Chapter 11 Make it Bigger

In the blink of an eye, Lin Guoan was already thinking about how to wipe Lin Liqing's ass.

The more Lin Guoan thought about it, the more panicked he became, and he stood up abruptly, "No! I have to ask my elder brother, he seems to have a comrade-in-arms who is from the police station, but he is not from your area, and I don't know how it is related."

Seeing that Lin Guoan was going to make a phone call, Lin Liqing hurriedly stopped him, "Second brother, don't worry! I have suffered such a big loss this time, so I won't lose my memory! Don't worry, this time, my eldest sister and I have made up the sum in advance. , The inspection report at the hospital is unmistakable, the evidence is solid, I am sure nothing will happen!"

Seeing that Lin Liqing was so calm, Lin Guoan still felt flustered and insisted on making a phone call. As for Lin Liqing's proposal of buying bricks and building a brick kiln, he had no objection and agreed in a daze.

Lin Liqing breathed a sigh of relief after this matter was settled, and rode a bicycle leisurely back to Jiaonan Village.

On the road, I met a peddler carrying mutton in the streets and alleys, and stopped to cut a catty of mutton. It’s almost winter, so I just went back to feed everyone.

She was having a good time here, but the Yan family in Fengkou Society was very nervous.

Lin Liqing reported the case early in the morning, and the police were dispatched immediately. They were divided into two groups. One went to the city hospital to seek evidence, and the other went to Yan's house in Fengkou Society to inform Li Meihua and his wife, so as to understand what happened.

As soon as the police entered the village, the villagers thought that someone had committed a crime, and they all followed the police not far away, all the way to Yan Yongfu's house.

Even the village chief came.

Li Meihua and his wife never imagined that Lin Liqing would go to the police, and they turned pale for the first time when they heard the police's coming. Li Meihua even hid behind Yan Jianshe and dared not stand up.

The policeman frowned slightly, thinking that the women in the village had never seen anything in the world, so he asked patiently: "Ms. Lin Liqing accused her of being framed by you, we want to know, is there such a thing?"

Everyone stared at Li Meihua.

Li Meihua's eyes flickered and she didn't say a word, Yan Jianshe said bravely, "My wife has had a miscarriage, she is timid."

The policeman warned: "You are not the person involved, so you cannot answer for the person involved. Ms. Li Meihua, please answer my question. If you don't cooperate, I can only ask you to go to the police station with us."

"No, no, I won't go to the police station, I'm still in confinement!" Li Meihua said pitifully.

"Then you can answer our questions carefully." The policeman looked serious.

Seeing that she couldn't be fooled, Li Meihua nodded honestly.

"Are you sure it was Ms. Lin Liqing who pushed you to cause your miscarriage?" The police confirmed again.

"Yes" Li Meihua lowered her head, her voice hesitated. Originally, she wanted to say that she was not sure, but before she insisted that it was Lin Liqing who pushed her. With her deliberate push, everyone knew that it was Lin Liqing who caused her miscarriage. If she changed her mind now, Liu Cuifeng might be the first to let her go, and those people in the village might drown her with spittle.

The policeman wrote down what she said, and then asked, "Was there any witness at that time?"

Li Meihua shook her head, "Just me and her."

Liu Cuifeng hurriedly interjected: "Police, police, my third daughter-in-law has long had a problem with my fourth daughter-in-law. She must have pushed her when she was watching when no one was around. My fourth daughter-in-law is honest, and she can be wronged! We all said we don't care about it, but now she is calling for a thief, if you want me to say, you should arrest her!

In addition, the Lin family even smashed a room of ours!We didn't call the police, they thought we were easy to bully! "

The more Liu Cuifeng thought about it, the more aggrieved she became.

After listening to the policeman, he said: "If you have any opinions, you can also report the case. We will investigate what happened. If you reach a civil case, you can get a certain amount of compensation."

Liu Cuifeng's eyes lit up, and he felt a little moved.

Yan Yongfu stopped with a cold face: "Don't you think it's not messy enough? Just stay and go!"

Liu Cuifeng refused to accept, because of Yan Yongfu's majesty, he dared not continue to make trouble.

The police then asked some questions, including when and where the incident happened, how Li Meihua fell, and where Li Meihua went to see a doctor during her pregnancy, what medicine she took, etc. How did Li Meihua think about it so much? Cold sweat came out.

After the two policemen walked out of Fengkoushe.

The younger officer Zhang asked the older officer Chen, "Brother Chen, do you think what the woman just said is true?"

Officer Chen lit a cigarette and took a long drag before he sneered, "It's not over yet!"

Officer Zhang immediately understood the meaning behind the words, and hurried back to the police station with Officer Chen.

Not long after they went back, the colleagues who went to the city hospital to investigate also came back.

The leading veteran policeman, Jin Aiguo, slammed a document on the table, cursing, "Damn it, that woman was really framed. This Li Meihua had no child before, and she still refused to let her go. Just keep plotting against my third sister-in-law! It's really vicious!"

"Old Jin! Calm down, I also went to Fengkou Society to verify it. That Li Meihua insisted that Lin Liqing caused her miscarriage. You don't know. Now Fengkou Society mentions the name Lin Liqing. Those are some ugly words!" Police Officer Chen replied.

Jin Aiguo immediately became angry, "Then what are you waiting for! False accusation is a crime, and everyone has reported the crime. Let's arrest them now."

Just at this moment, the chief of the police station came in and learned that they were going to Fengkoushe to arrest a woman. After learning what had happened, he said, "Go, bring two more people, and arrest Li Meihua's man for questioning. I don't believe this. He doesn't know about this kind of thing!"

When Jin Aiguo heard the words, they immediately went to four of them like a chicken blood.

In the evening, the entrance of Fengkoushe village was full of idle old people. Seeing the four policemen approaching, everyone stood up unanimously.

An old man asked nervously, "Police, who committed the crime?"

"Li Meihua, Yan Jianshe!"

"What? Aren't these two couples in the village all the time? What happened to them?"


When the four policemen arrived at Yan Yongfu's house, half of the village knew that Yan Jianshe and Li Meihua had committed a crime, and that it was still a crime of framing. Does anyone need to say who made the framing?
The villagers were shocked and stunned. They thought it was a big fight when they came back to the Lin family, but they didn't expect the follow-up to be so fierce.

Yan Jianshe and Li Meihua were dragged away from their yard by the police.

Liu Cuifeng rolled on the sidelines, "I'm wronged! I'm wronged! My God! Is there any law for this?"

The village chief also had a pale face, and stopped the police in fear, "Aren't they the victims? How could it be framed? Is there any evidence?"

Before, the two couples gave him gifts and said hello, telling him to turn a blind eye to these things about the Yan family, but he accepted the gifts, and now he can't live a peaceful life without asking.

The policeman said with a serious face: "We have conclusive evidence to prove that Li Meihua's child was gone before the incident happened. They both knew about this matter, but they deliberately used it to frame Lin Liqing."

(End of this chapter)

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