Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 557 Wen Huanhuan Monologue 2

Chapter 557 Wen Huanhuan Monologue II
That night, Li Meihua died. She did not survive her sentence and was released from prison, let alone enjoy my support. When the prison handed over her ashes to me, I did not feel sad or resentful. Empty inside, neither happy nor sad.

In essence, I am no longer her daughter, and I have no obligation to take care of her aftermath, but no one came here except me. The prison guard said that he had notified Li Meihua's parents and brothers, but they just found various reasons to prevaricate. In a word, they are not available and cannot come.

As for Li Meihua's ex-husband, my biological father, I didn't inform him. Apart from not wanting to have anything to do with him, the most important thing is that I don't think he has the obligation to take care of Li Meihua anymore.

Since the Li family has no time to come over, I can send Li Meihua's ashes back to them!

So I took two bodyguards to Lijia Village, not only to see Li Meihua's growth environment, but also to see the attitude of her former grandfather's family.

With the development of the economy, the living standards of most villages on the outskirts of Baishui City have improved a lot in recent years. The most typical one is the Fengkou Society. Relying on the sale of pineapples, almost every household has built a three-storey downstairs, some of which are richer. Some even built five or six floors, which is the kind of villa with a yard, luxurious and high-end.

The second is the village where Lin Changhuan married, because Zhang Yongsheng, who is rich, is also famous in ten miles and eight towns. Zhang Yongsheng himself has developed himself and has not forgotten his relatives in his hometown. Many relatives have gone to Jiangxi Province to join him. I heard that He is mainly engaged in logistics and transportation, and drives trucks. He alone drives the whole village to become rich.

Compared with these villages, Lijia Village is like a slum. Most of the villages are still old houses. Because there are no profitable crops, most people still grow rice and vegetables. It is not bad to save one or two thousand a year.

Li Neng's family had already separated when Li Meihua caused so many scandals. The old couple lived in the original old house, and Li Chunjiang and Li Chunhe brothers built a new house nearby.

The so-called new house is actually a rough house. According to the plan of the brothers, they should build a small three-story building, but the funds are limited. Now they have built a one-story house, without any decoration or decoration, and there are still a lot of red at the entrance of the courtyard. brick.

I only glanced at it, and I was confident, and stepped into the courtyard of the ancient house, and heard movement in the vegetable field behind, so I followed the sound.

The purpose of entering is a stooped, white-haired old woman squatting in the vegetable field, stiffly handling the weed seedlings that have grown.

Hearing the sound, the old woman stood up slowly, thumped her waist, let out a long sigh of relief, turned around slowly, and looked surprised when she saw the three of us, "Who are you looking for?"

I pursed my lips, took a deep look at the old woman, and said, "I'm here to deliver Li Meihua's ashes."

The old woman lost her mind for a moment, then walked to another rice paddy like a normal person, squatted down and continued to work, "What to give! The water thrown by the married daughter is no longer from our family. Go out and tell the two families next door. Said, let’s see if they are willing to take care of it, I am too old to even go out of the village, and I can’t take care of it if I want to.”

I understand that what the old woman said is true, and I didn't say anything more about the ashes, but asked: "What do you think of those things she did?"

The old woman didn't turn around, but her hand holding the shovel paused, a little trembling, "I regret it! If I knew she was a disaster, I shouldn't have given birth to her in the first place! I shouldn't have spoiled her lawlessly! They are right, daughter It’s money-losing goods, cheap life and cheap support, I shouldn’t listen to the old man’s words.”

My face sank, I didn't listen any more, I turned around and left the Li family's old house, and when I walked to the yard, I found a woman next door looking over her head, and when I caught her, she acted like nothing happened, and asked: "Who are you looking for?"

I asked back, "What is your relationship with Li Meihua?"

When the other party heard the name, his face changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost, he turned and ran into the house, and quickly locked the door.

Seeing her reaction, I can almost guess the attitude of Li Meihua's two elder brothers. Forget it, coming here today can be regarded as solving some confusion in my heart. Since no one in the Li family is willing to take care of it, I have to deal with it myself.

When I buried Li Meihua, I was done with this hateful and pathetic woman.

Four years of university passed quickly, and I graduated in the blink of an eye. According to my original life plan, I should find a professional-related job after graduation, work hard on my career, and at the same time make a boyfriend and enjoy a period of time that adults should some life.

But at this time, Zicheng appeared, and he asked me to be his girlfriend with full sincerity. He has kept his original promise for so many years. I was naturally moved, and there was no reason to refuse. Since that day Since then, I have a boyfriend who loves me and loves me.

He accompanied me on my graduation trip, accompanied me to the company interview according to my thoughts, and indulged all my willful and petty thoughts. I know that Aunt Wang has always hoped that we can get married early, but I don't want to, I haven't enjoyed the feeling of being in love enough.

My parents didn't want me to get married so early either, so the adults started to chase me and run away. Brother Zicheng and I were watching the show, not to mention how interesting it was.

However, there are joys and sorrows in life. The news of my great-grandfather’s serious illness spread to the inland area, and our family panicked. I asked the company for a long vacation to fly to Xiangjiang. I dare not tell Brother Zicheng about the situation.

I thought that my great-grandfather was just a little serious, and that under the treatment of the world's top medical team, he should be able to turn the crisis into peace. Unfortunately, I was wrong. The situation of my great-grandfather is getting worse day by day. Seeing that the Spring Festival is coming, the grandmother in Baishui City called.

Mom can't go back, so she can only tell the truth to grandma.

I don’t know about my great-grandfather, but I know my mother. This phone call is a bad sign. I dare not cry in front of them. I can only hide outside the ward and cry secretly for a few times, and then go back to the ward like a normal person to take care of my parents. Until the arrival of brother Zicheng, I completely collapsed.

That was the happiest time I cried after returning to Xiangjiang.

Because of the arrival of brother Zicheng, my great-grandfather seemed very happy and his spirits recovered. At that moment, I really felt that my brother Zicheng was the savior who could snatch my great-grandfather back from death.

But before my family was happy for a few hours, my great-grandfather passed away. At that moment, I only felt my eyes were sore and my eyes were blurred by tears, but I couldn't think of what I could do except cry.

It was brother Zicheng who helped to make arrangements before and after, and we returned home in a daze. Not long after my great-grandfather was buried, brother Zicheng and I got engaged.

Mom and Dad said that my great-grandfather wanted me to be happy. When I thought of my great-grandfather who loved me so much, I obediently agreed.

Fortunately, brother Zicheng understands me. He knows that I don't want to get married so early, so he dragged it off for more than a year before marrying me.

I think this is what love looks like, I will be very happy, right!
(End of this chapter)

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