Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 83 Business is booming

Chapter 83 Business is booming
The four children changed into children's clothes, Su Yuan changed into women's dresses, and asked them to dress up again, but after a while, they all seemed to have changed.

Su's mother was amazed and felt that the clothes would sell well, so she immediately said that she would go to the department store together to help.

Yan Jianguo rode a tricycle for goods, and Su's mother rode a tricycle for people.

After a group of people arrived at the department store, they found a vacant space at the entrance of the park to set up a stall.

When Su Yuan and the children took off their coats and started shouting, they immediately attracted the attention of a bunch of people, whether they wanted to buy it or not, they gathered around to watch the fun.

Su Yuan is young and beautiful, and she is also a nurse. In a place like a hospital, where the wind does not blow and the rain does not catch, she looks like a young lady, wearing a skirt, twirling around, smiling, and selling seven or eight sets of dresses directly.

The children were still ignorant at first, but after seeing Su Yuan for a while, they imitated it. The children yelled in a crisp voice, and fiddled with them casually, playful and cute.

Those who brought their children to the department store would come to have a look, and after asking the price, most of them would buy one or two sets for their children, but within three hours, all the truckloads that Yan Jianguo brought out were sold out.

When we went back, no matter whether they were old or young, they all laughed like fools.

Seeing Lin Liqing and the others, Su's mother couldn't help but praise: "Jianguo is still amazing. After two days of selling clothes here, I still don't sell as many clothes as he does in one afternoon."

Then Mother Su excitedly began to share with Chen Meiyun and the others how they sell clothes.

Yan Jianguo also received sugar-coated bullets from a bunch of people.

At this moment, Yan Fangfang and Yan Yuanyuan carefully changed the clothes and handed them to Yan Jianguo. They said in a childish voice, "Third Uncle, here are the clothes. We didn't get them dirty."

Yan Jianguo looked down, was stunned for a moment, touched the child's head and said, "It's okay, these two skirts are just given to you by the third uncle, and you don't need to return them to me."

After speaking, he looked at Su Yi again, and said, "I'll make up the money for the skirt in a while, so that we can settle the score later."

Su Yi originally wanted to say no, but after hearing what Yan Jianguo said, he could only agree.

The next day, Yan Jiandang was going to have an operation, and Yan Jianguo could no longer sell clothes, so he had to ask Zhao Jianchuan to help him. When he arrived at the ward, the doctors and nurses were ready to push Yan Jiandang into the operating room.

Zhou Xiaoe had already cried her tears dry, her eyes were swollen like walnuts, she couldn't cry even though she was so worried, she could only follow a group of people in a daze, and was finally stopped outside the operating room.

The waiting process was torturous, and no one was thinking about other things. They were relieved until the doctor came out of the operating room and told them that the operation was successful.

Zhou Xiaoe was exhausted and paralyzed, her tense nerves relaxed, and she felt dizzy, so Zhou's family rushed her back to the ward first.

Yan Jiandang still needs to observe, it is impossible to transfer to the general ward so quickly.

Yan Jianguo asked about the situation and made dinner for everyone before leaving.

When he rushed to the department store to set up a stall, he found that Zhao Jianchuan and Su's mother had almost been carried away, and the people who bought clothes surrounded the three floors inside and outside, most of them were women, and some went up Older women, he couldn't squeeze in even if he wanted to, so he could only shout and talk to Zhao Jianchuan outside.

Knowing that the goods they brought out were almost sold out, Yan Jianguo hurried back to deliver another batch. Before the tricycle got up, a few old grandmas yelled for him to send more children's clothes to pick.

Yan Jianguo's mind was buzzing, and after returning home, he took some of each style, no matter what, and looked again, the goods they brought back were almost sold out, and according to the situation, it was estimated that they would be out of stock in two days.

After sending the clothes to Su's mother, Yan Jianguo immediately went to the garment factory to find Su Yi to discuss the matter of going to Guangdong Province to buy more.

Su Yi's eyes widened in shock, his face full of disbelief, "It's really almost sold out?"

Yan Jianguo smiled and said: "I can still coax you. In order to keep up with the follow-up, I plan to go to Guangdong Province again. If possible, I will start tonight. I don't think it is easy to ask for leave. If you can't go, I will do it myself." go."

Su Yi was a little embarrassed, "I really can't go."

Everything was expected by Yan Jianguo, and he said directly: "It doesn't matter if you can't go, I will go to get the goods, and you will sell them here, even if my aunt may not be busy alone, can you help me personally? "

Su Yi immediately thought of what Lin Lishu said before, and said hesitantly: "I'll go back and ask and tell you. If it's really not possible, I'll hire someone, and I'll pay the salary."

Su Yi gritted his teeth and made a bold decision.

Yan Jianguo didn't say anything, since the division of labor is clear, everyone can work together comfortably, and solve their own problems independently, which can also save a lot of trouble.

Since they want to cooperate again, Su Yi will also have to pay. According to the previous discussion, the cost will be divided into a few cents.

This time they bought the clothes at a cost of 5000 yuan. After the sale, there will probably be more than 6000 to [-] yuan in sales. Now that Su Yi has recovered the money, he decided to take out another [-] yuan. Yan Jianguo went back to discuss with Lin Liqing. After a while, this time they paid four thousand and five, and they made a big deal.

After collecting all the capital, Yan Jianguo packed up his two clothes and went to the team to find Zhang Yongsheng. Unfortunately, Zhang Yongsheng was out of the car and would not be back until tomorrow. However, his teammates will also be out of the car to Guangdong Province tonight, so they can take it with them. Yan Jianguo took a ride.

Yan Jianguo thanked him again and again. This time when he got on the truck, he didn't dare to sleep to death. He hugged his backpack tightly and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Others thought that there were some valuables in the bag, but in fact all the money was packed in the coat. Pocket, not lost at all.

After a bumpy night, he finally arrived in the capital of Guangdong Province the next morning, paid the fare to Zhang Yongsheng's teammate, asked the team's contact information, and left.

The first time he was a stranger and the second time he was acquainted. This time he found a regular hotel first, put down his luggage, and went shopping in the street.

Now the spring shirts and skirts they buy are selling well. You can buy some more, but you can’t buy all of them. You can buy some similar styles, and there are also big and small children’s clothes, which are more cost-effective. It's middle-aged people's clothes.

This time when I was selling clothes, I ran into several young people asking if there were any clothes suitable for the elderly. There are not many clothes for the elderly here, but there are still a few middle-aged clothing business.

The goods worth 6000 yuan were not a small amount, and a truck had to be sent to pull them. Yan Jianguo contacted Zhang Yongsheng through the phone of the clothing wholesale factory, and told him to take over the goods. Zhang Yongsheng agreed with the team leader.

The price he quoted was 5000 yuan, but it was actually 6000 yuan, and Zhang Yongsheng earned the extra freight.

In the morning of the next day, Zhang Yongsheng arrived at the agreed place and started to help Yan Jianguo load the goods. He couldn't help but marvel when he saw the big bags of clothes, "Brother-in-law, your business has started!"

"It's okay, it's okay. I mainly cooperate with my brother-in-law. He is in charge of selling, and I am in charge of purchasing. I didn't get much last time. I will get more this time, so as not to have to go here all the time."

(End of this chapter)

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