Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 242 Yan Mingqiang's Arrangement

"What are you talking about to a child!" Lin Liqing gave Huang Yulian a reproachful look, and asked Yan Mingqiang to go upstairs to play.

After a matter of concern was settled, Huang Yulian felt relieved, as if Yan Mingqiang would definitely be admitted to junior high school with this arrangement.

Even if other people want to say something, they dare not make trouble at this time.

Chen Suling took out a notebook from the cloth bag. The writing on it was crooked, and it recorded some things that Lin Liqing couldn't understand.

She explained: "We visited the village door-to-door this time, and there are quite a few families who are willing to send their children to nursery schools. Together, we can recruit 45 children, of which 23 are half-grown and can take care of themselves, and the rest are just weaned. Someone needs to take care of it, you donated [-] sets of children's quilts before, and you can't use them all up, the village chief asked me to ask if you would send them back?"

Lin Liqing resolutely refused, "It is said that it was donated to the village nursery. Why should I take it back? Keep it if you don't use it up. If you have more children, it will come in handy. If you still need something, just tell me Said, I am willing to spend money on children."

In her last life, she couldn't take care of three children by herself. One of them was lost by Liu Cuifeng. The kindness of the previous life.

"If the village chief heard what you said, he would be so happy that he couldn't sleep." Zhou Xiaoe joked.

Thanks to Lin Liqing, her family Yuanyuan can also go to the nursery for a year. She doesn't expect her child to learn things in the nursery, she just hopes that when the whole family goes out, someone can play with her and watch her, so that the couple can work with peace of mind. live.

Lin Liqing also followed suit.

Chen Suling expressed sincere gratitude: "I thank you on behalf of the children in the village."

After talking about the serious business, Lin Liqing put the food on the table and left everyone for lunch. Before leaving, Chen Suling took out two sets of cute girl's padded jacket skirts from her bag, and said embarrassedly: "I know your family does not lack these Something, but I made it with my own hands, so don’t hold it against me.”

Lin Liqing understood that this dress was supposed to be for Wen Huanhuan, and her family Mimi was passing it by, and if she didn't accept it, she would dislike it, so she had no choice but to accept it generously.

Wait for Chen Suling and his party to leave.

Lin Liqing gave the clothes to the two daughters.

The children are only happy when they receive the gift, and they don't mean to be picky at all.

Wen Huanhuan fiddled with it for a while, and suddenly said "Huh", "Mom, there seems to be something inside the clothes."

"What?" Lin Liqing immediately took the clothes, and found that the inner pockets really felt like paper, because the inner pockets were made big and deep, and the cotton jacket had strong friction, so unless it was shaken all the time, the things wouldn't fall out.

She took it out and saw that it was ten cards of Great Unity, which was 100 yuan.

"A lot of money!" Wen Huanhuan's eyes widened instantly, "Did my aunt forget to put it in?"

Lin Liqing shook her head, this is 100 yuan, who can put so much money in this kind of place, and the ten sheets of unity are wrapped in red paper, obviously for Wen Huanhuan.

She smiled at the child, and said gently, "It's probably a gift from your aunt. She secretly put it in because she was afraid that her mother wouldn't want it."

When Wen Huanhuan heard it, she immediately said in a childlike voice, "Mom, don't want Huanhuan, and don't want it. Mom, send it back to auntie. I've already received the red envelope from auntie."

Lin Liqing patted Wen Huanhuan's head in relief, and put the money back for her, "You take it, and next time Mom meets your fourth aunt, I'll pay it back."

"Okay, then mom has to remember!" After Wen Huan said happily, he turned around and divided up the ten Great Unity cards. The four brothers and sisters each had two cards, and the remaining two cards were given to Lin Liqing.

Wen Jianguo suddenly became unhappy, and stretched out his palm towards Wen Huanhuan, "Huanhuan, where's Dad? Dad doesn't have one!"

Wen Huanhuan said confidently: "Dad has money, so don't rob it from the children. I will buy delicious food for mom."

Wen Jianguo's face fell instantly.

The children glanced at each other, Wen Mimi took out one, and said generously: "Okay, okay, I'll give dad one, dad, don't be sad."

"Then I'll give dad one too, so that there will be as many dads as moms." Wen Huanhuan also took out one.

Wen Wenxu imitated the imitation, imitated the example, and took out one to Wen Jianguo.

Wen Wenchao didn't want to give it, but everyone else gave it. He rolled his eyes and handed one to Lin Liqing, "In this way, there will be as many parents as mothers."

Lin Liqing laughed instantly, and teased Wen Jianguo, "Look, mine is no less than yours!"

Wen Jianguo laughed himself, returned the money to the child, and paid another ten yuan to make it up.

Lin Li earned 30 yuan for her innocence.

The first day of junior high school was spent in a happy family, and the second day of junior high school went back to her mother's house.

Lin Liqing went back to her natal home almost every day, but the children were happy because they could receive a lot of red envelopes and buy things with the money themselves, which had a different meaning.

Several children got together and began to ask each other how many red envelopes the other party had received.

Li Hongxia also went back to the village with her two children. She went there in the morning and came back at [-]:[-] noon.

Wen Huanhuan asked curiously: "Sister Yan, did you go to grandma's house to collect red envelopes?"

Dai Jiangyan, no, it's Li Jiangyan now. Li Hongxia changed the surnames of her children after she moved out of her household registration.

"Grandpa and grandma gave us red envelopes, but my mother didn't take us to my uncle's house. There is no one in their house." Li Jiangyan said disappointedly.

Lin Liqing, Lin Lishu and Chen Meiyun immediately stuffed the red envelopes into the arms of the two brothers.

Li Qiyang didn't dare to ask for it, and kept hiding, "Auntie, cousin, we can't accept it."

They came here to play because they were bored. If they received the red envelopes and went back, they wouldn't be able to explain to their mother.

"Let's just say that we insisted on giving it to you. How dare you refuse to accept it!" Chen Meiyun's bluffing face was quite scary, and Li Qiyang could only obediently accept the red envelope.

Chen Meiyun took the opportunity to pull the child to her side, and asked in a low voice, "Did you see your Uncle Dali during the Chinese New Year?"

Li Qiyang said honestly: "No! It was too cold yesterday, we didn't go out, and no one came to visit the house. Today I went back to grandma's house. It's just as boring, but Uncle Dali gave us the red envelopes before the Spring Festival."

Chen Meiyun's eyes lit up when she heard the words, "How much did he pack for you? Tell my aunt."

Li Jiangyan shouted excitedly: "Uncle Dali gave me two yuan, which is more than what my mother gave me!"

Li Qiyang nodded in agreement, "My mother will give us one dollar each."

"Yo! Then you Uncle Dali are quite generous!" Chen Meiyun smiled from ear to ear.

Yan Mingchao immediately yelled: "We also want to pay New Year's greetings to Uncle Dali."

Wen Jianguo was amused, pinched his son's face, and said: "If you want a red envelope, just say so, and New Year's greetings! If we don't go, you can go by yourself!"

Brother and sister Li Qiyang can come here because Li Qiyang himself can carry people on a bicycle, and Yan Mingchao is not as tall as a bicycle, so he dare not think about it.

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