Yan Mingchao lowered his head instantly, and looked at Lin Liqing pleadingly, "Mom, let's go to pay Uncle Dali a New Year's greeting, shall we?"

Chen Meiyun laughed and scolded: "Your Uncle Dali doesn't do business, so don't worry about how much money you have! Why, the red envelopes given by your parents are not big enough? Why don't grandma give you another one?"

Yan Mingchao looked at Lin Liqing's expression and shook his head perceptively.

It's a joke, he doesn't want to risk his life for the red envelope, if he really takes the red envelope, his mother can chase him up a tree.

Just then, Yao Chen, Wen Liancheng's assistant, appeared.

"Master Sun, Grandma Sun, Master Great-grandson, Miss Great-grandson, it's been a long time." Yao Chen greeted everyone one by one.

After hearing these titles, Chen Meiyun and others couldn't recover for a long time.

Wen Jianguo excitedly stepped forward and asked, "Assistant Yao, why are you here? Is grandpa here too?"

Yao Chen shook his head, "Master didn't come, he just sent me over to give you a New Year's gift. I was supposed to come at the end of the year, but I have too many things to do in the company, and I can't make time. I don't want too many people to know that Young Master Sun is here." Here, they ordered me to set off again after Chinese New Year.”

"So you haven't been able to celebrate the New Year at home." Wen Jianguo felt a little sorry.

Yao Chen smiled nonchalantly, "I was originally an orphan, and my master sponsored me to grow up. It's the same wherever I celebrate the New Year."

"I'm sorry." Wen Jianguo was very apologetic.

Yao Chen looked at Wen Wenchao and the others, knelt down and said dotingly, "Uncle Yao brought you red envelopes, are you happy?"

Wen Wenchao's face glowed instantly, and he rushed to Yao Chen and shouted, "I want it, thank you Uncle Yao, thank you Grandpa Zeng."

The other children followed suit.

Yao Chen came prepared, besides Wen Wenchao, the other children also prepared red envelopes to make everyone happy.

Because of his arrival, Wen Jianguo and Lin Liqing left early, and the child stayed here to play with his cousins, with bodyguards watching, so they were not worried.

Chen Meiyun continued to talk about Wang Dali with Li Qiyang, this time the two of them avoided other kids, "Auntie told you, your mother was heartbroken by your father, Chen Shimei, and she has suffered too much all these years. I look pretty good, what do you think?"

"Auntie, if you want to be a matchmaker for my mother and Uncle Dali, just say so, and you don't need to go round and round. I understand that as long as my mother agrees, I have no objection." Li Qiyang said openly.

When he came to this school to study, he found that many of his classmates had problems at home. Some had stepfathers, some had stepmothers, and some had both parents dead and lived with grandparents and uncles. There were even poorer ones who had both parents but no one. If he is willing to raise it, his life experience that he has been struggling with seems to be no problem here at all, and no one is gossiping in his ear.

He is in a better mood, and he has more confidence in life. Coupled with the good conditions at home, his situation has gradually opened up.

"Good boy! Auntie knows that your mother didn't raise you for nothing. Well, go back and tell your mother that Auntie called her over for dinner." Chen Meiyun thought about choosing a day instead of hitting the day, so she took care of it today. .

Li Qiyang was efficient in handling affairs, he rode his bicycle and ran home, and Li Hongxia was brought here in a short while.

Fortunately, she inquired about the number of children here in advance, so she didn't show timidity.

Chen Meiyun asked Li Hongxia to take her to the bakery to pick things out on the grounds of choosing a dessert gift box, and took the opportunity to take someone to the second floor of the bakery to talk.

"Hongxia, if you call me aunt, aunt will treat you like half of her own daughter, right?"

Li Hongxia nodded and said sincerely: "Auntie loves me, I know."

Chen Meiyun can be said to be her second mother, without her taking care of her, the days when she first came to work would not have been so smooth.

Chen Meiyun's smile deepened, and she went straight to the topic, "Auntie loves you so much, so I hope you will have a good life in the future. Now that you have the ability to stand up without relying on a man, Auntie is happy, but you are still young, and the days to come It's long! You can't lose confidence in all men just because of one Chen Shimei."

Li Hongxia instantly understood why Chen Meiyun came here today, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Auntie, I understand what you said, but the child is still young, so I don't have one."

Chen Meiyun interrupted her, "You don't need to tell your aunt those big truths, you are worried that your child will be bullied in the future, and you are worried that your child will be unhappy, right?"

Li Hongxia lowered her head, Chen Meiyun said earnestly: "To tell you the truth, I just talked with Qi Yang, if he doesn't agree, he can go and drive you!"

Li Hongxia raised her head suddenly, her eyes widened in disbelief, "He agrees to my remarriage?"

Chen Meiyun nodded firmly, "Don't look at the child's silence. I knew what was going on in the village before. People in the village! The parents and the west are short-lived, so there is no fun, so I just find other people's family. Why don't you know how bitter the child is!

Come here and take a look, the two children are much more cheerful, they are growing up, and they may go further in their studies in the future, but they will worry about you alone, and if you remarry, they can rest assured Some.

But let me put the ugly words first, the two children are different from their heartbroken father, you can't treat them badly, if you really want to remarry, you have to say it well, give them the current house and money. "

Li Hongxia was stunned, "Auntie, you're thinking too far, you haven't written your horoscope yet!"

"Who said that! Don't think I don't know, there is one ready-made candidate!" Chen Meiyun said.

Li Hongxia subconsciously blurted out, "Who is it?"

"It's Wang Dali!" Chen Meiyun took it for granted, "He has a good temper and a good character. We have been investigating for a long time, and we can't be wrong. He is also very good to Qi Yang and Jiang Yan. He has no wrong thoughts. He is here. He has no relatives and no reason, and there are no people in his hometown. Marrying him means that he has a family, and he has to thank you, and he will definitely not dislike your second marriage and children."

Li Hongxia smiled and said: "Auntie, I listened to what you said and took it to heart, but don't worry about it, let's see fate!"

She didn't agree or refuse directly, it was just a joke.

Chen Meiyun was very happy. Lin Liqing, who was celebrating the Chinese New Year, gave her a holiday. She didn't have to take care of her children. She lived in Lin Guosheng's side, next to the Su family, and immediately ran to share the good news with Su's mother.

Su's mother is also a man of action. When the Chuwu food factory started working, she immediately ran to Wang Dali and asked, "Dali, Auntie has something to tell you. Do you have any plans to marry a wife?"

Wang Dali was peeling the sweet potato skin. Hearing this, he almost peeled off his fingers, so he put down his things and wiped his hands vigorously in fear, "Auntie, if you have anything to say, just tell me, don't do that, I'm afraid!"

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