As soon as the couple left, Qin Lixiong and Qin Liguo sighed: "This is the owner of Qingxiangzhai you mentioned. He really doesn't look like an ordinary peasant woman. He hit the point right away. All the rhetoric I prepared were useless. .”

Qin Lixiong was very happy because he was not optimistic about the financial resources of Lin Liqing and his wife before. He did not expect that the couple would circle three factories, and the garment factory was the one with the most serious losses. If they can successfully trade, the city I will definitely remember him as a great contribution, and the remaining factories can also be bought slowly, so there is no need to rush.

Yan Jianguo returned home and immediately followed Lin Liqing to the study.

"Why is it so good that the garment factory is included?" Yan Jianguo was a little puzzled.

Just now in Qin Lixiong's office, Lin Liqing winked at him, implying that this factory is good, but Lin Liqing didn't tell everyone what is good about it. He blindly agreed based on his high trust in his wife.

The more I thought about it afterwards, the more something went wrong. If they bought a clothing factory and added a food factory, they wouldn't have any money to turn around.

Lin Liqing glared at him with an unteachable look, "Let's watch the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve, and then take a look at the clothing styles sent to you by Guangdong Province this time. Don't you know the fashion? If we If you can grasp the fashion trend by yourself, why can't you produce your own clothes?
You are also a clothing wholesaler, how big are the profits in it, do you not know?It’s fine if we didn’t have the ability before, why can’t we do it ourselves if we have the strength now?

Not only do I want to do business, but I also want to establish our own brand, from clothing development to bedding and daily necessities, etc. In short, I want this factory not just for fun, so I suggest you study the clothing industry carefully during this time, if you can Let's enroll in an evening school and study hard. "

She has had this idea for a long time. When she is reborn, she wants to make up for the shortcomings of her previous life as much as possible. Going to school is one of them. Of course, in addition to family conditions and physical health problems, the more important thing is her She always thought that she was a girl with poor health, and reading so many books was useless, so she married early. After decades of experience, she realized how naive her original thoughts were.

Ever since she heard what Lin Guoye and Yan Fei said about college life, she has been yearning for college. Both of them have a junior high school diploma, so they have a little background. They have studied at night school for a few years and took the college entrance examination. If they can pass the exam, they can go to college. No matter how hard it is, you can go to a technical secondary school. Only by studying continuously and entering a higher institution of higher learning can you learn more professional knowledge. Otherwise, you can only go to a big city like Guangdong Province to see if there are any relevant books to bring back from study.

However, self-study is still much more difficult than teaching by others, and systematic learning still needs to go to school.

"What? Go to night school!" Yan Jianguo's eyes widened for a moment, and he was shocked to let him study more than to buy a factory, "What do you think? Isn't it good that we are doing this now?"

Lin Liqing shook her head seriously, stared into Yan Jianguo's eyes seriously and asked, "Are you going to live like this for the rest of your life? Don't you want to make your business bigger?"

"Business will definitely grow bigger and bigger. If we keep the status quo, it will go downhill." Yan Jianguo said without thinking.

Lin Liqing smiled softly, "You all know this truth, can you do it without learning? The country is short of talents now, and we are the same. We can continue to operate at this scale, but if we want to continue to develop and become bigger and stronger, we need We have professional knowledge, let alone production, at least you can't be a layman in management, right?
The safest thing is that you master the production technology proficiently, which involves all aspects, and at the same time, you also need to systematically master the methods of managing a company or even an enterprise. This kind of knowledge is only available in universities. If you don’t study, how can you learn it? "

Yan Jianguo was taken aback by Lin Liqing's words, and murmured in confusion, "Can I continue studying now?"

Lin Liqing nodded vigorously, "As long as you want to study, you can do it. It's only been a few years since the country resumed the college entrance examination. Let's work hard and go to university. When the time comes, those people in the village will mention that you must not be envious, saying that you have a successful career. , served as a soldier, or a college student, tsk tsk tsk, sounds different!
I also want to disgust your parents with bad intentions, who made them so biased, look, the son who is least liked by them is the most promising, and I will probably make your mother angry at that time We have to demolish a new home. "

Yan Jianguo was amused by her narrow-minded look, "Naughty! But what you said makes sense. I don't know how to do it if I want to continue to develop. I still need to read more. Maybe the book will tell me how to take the next step."

Yan Jianguo, who had made up his mind, submitted his and Lin Liqing's materials the next day, preparing to go to night school.

Everyone didn't say anything after they knew about it, and even because Lin Liqing had to go to class at night, Chen Meiyun took the initiative to stop the work in the baking room and let her have time to make snacks.

Qin Lixiong also fed back the questions raised by Lin Liqing to the municipal government.

At this time, the city government office is hosting a group of entrepreneurs from Xiangjiang, all of whom are leaders in various industries, and the lowest assets are several hundred million.

The leader is Luo Mingkang, who started with red wine, followed by Yao Dongwang, who is engaged in aquatic products, and the third is Li Rongcheng, a leather merchant. The rest are engaged in clothing, meat processing, dairy products and so on.

These eight people were hired by the province from Xiangjiang with great difficulty, in order to solve the problems of several factories.

In order to show the sincerity of the Baishui Municipal Government, the mayor and senior city officials took the lead in the reception.

As soon as a group of people sat down and said a few words, the mayor's secretary knocked on the door and came in with a document.

The smile on the mayor's face froze for a few seconds, and then he put the materials aside as if nothing happened, and continued to greet everyone.

All the people here are businessmen, watching all directions and listening to all directions. How could the slight changes in the mayor's expression escape their eyes.

Tanner Li Rongcheng asked tentatively, "Mayor, is there something wrong?"

Just now they mentioned the development and reform of several factories, and everyone knows that if there is no accident, at least one of the dozens of factories will be worthy of this trip, but investing in factories is not a waste of time. It’s easy to buy a house with money, but if it’s not worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars, it’s impossible for them to be careless.

The mayor restrained his emotions, turned around and smiled sincerely at everyone, and said: "Actually, it's nothing. Director Qin, who was in charge of this area just now, sent some materials. There are also two people in our city who want to buy the factory because of funding problems. , they can only buy small factories, but they have raised several problems, that is, the current resettlement method for workers and the debt left over from the original factory.”

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