Chapter 249 Taking pictures
The director didn't care, instead he patted Su Yi's shoulder earnestly and said with a smile: "Accountant Su, I know that you are dedicated to the garment factory, and the accounts are indeed doing well, but you have to know, the more you need to pay attention to it at this time Stabilize people's hearts, everyone was still guessing that the efficiency of the garment factory is not good, once the photo event is held, everyone will feel at ease, who will think about the efficiency issue."

"This is avoiding the problem, not solving the problem. From the factory's order, you can know whether the factory can make money this year. You are not stupid. How could you not think about it just because of a free photo event!" Su Yi argued hard, but the director obviously I don't want to talk about it anymore, so find a reason to let him go.

It was only later that Su Yi found out that a bunch of relatives in the director's family were working in the garment factory. Seven aunts, eight aunts, and their own wives and children almost got in all the relatives who could get in. Everyone wanted to take pictures, but he wanted to say anything. How could it be possible to consider the benefits of the garment factory to facilitate this matter.

Su Yi sighed helplessly, and read the book more seriously.

At the same time, the factories of Lin Liqing and Wen Jianguo were bustling with activity. Everyone called their family members over, regardless of whether they were free or not, children and the elderly, as long as they could go out, all came. Take out your best clothes and stand in front of the photo background wall with the best posture.

In order to make the photos festive and beautiful, the background wall is not just a simple red cloth, but a red cloth as the base, a wooden frame as the frame, and a pot of orchids on the side. The photos taken are not only festive but also particularly high-end, at least in This age has been considered the best.

It’s rare to go out once, and I still take pictures. Some people grit their teeth and take one or two more pictures at their own expense.

Lin Liqing didn't charge everyone too much. One big family portrait was taken free of charge for each person. If you took an extra photo, it cost ten yuan, which was almost a half discount. There were five yuan for a smaller size, and two yuan for a smaller one.

It took a whole day for the photoshoot to end. Li Hongxia led the child, Li Dong and his wife, and Wang Dali to take a family portrait. The two of them will go to take wedding photos alone tomorrow, which was agreed in advance.

They don't have a clothing store that sells wedding dresses, and there are even fewer photo studios. There are only two photo studios. Most of the clothes in them are cheongsam and military uniforms, and foreign skirts are rare, let alone wedding dresses.

Li Hongxia's marriage opened Lin Liqing's mind. She specially bought a store to open a wedding photography studio. The store was being renovated, and the wedding dress had already been shipped from Guangdong Province.

Li Hongxia has a good figure, and her facial features are fine. Put on makeup and dress up well, she must be beautiful. Although Wang Dali is old, he looks quite pleasing to the eye, and he is thin, so he will definitely look good in a suit.

For her own photo studio business, Lin Liqing was very concerned about taking wedding photos this time, and even contributed her own villa. It's not that she boasted. There are probably few places in Baishui City that are comparable to her home for indoor shooting.

Early the next morning, Li Hongxia and Wang Dali came over. Lin Liqing asked a girl who specializes in makeup to come over to help Li Hongxia dress up. The wedding dress was an exaggerated skirt. When she wore a pure white veil, Li Hongxia instantly looked younger. Ten years old, if you don't tell me, who would know that she is a woman who has given birth to two children and is almost 30 years old!

Wang Dali is not bad either, he is darker and needs to be put on some powder. After the two of them finished dressing up, Chen Meiyun didn't dare to recognize her, and kept exclaiming from the side, "My dear, is this makeup or a hair change! It's so old Ma'am, my heart is itching!"

The makeup artist was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Auntie, you are still young, if you like it, I will draw one for you later."

"No, no, I'll just have a look." Although Chen Meiyun refused, the eagerness in her eyes couldn't escape Lin Liqing's.

She immediately said: "Give us the mother and daughter one too, and we will also take a wedding photo in a while, who said that a man must be present to take a wedding photo!"

Li Hongxia and Wang Dali looked at each other, and while Lin Liqing and the others were busy, she hurried over to make a phone call. By the time Lin Liqing and Chen Meiyun finished putting on their makeup, Wen Jianguo and Lin Changmin had already returned.

As soon as the two of them entered the door, Wen Jianguo shouted at the top of his voice: "Daughter-in-law, you are not kind, how can this kind of thing leave me behind!"

"That's right, girls are extroverted, and I don't even hide it from me!" Lin Changmin gave Lin Liqing a panting look, with a hint of complaint.

Lin Liqing was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Hongxia.

Li Hongxia and Wang Dali bowed their heads and whispered together with a guilty conscience.

She was speechless.

It was originally a couple taking wedding photos, but in the end it became three couples taking wedding photos.

Lin Liqing was quite confident in her photography skills, but when it was the couple's turn, she could only give hope to Chen Meiyun. Fortunately, Chen Meiyun had taken pictures of the children for so long, and her skills were good. In Lin Liqing's Under the guidance, everyone successfully completed the day's photoshoot.

It will take some time to develop the photos, even if everyone is anxious, they dare not rush.

Finally, the day before Li Hongxia's wedding, all the photos were developed. Everyone held their own photos, cherished them so much that they dared not touch them, and immediately took out the custom-made photo frames and mounted them.

After seeing the wedding photos taken by Lin Liqing and the others, everyone was in a commotion.

Lin Lishu could not wait to glue her eyes to the photo, "Little sister, you are not kind! If you don't tell me when you take wedding photos, I am still your sister!"

Lin Liqing hurriedly explained: "It's none of my business. It was my cousin and Dali who took the photo. Later, my mother wanted to take the photo, but she was alone. I said I would go with my mother. Later, my cousin called Jianguo and our father. It’s like this, it’s really not arranged in advance, but the effect is pretty good, with these wedding photos, I don’t need to find someone to promote my studio.”

She and Wen Jianguo can be regarded as male and female, very photogenic, and the photos they took are better than the other two groups, but because of Wen Jianguo's special situation, their photos cannot be placed in the photo studio, but it is not a problem to put them on the first day of opening .

"That's great. I want to shoot too." Lin Lishu muttered.

At this time, Yu Xiaoping dragged Lin Guoan over and said directly: "I want to take pictures too. If you don't take pictures, I will find someone to take pictures with me. You can figure it out."

Lin Guoan: "." Can he refuse?

Xu Hui hurriedly called out Lin Guosheng who had just laid down and was about to sleep, and also said that she wanted to shoot.

Lin Guosheng really couldn't laugh or cry, "Okay, okay, is everyone's filming successful? You can discuss the time with my younger sister and Jianguo, and I will definitely go!"

Only then was Xu Hui satisfied.

Lin Guoan also surrendered.

Lin Lishu immediately went back and dragged Su Yi over. Su Yi was still holding a book in his hand. He looked dazed. When he knew that the wedding photos were going to be taken, he instinctively wanted to refuse. Then he realized that he didn't fit in, so he immediately changed his words, "Successful!" !shoot!"

Therefore, Lin Liqing's family contributed another day, insisting that Lin Lishu and the others would call it a day only after they had a good time.

(End of this chapter)

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