"Huh?" Yan Mingqiang felt his brain explode, and before he could react, Huang Yulian had already run away in a hurry.

The place Cai Wei and her daughter rented is not far from the vegetable market. It is a small private house with two rooms and a large yard, which is just right for a tricycle stall. It is specially used to make tofu, and there is only one small corner for cooking, which is very simple, and the other is the room where the mother and daughter sleep.

Normally no outsiders would come to the house, Xinghua was stunned when she opened the door and saw Huang Yulian, her eyes were full of vigilance.

Huang Yulian was acquainted, and said: "Cai Wei's mother, I sell clothes outside the vegetable market. I used to set up a stall to sell clothes in the vegetable market. Do you have any impression?"

Xinghua stared at Huang Yulian's face for a long time before she recognized it, "I remembered, do you want to order tofu? I'm not feeling well today. My daughter has a stall, so you can tell her."

They usually take some big orders when they go out to the stall. Many people in the town need to use a lot of tofu for weddings and weddings, and they will come to her to order.

Huang Yulian hurriedly waved her hand, "I'm not here to order tofu, but to deliver medicine to you. This morning your daughter said that you had severe diarrhea. I happened to have medicine at home, so I sent you some. Don't worry, Cai Wei gave you the money." of."

Huang Yulian took out a jar of belly pain pills from the basket.

Xinghua finally understood, she quickly turned to let Huang Yulian enter the room, and said embarrassedly: "The house is messy, and there is no place to sit, sorry!"

"It's okay, I just saw that it's not easy for the little girl to be alone, so I just bought your tofu, so I asked a few more questions, what a coincidence! I happen to have medicine with me, hehe." Huang Yulian sat directly on the threshold, Not too dirty at all.

Xinghua knew that the other party would not treat her so well for no reason, there must be something wrong, but the medicine was real, so Xinghua didn't want to ask too much.

Huang Yulian took out the medicine, poured out 24 pills, and said: "Your Excellency, take four pills at a time, three times a day. I'll give you two days' worth. You should be fine after taking it."

"You don't need so much, you give me enough for a day." That bottle doesn't look cheap at first glance, and this medicine must be expensive, Xinghua doesn't want to take advantage of others.

Huang Yulian couldn't help but gave 24 pills, "Is the daily amount enough? Listen to me, you'll be fine after two days. In fact, I also heard about you from Aunt Wu. Hey! You mother and daughter are also very happy." It's easy, and it's easy for me, so I can help if I can."

"Aunt Wu?" Xinghua went over the child carefully, but she didn't remember it at all.

Huang Yulian had no choice but to talk about the situation of Grandma Wu, and by the way, she also told about her misunderstanding that the apricot flower tofu was not fresh, and she had nothing to say.

Unexpectedly, Xinghua became anxious, and turned around to give Huang Yulian the money, "I'm sorry, big sister, I was really exhausted by my family affairs during that time, and I didn't take it seriously. You bought it at that time. How much tofu, I will pay you back."

"No, no, no. What a big deal! We just chatted casually. I know it's not easy for you, and I still misunderstood you. I also feel sorry for myself. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, I will definitely come to your house to order tofu if I need it in the future." Huang Yu Lian laughed.

Xinghua promised with a serious face, "Don't worry big sister, I guarantee that the tofu you buy from me will be the freshest in the future."

"That's a good relationship. If you rest more, I won't bother you." Huang Yulian got up and left.

The matter of Xinghua being tofu made her forget to wonder whether Huang Yulian's visit had other purposes.

Here, Yan Mingqiang took fifty cents and two and a half large yellow croaker fishes to the tofu stand looking for an opportunity, and gave Cai Wei fifty cents without saying anything, with two suspicious blushes on his dark cheeks, "That...my mother Let me give it to you."

He forced himself to calmly look at Cai Wei.

Cai Wei was stunned for a moment before asking, "Are you the son of the clothes seller?"

Yan Mingqiang nodded.

Cai Wei returned the fifty cents again, "Don't give it to me, Auntie sent me the medicine, I have to thank her!"

Yan Mingqiang insisted on giving the money.

The two refused for a while, and Yan Mingqiang said: "Okay, if you don't want the money, I will take it back, and I will give you these two fish."

As he said that, he put the fish down directly, and the man ran away.

Cai Wei was in a hurry and shouted: "I can't take it, you take it quickly."

At this time, someone came to buy tofu, but she couldn't help it even if she wanted to.

Yan Mingqiang saw that no one was catching up, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief when he got out of the vegetable market, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Cai Wei was in a hurry. She glanced at the bag and found that there were two yellow croakers. These fish are not cheap, and she dared not ask for them anymore. But the stall couldn’t be separated from people, so she could only sell tofu anxiously. Fortunately, half of the tofu made today was sold out before noon, so she quickly closed the stall to find Yan Mingqiang.

It just so happened that Huang Yulian was cooking at Yan Mingqiang's side at this moment. When she saw Cai Wei, she immediately said, "I gave the medicine to your mother. Are you closing the stall? Do you want to have a meal together?"

"No need, auntie, I'm here to return the fish." Cai Wei embarrassedly explained what happened in the morning.

Huang Yulian secretly scolded her son for not worrying, and quickly made excuses for him, "I used to buy things on credit at the vegetable market, and then asked my son to pay the bill. Thank you for the finished fish and shrimp.

I left in a hurry in the morning and didn't explain it to him. He must have misunderstood it. Anyway, it can't be sold out, so it's the same if you take it home to eat. "

"How can I do that? I don't get paid for nothing, I can't ask for your things for nothing. But the fish has been stored with me for so long, so it's not that fresh. Auntie, I'll buy it for how much you want." Cai Wei bit her teeth Toothless, thinking about buying fish this morning, I guess all the money I made this morning will go into it.

Why didn't Huang Yulian know about Cai Wei's situation, she didn't want to say anything, and pushed her out, "I didn't make it clear this time, there was a big oolong, how can I ask for your money, this can't be done Buy and sell by force, Auntie can’t do this kind of thing, anyway, it’s just a small fish, you can’t sell it for a price, you can just take it home and eat it, if you really feel sorry and don’t want to go to Auntie to buy tofu next time, can you give me some extra heads?”

Cai Wei, a little girl, never said that Huang Yulian, who had experienced many battles, was fooled away.

After Cai Wei rode away on a tricycle, Huang Yulian called out Yan Mingqiang who was hiding inside, and said in a low voice, "Collect the boy! If you have a few coins, you will show off, and the old lady will take the blame for you, and you will not be allowed to eat at noon! Go! For your dad, let him come over for dinner."

"Okay! I'll go now." Yan Mingqiang was as happy as an idiot, and didn't care about the punishment of not being able to eat at all.

When Cai Wei returned home, she found that her mother was already cooking, and her complexion was much better than in the morning. She hurriedly took the fish over, "Mom, use this fish to cook porridge for you."

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