These two points completely made Ding Hongmei explode.

But Su Yuan didn't give her a chance to make a fuss at all. Ding Hongmei could only hold back obediently when she threw a sharp knife at her. , You have to explain clearly how the money comes out."

Good guy, everyone is really convinced by Su Yuan, secretly thinking that this woman is stronger than ten men, seeing Ding Hongmei's eyes full of sympathy, why is she so reluctant to provoke Su Yuan?

Ding Hongmei was about to vomit blood now, because she was angry with Su Yuan.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Su Yuan tilted her head and asked, "Is it also based on the principle of who gets more and who pays more?"

Everyone looked at Xiong Li and Ding Hongmei in unison.

Ding Hongmei cried angrily, stomped her feet and pushed Xiong Li away vigorously, "You all bully me, I can't do it!"

She wanted to run, but Zhou Guixiang refused to let her go, she rushed over and grabbed her tightly, "I haven't made it clear, no one wants to leave!"

There was another commotion, and in the end, because Xiong Li was reluctant to part with those lands in the countryside and didn't want to give up the property of Xiong's father and Xiong's mother, he could only hold his nose and recognize it.

In front of everyone, a group of people signed and pledged, and the matter was settled.

It's just such a fuss, the Xiong family didn't have the heart to continue holding banquets, but the others ate with gusto.

Zhou Guixiang gave Su Yuan a thumbs up, her admiration for her was like a torrent of water, endless.

Liu Meifen whispered next to Zhou Guixiang: "Your siblings are really amazing, we can't find a more capable woman than her here!"

"That's it!" Zhou Guixiang was extremely proud, and she didn't know what she was proud of.

It was already past five o'clock in the evening to see off the last wave of guests. Father Xiong and Mother Xiong went back to their room to rest on the grounds that they were not feeling well, and handed over a big mess to Zhou Guixiang and Xiong Yi to deal with.

Xiong Ren accompanied Su Yuan back to the room.

Su Yuan grabbed him and asked directly: "I messed up the banquet today, will you blame me?"

Xiong Ren turned around, smiled dotingly and helplessly, sat down with his arms around Su Yuan's shoulders, and said slowly: "Right or wrong, I am like a mirror in my heart, and it has nothing to do with you. Besides, your banquet, how do you like it?" You can do whatever you want, but I want to apologize to you because my family made you so angry."

The gloom in Su Yuan's heart dissipated immediately, and she snuggled into Xiong Ren's arms, pouted and said, "The second sister-in-law came to see me this morning, and told me about the fight between her and my sister-in-law, and that my parents favored my elder brother and my sister-in-law. But the two of them don't know how to be grateful, and there are a lot of miscellaneous things, so I just listen to it, and I have a bottom line in my heart, and I don't really want to say anything to my elder brother and sister-in-law.

After all, we will go back every time we come back. How many times do we see each other throughout the year?She shouldn't, she shouldn't, she just shouldn't provoke me!I've had enough of gossip and gossip, I can't continue to swallow my anger, and at the same time, I don't want to continue to get used to that kind of unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. "

It would be unbelievable to say that Xiong Ren didn't know that his elder brother and sister-in-law had been taking advantage of Su Yuan, but Xiong Ren didn't want to care about it, and she was happy to let it go. If it wasn't for Ding Hongmei's death, none of this would have happened today.

"I know, I know what you mean! As long as you don't get angry, I'll talk to my parents." Xiong Ren comforted Su Yuan, then turned around and went to the room of Father Xiong and Mother Xiong.

The old couple kept drooping their faces and sat in the room without saying a word.

Xiong Ren looked at it and shouted: "Mom and Dad, you have been busy all day, go out and have something to eat."

"I'm so full of anger, what else do I want to eat!" Mother Xiong said sullenly, but she didn't dare to let Su Yuan hear it loudly. They have seen the third daughter-in-law's temper today, so she is not a person who can be wronged at all. Lord, they just can't stand it.

Xiong Ren closed the door with his backhand, and said with a smile: "I know that my elder brother and sister-in-law are bastards, and I blame them. If it weren't for them, everyone should be happy today, and Xiaoyan, her mouth is getting worse. Try not to let her come here to mess with you in the future." Annoyed, isn't this happy?"

Mother Xiong choked, and raised her eyebrows in anger, "God, you're just mad at me!"

However, Xiong Ren sat down on the side of the bed with a stern face, and asked earnestly, "What's the matter? What's your dissatisfaction after talking about everything today?"

Mother Xiong took a deep breath and whispered, "Your wife is too powerful! Today she offended half of her relatives!"

"How did she offend?" Xiong Ren asked back.

Mother Bear was speechless.

Father Xiong said: "Although today's incident is your elder sister-in-law's fault, and the sixth son is a fool, he spreads rumors without knowing anything. Your uncle heard that the wind is like rain, and told her face to face that your daughter-in-law made her unhappy, but you Auntie is an elder after all, if she makes her elders unable to step down, is she not offending her relatives?"

Xiong Ren sneered twice, "Pull it down! I didn't see anything wrong with my daughter-in-law. I only saw my aunt relying on the old to sell the old. She knew that she had misunderstood my daughter-in-law and didn't say anything. It's good that we didn't care about her! You also Don't always say that elders are not elders. With the reform and opening up, some feudal dross has long been eliminated.

What our teacher teaches is filial piety, not foolish filial piety. We don’t need to endure unkind elders like aunts. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, anyway, there is no conflict.

I came here to tell you about my eldest brother and sister-in-law. They have been staying here to live in my house before, eating and drinking your food. I know it all. I just don’t want to make things big. But after we talk about it today, we will Do as agreed. "

"Fifth! After all, it is your elder brother and sister-in-law! They are not as capable as you, and they don't get the slightest care from you. Why do you still care about them when you take advantage of them?" Although I am very disappointed with them, I still can't see them living a miserable life.

Xiong Ren got angry when he heard the words, and sneered twice, "I don't have this kind of elder brother, let alone that kind of sister-in-law. As for you saying that I help the second brother and not the elder brother, isn't it reasonable? If it wasn't for the second brother My second sister-in-law and I will not be able to go to college, you have not forgotten what the eldest brother and sister-in-law did at that time! I will remember this for a lifetime!"

Seeing that Xiong Ren was really angry, Mother Xiong didn't dare to speak for the boss anymore, she just kept moaning.

Xiong Ren didn't have the patience to continue persuading him, and before leaving, he only said: "In the future, the eldest brother and sister-in-law will never get a penny from me, and the pension money will be kept by the second sister-in-law. Everyone knows about how you spend every month and how much you spend. Whether there is any subsidy for elder brother and sister-in-law can be seen clearly by looking at the remaining money. After all, it is the money I gave, and I don't want my money to be used on people who make me unhappy.

As for the medical treatment and medicine mentioned in the agreement, I will definitely pay first when that time comes, but I will share it as I want afterward, my brothers will settle accounts clearly! "

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