Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 166 Xiangjiang Entrepreneur

These two sensitive issues were also what they were going to talk about next, and the eight people present were a little surprised when the mayor said it so openly.

The people in the city government also secretly glanced at the mayor several times, secretly worried for him.

The mayor is suffering!He didn't want to mention it either, but the small local bosses all have this kind of insight. The people from Xiangjiang must have been aware of these hidden dangers long ago, and there were even deeper issues that he hadn't raised. He sincerely hoped that these people would come to When investing in Baishui City, it is natural to show [-]% sincerity.

Luo Mingkang raised his eyebrows. He was a little surprised that businessmen in such a small place could predict these risks in advance, so he asked curiously, "Is it your local entrepreneur?"

His Mandarin is clearer than the others, and he can still hear the strong Xiangjiang tone.

The mayor shook his head, "No, it's just an ordinary businessman. After catching up with the liberalization of the policy, he only made a fortune in the past two years, so he has no foundation. I don't think much about it. The acquisition of the factory depends on you few big entrepreneurs. ah!"

The materials Qin Lixiong sent not only included the questions raised by Lin Liqing, but also the backs of the couple and their assets had been roughly evaluated. After reading the materials, the mayor was almost confident. If these eight entrepreneurs did not come, he would still pay attention to it. Yan Jianguo and Lin Liqing, but now that eight giants have come, their husband and wife can only be candidates in his heart.

Luo Mingkang didn't say anything else, but Yao Dongwang praised the newly added aquatic products factories along the coast of Baishui City, without mentioning these loss-making factories at all, and his attitude was unpredictable.

Li Rongcheng frowned, and brought the topic back, "Mayor, Secretary, what do you think about the debts of these factories?"

"That must not let the buyer suffer. We have all thought about it. The funds recovered from the sale of the factory will be used to pay off the debt. If the debt is insolvent, the city's finance will allocate additional funds to pay it off. You can rest assured about this issue." It was the first time that a high-ranking city official spoke out, and his words reassured the others a lot.

"There is also the problem of employee placement." Another thought entrepreneur mentioned.

"This." The mayor and senior city officials looked at each other.

In the end, it was the secretary of the senior city official who said, "Actually, we have thought about this issue before. Our idea is to give workers two choices. One is to stay in the original factory and the contractor will pay them wages, and the other is to resign and pay them more wages." One month salary compensation.

The materials sent by director Qin just now mentioned that the nature of the factory has changed from a state unit to a private unit, and their jobs are no longer guaranteed. It is estimated that the workers will not agree, and protests are very likely.

Our experience in dealing with such emergencies is still insufficient, so I would like to ask if there are any other better solutions. "

Yao Dongwang couldn't help laughing, "The Secretary-General was joking, we are just businessmen, how can we compare with you, to put it bluntly, this situation is like falling from heaven to hell for workers, no matter what strategy they use, it will cause a psychological gap for them, but It's just a difference in size.

It is impossible to completely prevent the occurrence of protests, unless you can arrange those workers to continue to work in factories in other countries. "

"That's impossible," said the mayor flatly.

These factories are for sale, and other factories are not doing very well. Right now, sugar factories, tobacco factories, pharmaceutical factories and other big factories are still making money.

Yao Dongwang shrugged, "Since this method doesn't work, we can only start with compensation, and see how much compensation your government can give these people. One month's salary is too little, then two months or three months, or other places to pay them." They provide benefits, and we are reluctant to let us take these workers."

The old fritters are not just talking about it. What they need to set up a factory is hard-working people. These people have worked in state-owned factories for so many years, and they have more or less developed some inertia and vanity, which is not suitable for them. Factory concept.

After the other party stated their attitude, both sides were a little embarrassed.

It was Luo Mingkang who broke the weird atmosphere, "Let's go to the field to investigate first and see what the general situation of these factories is."

The mayor hurriedly asked someone to contact Qin Lixiong, and asked Qin Lixiong to take them on a field trip.

When Qin Lixiong rushed over, he became extremely careful even breathing in the face of several big entrepreneurs. He couldn't neglect any of these people.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Qin Lixiong said politely: "I have arranged lunch for you. It is the largest restaurant in Baishui City. It is not as good as Xiangjiang. Please don't be disgusted."

Li Rongcheng laughed, "No, no, I think we stayed here for a while when we were young, and revisited the old place, but I miss the local snacks we used to eat. If Director Qin took them to the restaurant, I would Go around with Boss Luo."

"Isn't this right?" Qin Lixiong was anxious, and he said after a while: "How about I take you to the department store? My brother is the manager of the department store. He knows more about our daily necessities than I do. Let him take you to the department store." Turn around, two?"

"Yes." Luo Mingkang said.

Qin Lixiong immediately contacted the people in his office to take Luo Mingkang and Li Rongcheng to the department store.

The two were obviously very interested in the department store. They walked around it several times, and they could say a few words about everything they saw, from electrical appliances to clothes, shoes, leather bags, daily necessities, and even some food products were produced by their friend's company.

However, they have never seen the brand of snacks in a gift box placed in the most eye-catching position.

"Qingxiangzhai mainland brand?" Luo Mingkang looked at Qin Liguo and asked curiously.

Qin Liguo immediately asked people to carry two bags away, and introduced: "It is a famous dim sum shop in our local area. Because the public loves it, our mall also buys and sells it. The sales volume is much higher than other snacks."

When the two heard it, they silently remembered it in their hearts.

Seeing that they were interested in Qingxiangzhai, Qin Liguo continued: "Actually, these gift boxed snacks are just one of the most important products of Qingxiangzhai. It mainly sells freshly made and sold snacks, and there are various local specialties. For example, Shuang Gao Run, Mo Ci, Pillow Cakes, Baixiang Cakes, Navel Cakes, etc. The most popular is the pineapple buns launched last year, which are baked and sold every day, and you have to queue up.

If you want to eat our local snacks, you can go there and have a look. Oh, by the way, there are two meatball shops near Qingxiangzhai. One sells meatballs and the other sells fish balls and shrimp balls. The meatballs are all taken from there. "

"So powerful!" Li Rongcheng muttered, looking at Luo Mingkang, "How about we go for a walk?"

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