Chapter 103 Get Out
Megatron Korea Traffic's blue sports car drove out of the underground parking lot again. Chen Gewei drove much more steadily this time. After all, he was going to work instead of picking up a certain lady.

There were a lot of students coming and going from Longshan Industrial High School opposite, which made Chen Gewei slow down even more.

After turning along the intersection of Hanjiang Road and finally driving onto the Jiangbian Expressway, Chen Gewei's speed gradually increased, but still remained at a legal level.

It takes 5 minutes to reach the intersection on the north side of the Mapo Bridge, 1 minute to make a legal turn on the winding road and enter the Mapo Bridge, and finally 4 minutes to reach the downstairs of the company building.

When Chen Gewei walked into the gate of Lianzhong Network Security Company, the time was just stuck at 8:50, which was 10 minutes earlier than his scheduled work time.

Walking into the office hall smoothly, some colleagues around turned their heads to look at him in unison.

Their eyes are a little different from before, some people have a little worry in their eyes, and some people have curiosity in their eyes.

It seems that they have also heard some wind.

Chen Gewei calmly walked back to his seat, sat down steadily, and reached out to turn on the phone.

At this time, Pu Xuelin just came out of the computer room, saw Chen Gewei appearing on the seat, he stood still for two seconds, and finally walked over.

"Minister, this is the log report from yesterday to now."


Chen Gewei agreed softly, then raised his hand to take the file, and briefly looked through it.

The previous attack incidents have been traced to the source, but in the end the clues were cut off and nothing was left. Since yesterday afternoon, Lianzhong has entered a relatively leisurely state.

Of course, it's only relative to those few days before.

There was nothing wrong with the contents of the log report. It looked very ordinary and nothing worthy of Chen Gewei's special concern.

After flipping through it a few times, Chen Gewei asked casually.

"Are you familiar with the two people who do sundries in our company?"

Park Xuelin paused, then raised his head to look at the corner of the administration department, where a young man was sitting there, who had just retired from the army and was hired by Lianzhong through a dispatch company.

Pu Xuelin lowered his head and shook it quickly.


Chen Gewei curled his lips, and then continued to ask.

"How long does it take to paint a car?"

Pu Xuelin thought for a moment, then quickly replied.

"It will take two days for a full coat of paint."

"What about the coating?"

Chen Gewei asked again.

"Coating is fast, just a few hours."

Park Xuelin quickly replied.

Chen Gewei thought for a while, but then he thought of something, tilted his head, looked curiously at Pu Xuelin and asked.

"A new car is not suitable for coating?"

"Well... new cars really don't need coating, but in fact, it's been a month since I bought the car and picked it up, so it's okay to coat it."

Pu Xuelin thought for a while and said, then immediately lowered his head.

"What, Minister, have you bought a new car?"


Chen Gewei agreed in a low voice.

"I got the car in one day, and then I did something bad yesterday, so I changed the color to avoid the limelight."

Pu Xuelin smiled when he heard it, and then asked indifferently.

"What, Minister, is that the R8 on the expressway yesterday?"

"Well, it's me."

Chen Gewei replied honestly and affirmatively.

Pu Xuelin's face froze, and the expressions of the other employees sitting beside him also changed, and they stared blankly at Chen Gewei.

After Chen Gewei looked around, he opened his mouth to explain.

"I have a cooperative relationship with the military, and this car is actually not mine, and there were special circumstances at the time."

The others were still stunned, only Pu Xuelin nodded stiffly after a delay of three or four seconds, and then agreed cautiously.


With that said, Chen Gewei took out the car key from his pocket and handed it to Pu Xuelin.

"For the one who does chores, let him help me to apply a film, whatever shape you want, don't look too obvious that it's the original look."

"Let me do it."

Pu Xuelin immediately said.

"I don't have much to do today."

"I can do it too."

Another male employee next to him also got up and said, with the words "I want to drive R8" written all over his face.

But Pu Xuelin ignored him, put away the key decisively, and then turned and left.

Chen Gewei didn't say anything when he saw this, but silently withdrew his gaze, and then turned to look elsewhere.

His eyes drifted casually to Jin Shangxun's office, the latter just happened to walk in with his bag at the moment.

His steps were slow, and his expression was a little tired.

Seeing this, Chen Gewei thought for a while, then got up and walked towards Jin Shangxun's office.

He walked quickly to the door of the office and stretched out his hand to open the door. Jin Shangxun, who had just sat down, raised his head and looked over.

Seeing Chen Gewei walking in, a faint smile appeared on Jin Shangxun's face.

"How are the acquisition talks going?"

After Chen Gewei came in, he asked directly, closed the door behind his back, and then sat down on the sofa in front of his desk.

Jin Shangxun paused, pondered for two seconds, and then spoke slowly.

"The progress is almost there. The contract may be signed in the next two days. Thanks to you, their attitude is very good."

"It's my uncle's blessing, it has nothing to do with me."

Chen Gewei corrected decisively.

"But I don't know your uncle, I only know you."

Jin Shangxun looked at Chen Gewei and said with a light smile.

Chen Gewei didn't say anything, and continued to listen to Jin Shangxun quietly.

The middle-aged man tapped the table with his fingers, looked out of the desk, and then said lightly.

"I'm going to announce the merger with them today to see if they can accept it. After the merger is over, we should move to Banqiao Science and Technology Park, Gyeonggi-do."

"It's far away."

Chen Gewei said softly.


Kim Sang Hoon nodded.

"So let them know in advance."

Chen Gewei turned his head to look at Jin Shangxun, with a slight concern on his face, he asked.

"Why do you look so tired?"

"No, I just..."

Jin Shangxun still looked at the office, paused, and then said with emotion.

"I once thought about making Lianzhong a big company like Naver, but the reality is always very difficult. I'm already thinking about whether I should step down..."

"Their promises changed?"

Chen Gewei asked immediately.

"No no."

Kim Sang-hoon waved his hand gently.

"It's just that I'm a little tired, and the price offered by the acquisition partner is not bad. I'm thinking, maybe I can retreat bravely."

Chen Gewei was silent and did not speak. He lowered his head and thought for two seconds. After the former turned his head and looked at himself for a while, he spoke slowly.

"If that's what you really want, it's up to you."

"Ha ha."

Jin Shangxun smiled, then raised his finger to Chen Gewei and said.

"Kwon Kyung-hee revealed your position to me. They are currently planning to arrange a position for you at the same level as a director, in charge of some technical work."

"I do not care."

Chen Gewei shook his head indifferently.

After a pause for a few seconds, he stood up and turned his head to look at Kim Sang-hoon.

"I'm going to leave my job in a few days, and I'm already arranging for the handover of my affairs."

"Well, I see."

Jin Shangxun nodded, thought for two seconds, then raised his head and asked Chen Gewei who had already walked to the door of the office.

"I know you don't like dinner parties, but you have to come to the meal before the merger is completed in a while?"

Chen Gewei stopped, put his right hand on the doorknob and remained silent for two seconds, then turned his head and agreed.

"I see."

 I was a little tired after coding the important chapters of the two chapters yesterday, so I came later.

(End of this chapter)

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