As soon as Xiong Ren left, Mother Xiong burst into tears, "Old man, why did their brothers make such a fuss? Could it be that it's wrong for us to favor the eldest son?"

Father Xiong shook his head heavily, "It's not that it's wrong for us to look at the eldest son, it's that the eldest son and wife can't support the wall with mud! Forget it! Since the fifth child has said so, let's leave the matter of the eldest son alone in the future, so as to save the others from being cold." the heart of a son."

Mother Xiong's heart skipped a beat, and she stopped crying immediately, she knew very well who she would rely on in the future.

The two stayed in the room for a while before going downstairs. Zhou Guixiang and Xiong Xiaohua were cleaning the room, and Xiong Yi and Xiong Shun went to return the things.

They followed suit.

After the room was cleaned, Xiong Shun and Xiong Yi came back with a smile on their face, carrying some snacks they bought in their hands.

"Come, come, I just passed by the stall and brought you some food." Xiong Shun happily asked everyone to eat, and ran to the stairs and shouted: "Third brother and third sister-in-law, come down for some snacks!"

"Why are you so happy?" Mother Xiong rolled her eyes at her youngest son.

Xiong Shun said nonchalantly: "Today, my third brother and third sister-in-law are having a great day, and they got rid of the annoying guy, and their work is still settled. If I don't celebrate it, I will be sorry for myself. You guys think so!"

Mother Xiong felt very complicated when she heard this, but she was more concerned about Xiong Shun's work, "Called?"

Xiong Shun nodded, "I asked the question with the second brother. I reported the name of the third sister-in-law and told me about my situation. The other party said that we should go to the interview and leave tomorrow."

"Hurry up then?" Mother Xiong was both happy and reluctant.

Xiong Xiaohua bouncing over, "Then I want to go together too!"

"And me." Xiong Yimeng interrupted, seeing everyone looking at him, he pondered: "I just asked Lao Qi to ask by the way, and the other party said that it's okay for the three of them to go, parents, I've made up my mind , instead of nesting here for the rest of your life, it's better to go out and venture out while you're young. You don't have to worry about the company of the old and the young.

I will tell Gui Xiang about the family affairs and let her watch. If you have something to do, you can ask Gui Xiang, and the neighbor next door will help you no matter how bad it is. "

Zhou Guixiang was so happy that she patted her chest and assured her, "Don't worry, I will take good care of you at home, so you don't need to worry."

As she said that, she looked back at Father Xiong and Mother Xiong, and said, "Mom and Dad, the child's father will also give you monthly money every month in the future, and we don't share as much land as the eldest brother and sister-in-law. He won't go out to earn money." We really can’t retire.”

This sounds a bit uncomfortable, even if Xiong father and mother don't want Xiong Yi to go out, they can't say anything against it, because the fact is true, after all, their family background is too weak, and they don't have the capital to keep their children by their side .

Knowing that Xiong Shun and the others were leaving tomorrow, Xiong Ren also asked them to help buy two tickets to the capital.

Father Xiong and mother Xiong had been listless because their children were about to leave, but Zhou Guixiang seemed to have been beaten to death early in the morning, packing a lot of luggage for Xiong Yi, looking like he was kicking him out of the house.

Compared with Xiong Shun's luggage, Xiong Yi's luggage seems to be two or three times bigger, and everyone can't help but twitch when looking at it.

It was the first time for Xiong Yi to ride a train, and everything looked fresh. After holding on to this freshness for a long time, he withered. When he arrived in Baishui City, he was the first to rush out of the train. The trains are uncomfortable and expensive, no wonder you don't want to go back."

Xiong Shun: "."

The three found the garment factory according to the address, and after explaining the situation, the security guard let them in, and a special person took them to the office.

In the past, Xiong Shun and Xiong Xiaohua got in after a few words when looking for a job. Without such a formal interview, the three of them tried several processes on the assembly line, and were assigned to different workshops.

Xiong Yi was still in a daze when he sat down at the work station, he couldn't believe that he really came out to work, he glanced at the colleagues working beside him, and asked in a low voice, "Young man, what else are we going to do besides sitting here all the time?" ?"

The other party glanced at him, and kept moving, "You're new here, right? Our job is to pack, so we just need to be fast. Also, be serious, don't let the people in the next process find out too much. As many unqualified as possible."

Xiong Yi smiled instantly. This kind of work is much easier than the real one. He still couldn't believe that such a job can get such a high salary, and asked again: "Young man, how much is your monthly salary?"

"Me! I came early, and now it has been raised to 300 yuan. This year's newcomer's salary standard should be [-] yuan, but as long as you do well, you will definitely be able to raise your salary next year." He said nothing, and concentrated on his work.

When Xiong Yi saw it, he didn't dare to continue chatting, so he quickly focused on his work. A month later, he got his first salary. He was so happy that he made a phone call to his hometown town. The bank transferred 100 yuan to Zhou Guixiang.

When it was National Day, Xiong Ren accompanied Su Yuan back to Baishui City to host a banquet, stopped by to see Xiong Yi and the other three, and invited them to a wedding banquet.

The Su family had already made preparations. Su Yuan's marriage was full of twists and turns, and relatives talked a lot. To avenge the shame, Su's father and Su's mother arranged the banquet at a hotel.

On the day of the banquet, Su Yuan put on a wedding dress, Xiong Ren changed into a dress, and the two stood outside the hotel door to welcome guests.

When the three of Xiong Yi came over, what they saw was a magnificent scene.

Xiong Xiaohua couldn't help muttering next to the Xiong Shun brothers: "Sister-in-law San is really wronged to marry into our family."

The banquets on both sides cannot be compared at all, there is no harm if there is no comparison, and if there is a comparison, they will be ashamed to appear in front of Su Yuan.

Su Yuan didn't mind at all, and warmly invited them in. When the banquet started and all kinds of delicacies were served, the three brothers and sisters of the Xiong family were silent.

When Xiong Shun went back, he called his hometown and told about the wedding situation at Su's side, just to point out his parents, so don't always be worried about Su Yuan because of Xiong Li and Ding Hongmei.

In the blink of an eye, winter is coming, and Tong Tong's Cai Wei's TV dramas are all filmed. Tong Tong and Lin Guoye received their marriage certificate in a low-key way, and they also held a banquet on the breeding island in Dongshui County, Baishui City. Friends and some partners with better relationships in the circle also took the opportunity to promote the farmhouse for the resort hotel on the island.

For a while, the island's tourism industry became popular, and even seafood became popular, which Wen Jianguo did not expect.

Yan Mingqiang's family also came back to attend the wedding. After the wedding, the family drove back to Fengkoushe.

Xu was timid because of the closeness to the hometown, and Zhao Xinghua, who was fine when she came here, actually started to get motion sickness.

Cai Wei is a little worried. Zhao Xinghua has been insisting on recovering for the past few years, and now she has almost recovered. What's the problem when.

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