Chapter 250 Borrowing Things

I have to say that it is natural for women to love beauty and take pictures. It is the same in any era. These people happen to be the ones who are not short of money. .

They counted the number of shots while taking pictures, and in the end they all left money for Lin Liqing, saying that they couldn't take advantage of it.

Lin Liqing was dumbfounded holding dozens of cards of Great Unity. Is this a good start?
After everyone's photos were developed, Lin Liqing found that Lin Lishu and his wife were quite photogenic, so he made a special trip to Su's house, hoping that they would agree to let her put the photos in the window when they opened.

The couple agreed without even thinking about it, and even looked forward to the opening day of the wedding photography studio.

Lin Guosheng and Xu Hui belong to the combination of strong and slender, Lin Guoan and Yu Xiaoping are tall and petite, Wang Dali and Li Hongxia are well-proportioned, plus Lin Changmin, Chen Meiyun and Sunset Red, there are almost all kinds of combinations.

Now that the wedding photos were available, Lin Liqing started to take pictures of her whole body. She aimed at Su Yuan. This girl is pretty and has a good temperament. Being her model is not a good idea.

In addition to Su Yuan, there are a few more men needed. Lin Guoye and Yan Fei just haven't gone to school yet. One is handsome and the other is tall and handsome. Neither of them can escape.

The shooting of personal portraits is in the park, with lawns and gazebos, boating on the lake, and indoor static landscapes.

The three of them were caught by Lin Liqing and worked for three days. Yan Fei and Lin Guoye couldn't take it anymore. After hearing that there was still a set to be filmed, the two were so scared that they got on the train to Suzhou overnight.

Originally, they stayed here to attend the wedding of Li Hongxia and Wang Dali. Anyway, if you invite them for two days, you can invite them for five days. Unexpectedly, he was arrested as a "strong man".

Lin Liqing didn't say anything when she found out that the person ran away. Anyway, she had all the necessary negatives, so it was okay to miss a set of shots, but the salary she originally planned to pay was not paid, so it was saved.

After finishing the adults, Lin Liqing went to Fengkou Society to find Huang Yulian and Zhou Xiaoe.

Seeing her embarrassed expression, both of them were stunned.

"Liqing, let's be honest, we won't fix those fake ones." Huang Yulian looked surprised, did the sun come out from the west today?The third child actually asked them for help.

"Then I'll just say it straight!" Lin Liqing was waiting for this sentence, and said with a crooked smile, "I want to borrow a child from you."

"Pfft!" Zhou Xiaoe spit out a sip of water, her eyes widened in disbelief, "What are you talking about?"

"Child!" Lin Liqing said softly, her cheeks flushed with excitement, looking like attractive red apples.

Huang Yulian and Zhou Xiao'e were dumbfounded by her appearance.

"It's not that you want to borrow a child! What are you doing?" The two looked at each other, confused.

Lin Liqing told about her own wedding photography studio, "I need a few small models now, and the children in our family are all good-looking, so I want to hire them for a few days, don't worry, I will pay, no Let them do it for nothing."

When she heard that there was still money to be made, Huang Yulian laughed so hard that she couldn't find her way out, so she excitedly called Yan Mingqiang and Yan Qiaoqiao over, "Your third aunt said to ask you to help, wear beautiful clothes and take pictures, you guys You have to behave well, don't delay your third aunt's business."

"Okay!" The two children responded obediently, not knowing what their mother was talking about.

Yan Fangfang and Yan Yuanyuan were the same, but the two children had helped Wen Jianguo sell clothes, so they knew what they were doing, so they were very excited.

The four children got into the car with Lin Liqing. It was the first time they got in the car. The four children were so excited that they sat on it and dared not move. They waved to Huang Yulian and Zhou Xiaoe who were seeing them off.

The two watched the car go away.

Huang Yulian murmured: "I have never sat in a car in most of my life, they are lucky at such a young age."

Zhou Xiaoe nodded, "No! I don't know if I can sit once in my life."

The two looked at each other and walked home with mixed feelings.

After Lin Liqing sent the four children back to the villa, she went to get the two from Li Hongxia's family, even the children from Lin Guosheng, Lin Guoan, and Lin Lishu's family.

With so many children coming to the villa, it suddenly became like a kindergarten. Chen Meiyun felt her head was getting bigger.

The bodyguards were all nervous, they couldn't see it!

Fortunately, Lin Liqing quickly brought back a few makeup artists and a bunch of spring children's clothes, all of which were samples that she specially asked Wen Jianguo to process and produce.

When the photo studio opened and the photos of the children wearing new spring clothes were posted, she couldn't believe that those clothes were not easy to sell!

In order to sell more clothes, she even gritted her teeth and contacted Ye Zhaodi, planning to open a similar photo studio in the provincial capital. Both sides will work together to strive for a higher order this year.

These preliminary work cannot be borrowed from others, but she can only do it herself.

So Lin Liqing resolutely drove to the provincial capital.

At this time, there is no expressway on their side, and the national road is not smooth all the way. They have to take the winding mountain road non-stop. city.

When Lin Liqing came to look for Ye Zhaodi, she was reading a book in the dormitory. When the dormitory manager came up to call her, she immediately ran down and rushed to Lin Liqing happily, "Sister Liqing! You really came when you said it! Who are they?"

Ye Zhaodi looked at the bodyguards, frightened by their aura, and didn't dare to take another look.

Lin Liqing said casually: "Bodyguard, are you free now? Go out and sit."

Ye Zhaodi glanced at the dormitory building, nodded to her, "Yes."

The two came to the restaurant across the road from the school. It was only past six o'clock, and it was time to eat. With Ye Zhaodi's temperament, she would say that she had eaten even if she hadn't eaten yet. She didn't even need to ask if she had eaten, and just ordered some The signature dish, said: "Whether you eat it or not, we all have to have a good meal, okay?"

Ye Zhaodi nodded. After going to college, she looked more confident and cheerful than before.

"How is it? How is school life?" Lin Liqing asked with concern.

Ye Zhaodi smiled and nodded, "Sister Liqing, don't worry, I'm doing well in school. I thought my situation was already in a bad situation, but I didn't expect my roommates in the same dormitory to have more uneasy fate than me. Everyone has the same thought, that is, Study hard, get ahead, use your own things, don't like to take advantage of others, and get along very happily."

It is precisely because of knowing the situation of her roommate that Ye Zhaodi can forget the unhappiness in the past so quickly and concentrate on studying.

Lin Liqing took a sip of her saliva in satisfaction, and said, "You're right if you think so. Such a family is not worthy of your constant thoughts and sorrows. I actually came here this time to tell you something."

(End of this chapter)

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