Chapter 328
Ye Shitou was a little dazed, his certificate was reversed, "What is this?"

"Household registration book!" The policeman was so angry that he almost shouted out.

Ye Shitou was startled, and quickly turned from the first page, asking one by one. When the other party called out the names of their family, Ye Shitou panicked, "No, no! I didn't lose my household registration, how could he have it?" My household registration book? Comrade policeman, this is a false certificate, he must have forged it, he is not my son Ye Guangwei at all! If you don’t believe me, if you call some relatives of my family over, they will never lie to you!”

The policeman rolled his eyes angrily, "If it's not your son, it's your son who sold the real household registration book to someone else to make a fake one."

Speaking of which, the police came to the fake Ye Guangwei and kicked him, "His grandma, how dare he lie to me! Tell me! Who are you!"

Aaron flinched a bit, he was still in a daze until now, how could that account book be fake?At the beginning, he believed that the account book was real, so he secretly put it away and carried it with him all the time, fearing that if he was caught, he could take it out to replace it, but he really didn't check it carefully, he just recognized the name and didn't go through it .

Damn it!If he knew it was a fake, why would he be so precious, why not use the fake certificate he sold!

Seeing that he was silent, the police kicked him over again, and yelled loudly, "Grandson, don't think I can't do anything about you if you don't say anything! Now if you tell the truth, you can get a lighter sentence. If you don't tell me, wait for me to investigate Come out and see how I deal with you!"

Aaron's face froze, and he finally realized that he was afraid. He lowered his head and whispered, "My name is Aaron. I picked up that account. I didn't fake it. I swear!"

The policeman was stunned for a moment, and then laughed mockingly: "I just said that you don't look stupid, how could you be so precious about that fake household registration book!"

"That. Can I ask how you all of a sudden saw that the account book was fake? I didn't even see it." Aaron asked weakly.

The policeman burst out laughing instantly, with tears streaming down his face, "Do you know what the stamp on it is?"

"What?" Aaron looked blank.

The policeman brought a fake household registration book, pointed at the badge on it, and said with wide eyes, "This is Hello Kitty, idiot! You can't even tell the length of the badge from the Public Security Bureau, and you dare to imitate others and sell fake IDs."

As if struck by lightning for a moment, Aaron stared at the stamped place, who would notice the small words below!
Ye Shitou has been wondering if that prodigal son Ye Guangwei secretly sold the household registration book, what if more than one copy is fake?Once this idea came up, he couldn't suppress it. He rushed out of the police station anxiously, even He Ying was ignored.

The first thing he did when he got home was to rummage through the closet, and he was relieved until he found out the account book, but he couldn't judge whether it was true or not, so he had to bring the account to the Public Security Bureau and ask the police to check it.

On duty, the policeman took him to another room, and until Ye Shitou could not read, he explained it to him page by page. Shi Shi only felt his brain explode with a bang.

Suddenly shouted: "Fart! My youngest daughter ran away from home when she was in high school and hasn't come back for so many years. How could her household registration be moved out! This book must be fake, absolutely fake!"

Ye Shitou was so sure that he made the policeman self-doubt, and even called a few colleagues over to make an appraisal together. Everyone took turns looking at the account book for more than ten minutes, and agreed that the account book was genuine.

Ye Shitou insisted that it was a fake and wanted to report it.

The policeman also got angry, and cursed: "Is it intentional to find fault? We all say it is true, so you are true! Whoever said it is false, you let that person come to the police station to confront us!"

Ye Shitou was horny, pointing at Ye Zhaodi's picture and repeating: "My youngest daughter's household registration is not sure to be moved out, absolutely impossible! She hasn't come home for several years, besides, I can't promise her to move out of the household registration. ! It's definitely not true."

The police yelled: "It's none of our business how your daughter's household registration was moved out! If it doesn't work, you can go to the local police station with your household registration book and ask, don't mess around here!"

Ye Shitou paused, and hurriedly packed up his things and went to the town police station with He Ying. After explaining his purpose, someone went to investigate immediately. After more than an hour, a woman came in and said to them: "Ye Zhaodi came here a few years ago to deal with it. The registered residence was transferred out, and it was written that the reason for moving the registered residence was to go to university.”

"Go to college?" Both Ye Shitou and He Ying were stunned. They glanced at each other, and suddenly thought of how they went to the school to block people in the college entrance examination, but they returned in vain.

Ye Shitou got angry from his heart and cursed: "Sure! I didn't expect that stinky girl to really dare to steal the household registration book behind our backs and go to college!"

"Guangwei's father, what should we do now? Where can we find Zhaodi? She has already gone to college, so she must be doing well!" He Ying was thinking about how to get Ye Zhaodi to give them a pension and help Ye Guangwei marry him. daughter-in-law.

"How do I know!" Ye Shitou said angrily, then looked at the female policeman, and asked in a low voice: "That...comrade policeman, can you help us find out where Ye Zhaodi's household registration has been moved to?"

The policewoman's face was a bit ugly, but she still said truthfully about her duties: "It only says to move to a junior college in the provincial capital. If you want to find someone, go to the provincial capital to find someone yourself."

He Ying was very excited, and walked out with Ye Shitou while saying, "Come on, let's go back and pack up our things and go to the provincial capital. I don't believe that money-losing guy just didn't support us!"

Ye Shitou hesitated, "What if we can't find anyone?"

He Ying didn't think so, "Are you afraid you won't be able to find someone if you have the address of the school? If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple!"

"Also." Ye Shitou was persuaded.

The couple ran back to pack their luggage in a hurry. When the villagers asked them, they said loudly: "Go to the provincial capital to see Zhaodi. My Zhaodi has been admitted to university."

The villagers were shocked, "Zhaodi? Didn't she run away from home for several years? Going to college?"

He Ying's face remained unchanged, she was as arrogant as a peacock, "Didn't you go to college?"

"Oh! That's really amazing. You can count on Zhaodi instead of Guangwei, but didn't you two think that she was a girl who lost money at the beginning? Would you be happy to look for Zhaodi eagerly now?" The villagers all of a sudden I just guessed seven seven eight eight, and what I said was also a gun with a stick.

He Ying said angrily: "It's none of your business! No matter how bad we are to her, we are her biological parents, and she has to raise her if she doesn't, hmph!"

The villagers shook their heads when they heard the words, and they secretly felt sorry for Ye Zhaodi. They didn't know what would happen to such a good child with such parents.

(End of this chapter)

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