Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 327 Found "Ye Guangwei"

Chapter 327 Found "Ye Guangwei"

Wen Jianguo felt a little helpless, as if he had no other choice but this.

After the tomb was stolen, both of them were a little absent-minded, and they had to call Fengkoushe every now and then to ask. If it wasn't for the fear of encountering the police, Wen Jianguo would have wanted to go there himself. Scolded ten thousand times, what a fucking mess!
After three or four days, the "Night Pearl" was still missing. I heard that Liu Cuifeng fell ill due to anxiety and was sent to the city hospital. The incident seemed to snowball and the couple was on pins and needles.

At this moment, Ye Shitou and He Ying rushed to the Municipal Public Security Bureau to report that their only son had been abducted.

The cause of the matter is this. According to the past, although Ye Guangwei didn't go back to the village very often, he would go back to fight the autumn wind for ten days and a half months. with.

Before the Spring Festival, Ye Guangwei took Li Meihua back to the village and told everyone that Li Meihua was his fiancée. Now it’s over. Everyone knows that Ye Guangwei is also in the market. In an instant, the voice of Ye Shitou’s family in the village has improved a lot. Because of this, Ye Shitou and He Ying could only recognize each other even though a thousand or ten thousand were unwilling, thinking that it would be a big deal to get married first and leave later.

What's more, Li Meihua still has the ability to make money. At least he can support Ye Guangwei and relieve the old couple a lot of pressure. With this calculation in mind, they decided to discuss marriage with Li Meihua calmly.

According to what was agreed before, on the ninth day of the ninth day, Li Meihua and Ye Guangwei would go back to pray to the God of Heaven, and go through a scene in front of relatives, which was considered a bright road, but on the ninth day of the first day, Ye Shitou and He Ying didn't wait. Half a figure, with Li Meihua's temperament, it is absolutely impossible to delay such an important matter.

The two were worried that something would happen to them, so they quickly packed up their things and went to the city to rent out a house to find someone. They searched and searched, but there was no one at all. He Ying thought that Li Meihua had a property in the city, but she didn't live in it and rented it out. , So the couple inquired non-stop, but they still couldn't find anyone.

After inquiring near Qingxiangzhai, I found out that Ye Guangwei hadn't stepped on a tricycle for several days.

The old couple of the Ye family really had no choice but to call the police. The police found the landlord of the rental house and got a spare key to enter. Finally, they saw the letter left by Ye Guangwei, which only said that he and Li Meihua went out of the province to do business together, and the return date was uncertain. , and no other useful information.

He Ying was paralyzed in an instant, crying loudly in the rented room, and now all the neighbors knew that Ye Guangwei and Li Meihua left without saying goodbye, maybe they got into some trouble outside and hid, anyway, they said anything.

He Ying has always believed that it was Li Meihua who abducted Ye Guangwei. With Ye Guangwei's courage, it is absolutely impossible to do business in the province without saying a word. Maybe her precious son has already suffered a tragic accident.

The more He Ying talked, the more mysterious he became, and the more he made up his mind, the more the police had to pay attention to what he said, so the two policemen began to check the places where Ye Guangwei police haunted, and now Lin Liqing and the others knew about it.

When the two received the news, they immediately contacted "Ye Mingzhu" about this matter.

Wen Jianguo hurriedly called Yan Jianjun and said, "I suspect that the tomb robbery is related to Li Meihua and Ye Guangwei."

"What do you mean? Have you found a clue?" Yan Jianjun was more excited than Wen Jianguo.

Wen Jianguo shook his head, calmed down a bit before telling about Ye Guangwei's matter, "I'm not sure if they did it, but according to their neighbors, the time when these two people disappeared was when the beads were lost, and Li Meihua is a bold person again. Yes, it's not unusual for her to meet Cai."

"I think it makes sense for you to say that. I'll go to the police station later. You don't know. Everyone is very anxious about the beads. Okay, let's stop talking and contact you later." Yan Jianjun hurriedly hung up Cut off the phone and rush to the police station.

However, things didn't go as smoothly as he thought, without evidence, the police could only investigate, and couldn't promise him anything, but the Municipal Public Security Bureau was very efficient. There is a nest of money laundering gangs, and there are pornographic transactions in it.

The police successfully captured 23 prostitutes, and the stolen money was 6000 yuan. In addition to these, there were some jewelry and false certificates, and a fake household registration book was found on one person. The police asked sharply, "What name should I add?"

"Ye Ye Guangwei." The man was trembling with fright, and he put his head in his hands and dared not resist.

After everyone was taken to the police station, Ye Shitou and He Ying rushed over. As soon as they arrived at the lobby, they asked anxiously, "Comrade police, where is my son? My son Ye Guangwei!"

"Over there." A policeman pointed in a direction, turned his head and continued to work, arrested so many people at once, and everyone was very busy.

Ye Shitou and He Ying didn't see Ye Guangwei at all, and they didn't dare to ask more questions, fearing that the police would be unhappy, so they could only cautiously move over and look at each of them, but it turned out that Ye Guangwei was not among the seven or eight men.

He Ying whispered suspiciously: "Is it the same name and surname?"

Ye Shitou looked gloomy and didn't say a word. After looking around again, he finally couldn't help but stopped a policeman and said, "Comrade, did you find the wrong person? My Ye Guangwei is not here."

The policeman looked at them seriously, and said in a deep voice, "You are Ye Shitou and He Ying!"

"Yes, yes, we are." Ye Shitou nodded vigorously.

The policeman hooked the corners of his mouth and said: "That's right, your son is really capable, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and even laundering money! It's fine for money laundering, but he also gave false testimony! Do you know how many years he will be sentenced, um ?”

Ye Shitou was terrified and hurriedly begged for mercy, "Comrade policeman, my child is young and ignorant. He hasn't read much and doesn't understand anything. Can you forgive me? We will teach him well in the future, and he will definitely not commit another crime."

"He's still young! A man in his 20s is older than me!" The policeman's voice suddenly rose several degrees, with a mocking expression on his face.

Ye Shitou and He Ying were so thick-skinned that they couldn't even compare to the city wall, so they were unmoved, and continued to sell miserably, repeating that Ye Guangwei was still young.

The policeman was speechless. He pointed at the man angrily, and said, "He's over there, he can talk, but you don't need to talk about it when you go out."

Ye Shitou stared at each other, and exclaimed, "He's not my son!"

The policeman laughed angrily, and threw the fake household registration book into Ye Shitou's face, "Look carefully, the black and white paper he carries with him is only missing an official seal! He is not your son who can make your household registration book so realistic ?”

(End of this chapter)

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