Liu Cuifeng was so angry that she sat down clutching her chest, Huang Yulian snorted coldly and said, "Don't think I'm afraid of you just because you pretended to be dead, tell you, I don't like this, so don't come to my house to look for Jianjun in the future, I'll scold you once." once!"

Huang Yulian trotted to catch up with Yan Jianjun and Yan Qiaoqiao after the harsh words.

Yan Jianjun saw his mother sitting on the side of the road from a distance, and asked worriedly, "What did you tell her?"

Huang Yulian snorted angrily, "What else can I say? She can scold me but can't? I don't owe her anything, as long as I don't do anything."

Yan Jianjun had nothing to say. He had been staring at him just now. Huang Yulian really didn't do anything to Liu Cuifeng. He just controlled Liu Cuifeng so that she wouldn't block her way. After they left, Huang Yulian let go of her. It was just a quarrel.

As for what they were arguing about, to be honest, Yan Jianjun didn't care at all. Rural women just quarreled with foul language, so they didn't care.

Seeing that Yan Jianjun didn't come to see her, Liu Cuifeng rode away on his bicycle. She was so angry that she sat on the ground and cried loudly. She cried for her own life and for having an unfilial son. She made all the nearby residents cry early in the morning.

When Chen Suling received the news, she had to send her son to the nursery before going there to deal with it.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Chen Suling looked around, this side is closer to the big room, her mother-in-law probably had a conflict with the big room, it seems that this posture is not good, she knows that Liu Cuifeng doesn't like her, and won't go up Hurry to curry favor with Liu Cuifeng and keep a distance.

Liu Cuifeng didn't look at Chen Suling at all, she sat on the ground cursing and bossing Chen Suling, "Go! Call me back Jianshe! Her mother was bullied, let him make the decision for me! If he doesn't come today, I won't get up! "

Chen Suling's face darkened instantly, "Mom, Jianshe opened the store in the morning and went out before dawn. I'm not in the village. I have to go to work. If you're not feeling well, I'll take you to the health center. If you're okay, I'll help you back."

It's a joke, she called Yan Jianshe back if there was nothing wrong with it, the breakfast shop would lose tens of hundreds of dollars if it was not open for a day, she was crazy to let Liu Cuifeng mess around.

Liu Cuifeng didn't expect that Chen Suling would dare to disobey her, so she started pointing at Chen Suling's nose and yelling, "What are you! Kefu's little widow! If you hadn't used some coquettish tricks, my son would not have married you, and dared to challenge me , Shameless bitch."

Chen Suling looked numb, "Mom, it looks like you're doing well, you should be fine."

With that said, Chen Suling turned around decisively and left.

Seeing that she had really left, Liu Cuifeng scolded her even more fiercely, saying all kinds of unpleasant things without choosing her words.

The villagers couldn't stand it anymore, and persuaded: "Su Ling, you are the only one who can take care of your mother-in-law now, you can't let her continue to make trouble, everyone still has to live."

Chen Suling glanced at the man softly and smiled, "Auntie, you saw it just now. It's not that I don't want to take care of it, but I can't take care of it. You said everyone still has to live, and I have to go to the nursery? Otherwise, so many children If you are not honest, can your parents rest assured?

As for my mother-in-law, let her do it, if you don't like it, you can find the village head, the village head must be better than me. "

Her words made people unable to refute, and at the same time blocked other people who still wanted to speak.

Everyone just watched Chen Suling leave, and Liu Cuifeng shouted at this moment, "I'm thirsty, I want to drink water, I want to eat pork liver noodles, it's too hot, I want to blow air!"

She yelled at Chen Suling's back, but Chen Suling ran even faster.

Liu Cuifeng began to show misery, "You all have seen it! That's how she treats her mother-in-law, I'm going to sue her and kill her."

Liu Cuifeng made another fuss, she felt bored only after confirming that Chen Suling had really left. She was tired, thirsty and hungry after such a toss in the hot weather. up.

At this time, the three of Yan Jianjun had already arrived in the shop.
After the trouble last night, Yan Jianjun didn't dare to be lazy, rushed to do everything, and became more enthusiastic about the guests. Although he didn't know how long he could last in this state, Huang Yulian was very satisfied so far.

She explained the things in the store clearly and went to the vegetable market with a vegetable basket.

In the past, their mother and son ate in the restaurant at noon, and they had everything they should have.

This time, Huang Yulian rushed to Cai Wei. As soon as she entered the vegetable market, she went directly to buy tofu, but she didn't see the apricot blossoms, only Cai Wei. Huang Yulian asked subconsciously: "Where is your mother? Didn't come out?" stall?"

Cai Wei thought that Huang Yulian was her mother's friend or regular customer, so she explained: "Auntie, my mother had diarrhea last night, and she didn't even have the energy to walk this morning. I asked her to rest at home and set up a stall by herself. You want water tofu Or firm tofu?"

Huang Yulian looked around and said: "Give me two pieces of water tofu and two pieces of hard tofu. By the way, where do you live? I just left a bottle of good belly pain pills over there. I'll give it to your mother to try later." try!"

Cai Wei was immediately moved, but she was embarrassed to take other people's things for nothing, so she asked: "Auntie, how much is your medicine, I will buy it from you, and I will take it back to my mother after I close the stall."

"No, no, it's more than one o'clock when you close the stall and go back. Can you wait for your mother? It happens that I have nothing to do, so just send it to her." Huang Yulian persuaded enthusiastically.

Cai Wei also knew that what he said was true, she gritted her teeth, and asked with a blushing face, "Then trouble Auntie, but I have to give the money."

This Huang Yulian did not refuse, and said: "I'll give her a few to try, if you insist on giving it, just give it fifty cents."

Cai Wei gave one dollar, and Huang Yulian touched the change on her body, and found that she couldn't find it, so she said, "Give me the address, and I will send it to you. I will give you fifty cents directly to your mother or ask my son to give it to you." Come here, he opened a shop outside the vegetable market to sell seafood."

Cai Wei suddenly realized, "So that's your son! You don't need to look for the money, I'm sorry if I trouble you to come."

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't help it, she wouldn't trouble others easily.

After Huang Yulian got the address, her whole body went smoothly. She turned around and went out of the vegetable market after buying two vegetables. After thinking about it, she went to her son's shop and explained, "You can give Cai the fifty cents later. Wei, just say I confessed it, and I don’t know the rest, if she talks to you, you should talk more, understand?”

Yan Mingqiang's eyes suddenly changed when he saw his mother, "Mom, why are you so awesome? You've just made friends with him this morning?"

Yan Mingqiang sighed that this kind of ability was inferior to himself.

Huang Yulian raised her chin arrogantly, "Joke! Who is your mother? Is there anything I can't handle? Others are talking nonsense, you should be busy first, and then come later when you are not busy. I have to go to Cai Wei's house to talk to her mother." chat."

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