Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 444 Zhao Xinghua Moves

Zhao Xinghua originally had nothing to do with her, but the more she heard it, the more something went wrong. Bao Na, isn't that her niece?
Zhao Xinghua just wanted to go over and ask, when Bao Cuiping mentioned Xu Yaozu cursingly, "And your son, I tried my best to send him to my brother just to let him study hard, the result? Do you know what he does? ?”

"What are you doing?" Xu Jianwu was puzzled.

Bao Cuiping rushed into Xu Yaozu's room, took out the notebook under Xu Yaozu's eyes, snatched it, and showed it to Xu Jianwu, "Look for yourself! See what's on it? I didn't expect my son to be so shameless. Even married men miss it!"

"Mom! Give me back the diary book!" Xu Yaozu snatched the book with a dark face, with his baby behind him.

Xu Jianwu looked at his son in disbelief, "Son, tell me who is the girl you drew? It can't be Xiao Cai next door! Let me tell you, she is married, so don't be silly!"

"Married?" Xu Yaozu's brain went crazy, and he staggered back two steps, "No, it's impossible! She's only so old, how could she be married?"

"Hmph! How is it impossible? Girls in the countryside get married at the age of seventeen or eighteen, and she doesn't study. Is it possible that she has been raised at home and become an old girl? Let me tell you, burn the painting for me quickly, your mother I can't afford to lose this man!" Bao Cuiping glared at her son viciously, thinking about grabbing the diary.

If her son was obsessed with Cai Wei before, she could think that Cai Wei seduced her precious son, but now that her son has gone to his uncle's house, the two have no chance to meet at all. It is impossible for Cai Wei to seduce her son, and her son treats him seriously Bao Cuiping couldn't accept it if she couldn't forget it. She didn't want to believe that her son had fallen.

Xu Yaozu couldn't hear Bao Cuiping's words at all, and rushed to the next door like crazy and knocked on the door loudly.

Zhao Xinghua heard the movement next door clearly, and it was embarrassing to open the door or not to open the door at this moment. Just as she was hesitating whether to open the door, Xu Yaozu was dragged back by Xu Jianwu and his wife.

Zhao Xinghua breathed a sigh of relief, and thought of moving for the first time.

The noise next door continued for a while before it calmed down. The next day, Zhao Xinghua passed by the seafood shop and said to Yan Mingqiang, "Mingqiang, if you are free, help me find out if there is a suitable house nearby. I want to move."

"Moving? Mom, why are you moving all of a sudden?" Yan Mingqiang wiped his hands, got up and asked.

After Cai Wei married him, she didn't go out with Zhao Xinghua anymore, and she seldom came to town. She usually stayed at home to tidy up the house, cook some meals, and wash clothes.

Zhao Xinghua was thinking about the mess in the Xu family's stall, because it involved Cai Wei, she didn't hide it, and told Yan Mingqiang all the things she heard yesterday.

Yan Mingqiang didn't expect that someone would miss his wife and draw a portrait, and his face turned black instantly.

Zhao Xinghua persuaded: "Don't be angry, I just heard and told you that we have a bad relationship with the house next door. I used to think that the woman next door looked at us inexplicably, but now I have found the reason. I'm a neighbor, I don't see you when I look down, I don't feel comfortable living here, so I might as well move."

Yan Mingqiang nodded and paid attention, "Mom, don't worry, I will inquire in a while, and we will try to move within two days."

In the evening, Yan Mingqiang went home and told Cai Wei about it.

Cai Wei was in a daze. She couldn't remember what the young man next door looked like when she thought about it carefully.

Seeing her reaction, Yan Mingqiang was immediately happy.

Cai Wei punched him reproachfully, "Do you believe me when I say that I don't even know what the other person's name looks like?"

"Believe it! You are so beautiful, there must be many boys who like you, it's all about those stinky men, it has nothing to do with you."

Cai Wei was amused by what Yan Mingqiang said.

Then he said seriously: "Mom said that she would rent the house again. If I want to, I will let her live in the old house. The village is not far from the town. It is much more spacious than the yard that Mom is renting now. It’s a good place to live, and they’re all in the same village, so they can take care of each other.”

Cai Wei's eyes lit up instantly, "It would be best if it could be like this, but I'm afraid that my parents-in-law will not be happy, and my mother may not agree."

"It's okay, leave everything to me." Yan Mingqiang took care of everything.

Tell Yan Jianjun and Huang Yulian about it that night.

The couple didn't have any objections, the old house was useless over there, and it wouldn't fall apart so quickly if people lived there, but the roof needed to be repaired, and the walls had better be re-plastered, and the floor re-applied with cement.

Because it was proposed by Huang Yulian and Yan Jianjun, Cai Wei was moved to tears when she found out.

The next day, Yan Jianjun went to find some house builders in the village, gave them some wages, and asked them to clean up the old house.

Yan Mingqiang told Zhao Xinghua the news.

Zhao Xinghua refused at first because it was inconvenient to go out to the booth.

But Yan Mingqiang said, "Mom, I'll change you to a tricycle that eats diesel. It's only 15 minutes from the village to the town, and my place is big, so you can make more tofu. It's also convenient for the villagers to eat tofu. We can add some soy milk or yuba to make the business bigger and stronger, and if you feel bad, you can pay me a few yuan for rent every month, anyway, the old houses in the village are not worth much."

After repeated persuasion by Yan Mingqiang, Zhao Xinghua finally agreed.

She nodded, and Yan Mingqiang immediately said, "It's just right, I'll help you move after Mom closes the stall."

"So soon? I have to go over and take a look and clean it up." Zhao Xinghua thought about moving in two days.

But Yan Mingqiang couldn't wait any longer, "It's okay, I'm moving today, there are all things over there, the bed is still a babu bed, and you can sleep after wiping it off."

Unable to resist Yan Mingqiang, Zhao Xinghua could only agree.

At noon, the two of them returned to the rental room and started moving things. Everyone was sleeping, and the movement here became very loud.

Bao Cuiping stood angrily in the yard and cursed, "The noise at noon keeps people from sleeping, sick!"

Zhao Xinghua and Yan Mingqiang looked at each other, but didn't respond to Bao Cuiping at all.

Bao Cuiping couldn't bear it any longer, and came to Zhao Xinghua to make a theory, but found two tricycles parked in the alley with some belongings already installed on them.

After a while there was the sound of closing the door next door, Bao Cuiping popped his head and took a look, just in time to witness Zhao Xinghua and Zhao Xinghua leave with a bunch of things, it seems that they really moved.

Bao Cuiping was overjoyed, and said, "You guys are acquainted!"

Ever since Xu Yaozu found out that Cai Wei was married, he fell ill and had a persistent high fever. He even went to the health center to hang a bottle. He just came back at noon.

Bao Cuiping was so distracted by her son that she didn't have the mind to go to work. She was full of anger and had no place to vent her anger. The neighbor was still noisy. She almost copied the guy and killed her. Now that she knew that the neighbor was moving, she just felt that she had been suffocated for the past two days. Half way, refreshed.

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