Chapter 12
Speaking of which, the police also showed the hospital's B-ultrasound examination report.

Everyone surrounded them by coincidence, and those who could read carefully read it carefully, and then spit at Li Meihua and his wife, "The most poisonous woman's heart!"

When Li Meihua and his wife saw the report, they were completely stunned and collapsed on the ground.

After the person was dragged away by the police, the other villagers also hurriedly left this place of right and wrong, feeling unlucky even to take a second look.

Liu Cuifeng sat on the ground and wailed in disbelief, but Yan Yongfu asked coldly, "Did you already know about the old four?"

"What do I know!" Liu Cuifeng cried loudly.

Yan Yongfu was so angry that he slapped him, "You still said no! Didn't you swear that it was the third family who harmed the fourth family?"

"I..." Liu Cuifeng covered her face, not daring to cry anymore.

Yan Jianjun and Yan Jiandang hurried forward to dissuade them. Huang Yulian and Zhou Xiaoe looked at each other, and reluctantly went to help Liu Cuifeng into the house. They couldn't continue to be a joke outside.

Liu Cuifeng, who entered the main room, couldn't sit still. Although she was afraid of being beaten, she was still more worried about her younger son, so she hurriedly asked, "Old man, what should we do? Will Jianshe and Meihua go to jail?"

"Prison is what they deserve! They've lost all my face!" Yan Yongfu slapped the table angrily.

He doesn't care about these things at home, but now that the trouble has gone to the police station, he can't tolerate it.

Liu Cuifeng muttered twice, and muttered in a low voice: "The same goes for the third family. We all said that we don't want to pursue it. It doesn't count that she smashed the house, and she even went to the police!"

Hearing this, Huang Yulian felt an inexplicable evil fire in her heart, and said, "Mom, isn't it normal for Liqing to do this? Who wants to be wronged for no reason, and now they are all advertising that they should go to the police? It's wrong for her to go to the police ?"

"Exactly! If you want me to say that the fourth and fourth couple deserve it! If you don't do harm to others, you won't be arrested, retribution!" Yan Jianjun echoed.

The couple have long been dissatisfied with their parents' partiality, so they should not step on the opportunity now.

Liu Cuifeng glared at them angrily. Knowing that she was wrong, she sat down with a sullen face, "No matter what, he is your younger brother. Now that something happened, how can you, a big brother, stand by and talk sarcastic!"

Yan Jianjun chuckled, "Otherwise, what else can I do? Let me go to the police station to save people? Mom, don't think too far!"

"You go to the Lin family in Jiaonan Village to find the third family, bring them something, and speak softly. As long as the third family let go, Jianshe and Meihua will be fine." Liu Cuifeng is so clear-headed.

Yan Jianjun was not very happy, exchanged glances with Huang Yulian, grinned his teeth and said, "Oh, the place where I was beaten a few days ago still hurts! Mom, let's wait until I recover from the injury."

joke!Now that the police have evidence, the Lin family must know that Lin Liqing was wronged, so it must be adding fuel to the flames!Was he rushing to deliver the head at this time?

Thinking of Lin Guosheng's face, which was even scarier than Zhong Kui's, Yan Jianjun couldn't help shivering, and became more determined to stay at home.

Liu Cuifeng became angry, and turned to look at Yan Jiandang, "Second brother, what do you say?"

Yan Jiandang is an honest person, but one of the characteristics of an honest person is that he admits death and is stubborn. He immediately said: "Mom, if you do something wrong, you must bear it yourself. I was beaten once, but I don’t want to get hurt again.”

Zhou Xiaoe on the side breathed a sigh of relief and was in a good mood.

Liu Cuifeng slapped the table angrily, "What do you mean! You two are big brothers like this! What's the use of me giving birth to you! If I had known that I would have drowned you as soon as I was born!"

"Enough!" Yan Jianjun scratched his head severely and stood up, "Mom! It's fine if you're biased, but the fourth couple did such a vicious thing and you're still blatantly partial. Don't you think we won't be chilled? Hehe, he said he was born What use are we.

Didn't we do the farm work outside the house?Isn't the child's mother doing the housework?Isn't the food cooked by the second family?But I can't even remember what the fourth and fourth couple have done for this family.

Everyone knows who is useful and who is not. Since you treasure your little son so much and don't like us, then we don't bother you. Let's separate! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Yan Jianjun in shock. Unlike Yan Jiandang, he was the eldest son of Yan Yongfu, and the right to speak was only under Yan Yongfu.

Huang Yulian looked like she had nothing to do with herself, but her face obviously looked better. After Yan Jiandang was surprised, she returned to her previous appearance.

Zhou Xiaoe was very moved. She glanced at the man next to her, and secretly tugged on Layan Jiandang's sleeve.

Liu Cuifeng didn't expect that her eldest son would want to separate the family just by saying so casually, how could this work!What if his fourth child is separated?
"No! I don't agree! Divide the family unless I die!" Liu Cuifeng looked at the eldest son with a straight face, resentful, and swept Huang Yulian with his eyes like a knife.

Huang Yulian said innocently: "Mom, what do you think I am doing? This matter has nothing to do with me! But since we have talked about it, let me, the eldest daughter-in-law, talk about my thoughts. Move on.

This time they took advantage of the fact that the third brother was not at home, and they raped the third sibling, and almost killed him. Who knows if they will plot against us in the future!
The third brother and sister are easy to bully, but I am not easy to bully. If they really provoke me, maybe I will pick up the kitchen knife when my brain gets hot. For everyone's sake, it is better to separate the family.

Besides, the reputation of the fourth and fourth couple is bad, I have to think about Mingqiang and Qiaoqiao!I can't delay my children because of the two of them."

"Have you said enough?" Liu Cuifeng was so angry that his veins bulged, his eyes were bloodshot, as if he wanted to eat people.

Huang Yulian was so frightened that she hurriedly hid behind Yan Jianjun, muttering in a low voice: "I'm not wrong, it might be even worse to say it outside!"

Liu Cuifeng clutched her chest, almost dying of anger.

Yan Jianjun looked at Yan Yongfu who said nothing, "Dad, just say something if you can't make it! Now that the old three and the old and the four families have become like this, it can be regarded as a death feud. Even if we don't separate now, wait for the third child Come back and score."

Yan Jianjun's words directly extinguished the last hope in Yan Yongfu's heart.

He raised his head and glanced at Liu Cuifeng, lowered his eyes and said, "Then wait until the third child comes back."

After receiving Yan Yongfu's words, Yan Jianjun stopped pressing him, and made a weak appearance and asked Huang Yulian to help him back to the room.

Yan Jiandang and Zhou Xiaoe also hurriedly left.

They are honest but not stupid, Yan Yongfu and Liu Cuifeng may be very angry now!To stay is to send it to someone's door to scold.

(End of this chapter)

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