, then turned his head, looked at his wife and said.

"These people really don't want their lives..."

Mother Kim Ji-woo also shook her head, but didn't express any opinion.

And Jin Zhixiu, who was standing next to grandma with a smile on his face, was staring at the TV in a daze at this moment, and his heart was touched again.


Herrington Place, Penthouse.

Chen Gewei walked out of the elevator briskly, came to the door of the new apartment, and unlocked the combination lock more skillfully.

Open the door of the apartment, take two steps into the hallway, and immediately see Kim Jong-hoon and Yin Xiangyu who are still sitting at the coffee table.

The two were still studying, although they looked back when they entered the door.

"Oh, and bought a hat back."

Jin Zhengxun looked at the baseball cap on Chen Gewei's head and said something casually.

On the other hand, Yin Xiangyu sized Chen Gewei up, then raised his finger to the east of the living room, and said to Chen Gewei.

"It should be that the clothes and shoes you bought have arrived and put them there."

Chen Gewei turned his head to look over, then put on his slippers, and walked there.

My father, a designer, is also very busy. I can't count on him to make all my clothes when my clothes inventory is burned out, so I have to buy two sets.

When he came to the courier pile, Chen Gewei looked at the packaging information on it, and at the same time heard Yin Xiangyu behind him saying.

"It was sent by the supervisor here today, and it was a good meal. I feel that every leader in this area will come to see you, the crown prince."

"It's impossible for me to do them any favors."

Chen Gewei said something coldly, then reached out and picked up his courier, got up and walked towards his room.

"I thought so too, but they just insisted on coming."

Yin Xiangyu replied helplessly, then turned his head to look, and then saw Chen Gewei's fleeting back.

Jin Zhengxun observed Chen Gewei's state the whole time, with a slightly puzzled expression, and then guessed.

"Why do I feel that he has failed in love?"

Yin Xiangyu turned his head and looked at Jin Zhengxun angrily.

"He hasn't been like this all the time, you forgot after two years in the army?"

Kim Jong-hoon curled his lips and did not deny it.

And Yin Xiangyu looked at Jin Zhengxun and confirmed again.

"You really don't want to go back to have dinner with your grandparents?"

"No return."

Kim Jong-hoon said affirmatively.

"I took Baolan to Junpu to visit them some time ago..."

Back in the master bedroom area, Chen Gewei carried several couriers directly into the cloakroom, then turned around to find the scissors in the study, and then went back to the cloakroom again, unpacking the couriers one by one.

Not long after it was taken apart, the phone in Chen Gewei's pocket suddenly vibrated.

Chen Gewei stopped what he was doing, picked up his phone, and glanced at the screen.

A message from a pretty young girl, just not the one he wanted to see.

[Chen Geweixi, maybe you are done with your work?Are we coming out tomorrow? 】

Looking at Nancy's news, Chen Gewei frowned, then sighed deeply, and typed helplessly.

[Yes, tomorrow. 】

After replying, Chen Gewei put down the phone and threw it on the cabinet.

But he had just picked up the scissors again, and after a couple of cuts, his phone vibrated again.

There was no other way, Chen Gewei had to put down the things in his hands, and picked up the phone again.

[Since it's tomorrow, let's go out and watch a movie. Do you have any favorite movies? 】

Looking at the content of the message, Cheng curled his lips, thought for a second, and then typed quickly.

[It doesn't matter what you look at. 】

【Let's meet three times. There is a saying in our place that things don't last three times. I will meet you three times. After the third time, we will be completely over. 】

After sending it, Chen Gewei did not put down the phone, but waited quietly.

After 2 minutes, Nancy's reply finally came.

【it is good】

 Kid Riwan is on the move again

(End of this chapter)

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