Just when she was about to enter the house to make her son give up, who knew that the sick son rushed out of the house like crazy, and ran wildly towards the alley.

Bao Cuiping's brain exploded, he had no idea, and instinctively ran after him.

Xu Yaozu stopped Yan Mingqiang and Zhao Xinghua's tricycle and stared at them.

Yan Mingqiang almost ran into him. It was already hot at noon, and he was sweating profusely from work. His heart was on fire. When Xu Yaozu stopped him, Yan Mingqiang cursed angrily, "Crazy! Do you want to touch porcelain?"

"Son, son" Bao Cuiping hurried over to check on Xu Yaozu, he was relieved to see that he was fine, and accused Yan Mingqiang in a bad tone, "What's wrong with you? Can't you look at the road when you ride a bicycle? You can afford to hit my son ?"

Yan Mingqiang became more and more convinced that their mother and son were here to extort money. He patted the handlebars hard and gritted his teeth, "You're fucking blind! Who the hell did it on purpose? There are many people watching here. If you want to blackmail, please choose a good one." When it's time."

There are shops along the roadside, so he is not afraid of being relied upon.

Bao Cuiping was filled with shame and indignation, and turned her finger on Zhao Xinghua, "Bah! You really are a poor man, looking for a son-in-law who only recognizes money but does not recognize people, he has no quality!"

Yan Mingqiang jumped off the tricycle and pushed Bao Cuiping, "Who are you saying has no quality? Auntie is the most qualified. She finds faults in broad daylight. She opens her mouth and keeps her mouth shut. I have never seen a poorer person than you when I grow up." She is of good quality, looks like a dominatrix, and she has the nerve to go out on the street, and show her teeth and claws at my beautiful mother-in-law, who do you want to scare?

If you don’t have a clear understanding of yourself, I suggest you take a pee and take a picture of what you look like, with a body like a sow, and a face like Zhong Kui, I think ghosts will scare you when they see you, bah!You look scarier than Zhong Kui. To say you look like Zhong Kui is an insult to others. "

The most taboo thing for women is when others criticize their appearance. Yan Mingqiang's words are simply murderous, and Bao Cuiping is so angry that he loses all reason, "Little bastard, I will fight with you!"

"Come on, I don't hit women, except shrews!" Yan Mingqiang was not afraid at all.

Bao Cuiping rushed over, ready to give Yan Mingqiang a slap in the face to make him remember, but Yan Mingqiang pushed Bao Cuiping's hand away with his backhand, but nimbly jumped behind Bao Cuiping's side and grabbed her by the hair and pulled her away. dragged to the ground.

Yan Mingqiang wanted to make a move, but Xu Yaozu stood in front of Bao Cuiping, "How can you hit my mother? She is a woman and an elder, why are you so rude and uneducated? It is absolutely impossible for her to like someone like you, tell me! Is it you?" What disgraceful means did you use to force her to marry you? Let me tell you, you are not worthy of her, if you have self-knowledge, you should take the initiative to leave her. "

Yan Mingqiang was so angry that the top of his head was smoking, he lifted Xu Yaozu up like a chicken, "Say what you just said again, useless weak chicken!"

"Just say it! You are not good enough for her, if you are sensible, get out!" Xu Yaozu yelled loudly, knowing that he couldn't beat Yan Mingqiang, but he couldn't let go.

Bao Cuiping was afraid that Xu Yaozu would be injured, and wanted to come over to help, but the two were too close, and she was afraid of accidentally hurting her son, so she walked around anxiously.

Zhao Xinghua was furious when she heard these words, so she just watched Yan Mingqiang unharmed.

But Bao Cuiping yelled at Zhao Xinghua, "Take care of your son-in-law, if my son loses a hair, I will never end with you! My Xu family is not easy to bully!"

Zhao Xinghua looked coldly at Bao Cuiping, who was jumping, and said flatly: "I'll return this to you, take care of your son, if he talks nonsense and ruins my daughter's reputation, I won't do it even if I risk my life." Let you have a good time!"

"Well, I want to see how a widow of a dead man rides on top of me!" Bao Cuiping laughed back angrily, with a ferocious expression.

Xu Yaozu didn't even look at his mother's expression, and yelled at Zhao Xinghua, "Auntie, I really like your daughter, I will work hard in the future, please marry her to me, I will make her happy. "

It was the first time Zhao Xinghua saw such a shameless person, she was stunned and stunned, "If I remember correctly, my daughter doesn't know you! Are you still studying? How dare you Say such shameless things in public?"

Many people around were watching, pointing and pointing at Xu Yaozu. They were all neighbors and knew the basics. Bao Cuiping felt that his head was about to explode, and he wanted to kill Xu Yaozu who was ashamed of himself.

But Xu Yaozu said: "I believe she didn't marry willingly, she must have some difficulties, auntie, please help us!"

Zhao Xinghua was furious, got off the tricycle, walked up to Xu Yaozu aggressively and slapped him hard, "You can eat and talk nonsense! My daughter is innocent and you can't let you slander her! Ming Qiang, you trust mom, Xiaowei is not don't know him."

Yan Mingqiang pursed his lips and nodded, "Mom, don't worry, Xiaowei told me a long time ago that she doesn't even know who lives next door, what they look like, what their names are, and it's all just this crazy man's own imagination." of."

Seeing how her son could endure the beating, Bao Cuiping rushed towards Zhao Xinghua crazily. One had been making tofu for a long time and had the upper hand in strength, while the other was a fat eater and had the upper hand in figure.

The movement here finally alarmed Huang Yulian, she ran over and saw her son and his mother-in-law were fighting, so she joined the battle regardless, and beat Bao Cuiping together with Zhao Xinghua.

After all, the Xu family is an aborigine, and there must be some relatives and friends. Some rushed to help, and some were fighting. Soon the conflict intensified and turned into a multi-person scuffle.

Xu Yaozu was dumbfounded, he was just impulsive and wanted to keep the cinnabar mole on his heart, but he never thought of making such a big fuss.

In the end, the police came from the police station and told everyone to stop.

Zhao Xinghua and Huang Yulian were both wounded, while Bao Cuiping was more serious than them, with a bruised nose and swollen face, looking more like a pig's head. He was still cursing and threatening Zhao Xinghua and Huang Yulian after entering the police station.

Zhao Xinghua pursed her lips and said nothing, Huang Yulian was not easy to mess with, she quarreled with Bao Cuiping all the way, swearing worse than anyone else.

Chen Youliang was in charge of handling this matter. He felt familiar when he first saw Huang Yulian. After asking about Huang Yulian's details, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Huang Yulian a few more times. If I remember correctly, this woman should be Feng The mouth society is notorious for the daughter-in-law of the old couple, why is it so old that the daughter-in-law who married into the door can make trouble like this?
Chen Youliang rubbed his brows with a headache, and asked, "What's going on? Who did it first?"

Bao Cuiping pointed directly at Zhao Xinghua, "She! This stinky woman slapped my son first."

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