Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 556 Wen Huanhuan Monologue 1

My name is Wen Huanhuan, and I'm also Yan Xiaoxiao, but I don't like the name Yan Xiaoxiao, because it only brings me pain and fear.

It is said that children's memories will be gradually forgotten as they grow up, but some unforgettable memories will only become more profound as they grow older.

I will never forget how my biological mother abandoned me during Chinese New Year, how my biological father ignored me, and my good grandma, who took every bite of me as her good granddaughter, but after my biological mother ran away, she continued to take care of me. They didn't care about me.

But my second uncle and second aunt, who had a feud with my biological parents, gave me a bite of food instead, which is really ironic.

At that time, I was humble, timid and sensitive. In order to survive, I could only lick my face and follow cousin Yuanyuan, because only by following her could I fill my stomach.

But after my grandparents completely angered my second uncle and my aunt, I lost even this last safe haven. Fortunately, God heard my prayers. When I was most helpless and desperate, my third uncle appeared like a god. Pick up the dirty me and take me home. From that day on, I have new parents and a new home.

Under the care of my parents, I can finally grow up healthily. Without the haze of my original family, I live a sunny and wanton life, and gradually let go of the unbearable memories in my heart.

Afterwards, my father recognized my ancestors and returned to my ancestors, and I also transformed into a rich lady. I was very scared, and I was afraid that my great-grandpa would hate me if he knew my background, but in fact, I was too worried. Well, he treats us four siblings equally.

After I was kidnapped, Grandpa Zeng was frightened and angry. For this reason, he specially trained a group of bodyguards to protect us. I felt warm in my heart. No amount of money can buy this feeling of being loved and cared for.

So I vowed to spend my whole life guarding this family that gave me warmth, and no one could destroy it.

But when I was 13 years old, my biological mother who was like a nightmare appeared unexpectedly, breaking my original peaceful life.

I know that my parents should hate Li Meihua, especially my mother. Every time Li Meihua is mentioned, the disgust in my mother's eyes is so obvious. Maybe she didn't notice it, but I caught it. I know my parents are jealous and I don't To kill Li Meihua, but what I want to say is that there is no need, my feelings for Li Meihua are similar to theirs, no, it should be said to be stronger than them, after all, he is the person who abandoned me after giving birth.

So after my mother told me about Li Meihua's situation, I bought a plane ticket and went back to China.

As soon as I walked into the hospital, the strong smell of disinfectant in the corridor made me frowned slightly. The two police uncles guarding the door seemed a little distressed. It seemed that Li Meihua troubled them a lot.

I appeared at the door of the ward calmly, Li Meihua Gujing Wubo's eyes finally changed after seeing me, like ripples on the surface of the water, rippling for a long time, never calm.

But my face was expressionless. I had imagined countless times what it would be like to meet her, but when I actually met her, I didn't have the expected ups and downs of emotions, only a feeling like a stranger.

I slowly stepped forward and said, "Are you still unwilling to say anything? I am so disappointed in you!"

In fact, I don't have any feelings for her anymore. This disappointment is just for her, and I also hope to help the police uncle.

I didn't expect that woman to be able to confidently say that she is my mother, is she worthy?Since I was born, she didn't take care of me much. She was willing to take me with me before the separation, but she just treated me as a little thing. She would tease me twice when she was happy, and show it to grandma. When she was unhappy, she would count me as me. Falling off the bed and crying, she wouldn't even take a second look.

Later, she abandoned her husband and son, and never came back to look at me again, so she dared to say that she was my mother. At that time, I only had one feeling—disgusting.

But I didn't want to quarrel with her, because it was meaningless, so I just threw out my terms of exchange, and Li Meihua did not disappoint me. After knowing that I was willing to raise her, she happily told all the nasty things she did, Including how she let the bad guys kill each other, she said wonderfully, but I was extremely terrified to hear it.

I couldn't understand why this kind of femme fatale woman with no moral bottom line could be my mother. At that moment, I just thought that I had the same blood flowing on my body, and I had the urge to want to die.

Fortunately, brother Zi Cheng showed up, and he stayed when I needed company most. We talked a lot, and he also solved my knot in my heart.

At the airport, brother Zicheng confessed his love to me. In fact, if he had waited a little longer at that time, he might have heard my answer, but he ran away, and my "yes" could not be said.

But I believe in brother Zicheng's character, since he confessed his love to me, he will definitely do it, so I also study, live and enjoy every day with peace of mind.

In the blink of an eye, the year when Xiangjiang returned to China, my great-grandfather called our four brothers and sisters back from England. He hoped that someone from the Wen family would go to the mainland to study at this time, which was a kind of expression of the Wen family.

My elder brother is going to university in the UK. At a critical moment, it is not suitable for me to return to China. My younger siblings have received Western education since childhood. If they return to China now, they must take the domestic college entrance examination. I know how fierce the competition for the college entrance examination is.

In order not to make my younger siblings so hard, I voluntarily chose to go back to China to go to university. It just so happens that my education can give me extra points, and there are many good universities in China that I can go to.

Mom and Dad felt that they owed me, and specially transferred the courtyard house in the capital to my name. I refused, but Mom and Dad still insisted on doing so. My brother and younger siblings had no objections, so I had a life at a young age first house.

It was also in this year that my biological mother, who was still serving a sentence in prison, was dying. Before she died, her wish was to see me again. After hesitating, I went to see her.

The same disinfectant smell filled the hospital.

Li Meihua saw that I was very excited, and the sudden big eyes on the sunken cheeks were a little scary. She hit the pillow with all her strength and shouted, "Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, Lin Liqing is not a good person, she is an evil spirit, she came back for revenge, she raised you Just to get revenge on me, you must trust your mother, mother only has you as a daughter, she will not harm you, I will not harm you"

I looked at her dying coldly, and said indifferently, "If this is what you want to tell me, then I'm sorry, I think I came in vain."

Li Meihua was stunned, with tears in her eyes, tilted her head powerlessly, and muttered in her mouth: "What I said is true, why don't you believe it! Why don't you believe it! It shouldn't be like this! She is a poor life, she shouldn't turn over, she shouldn't"

I shook my head, thinking that I made this trip because I was sick.

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