Chapter 84
Yan Jianguo spoke sincerely, Zhang Yongsheng did not suspect him, and Su Yi, who was in charge of selling clothes, didn't come, so he couldn't find anything.

After the two loaded the goods into the car, they went to other places to pick up the goods, and the car was almost full before returning.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening when I returned to Baishui City this time.

Yan Jianguo called Lin Guoan to come over to help, but Lin Guosheng didn't dare to call. He had to get up for work in the early morning, but he couldn't afford it.

Even with the help of one more person, they still had to unload for almost an hour before putting all the things in the yard where Su's family bought them.

Yan Jianguo turned around and paid the shipping fee, according to the shipping fee of 6000 yuan for the goods. How Zhang Yongsheng distributes it is none of his business.

Lin Liqing didn't expect Yan Jianghui to come back so late, so she got up quickly to get him something to eat, and boiled hot water for him.

Yan Jianguo took a hot bath, let out a sigh of happiness when he ate the hot noodles, and said flatteringly to Lin Liqing: "My daughter-in-law's craftsmanship is getting better and better, and the ones sold in restaurants outside are not as good as yours. "

"Glib!" Lin Liqing glared at him coquettishly, and only talked about Yan Jiandang's situation when he saw that he was almost finished eating, "I went to the hospital again this afternoon, and my second brother has been transferred to the general ward. One person stayed with the second sister-in-law, and the eldest brother also went there this morning. The doctor said that the operation was done very well, and the second brother recovered well.

If there are no accidents, you can be discharged from the hospital in two days. Another thing is that the second sister-in-law told me that the elder brother couldn't bear this tone, thinking that the Li family should bear half of the responsibility for the second elder brother. It turned out that he had behaved himself, and instead of going directly to Li's house to make trouble, he went to the police station to explain the situation.

The police station suggested that the second brother should file a lawsuit with the Li family. The eldest brother didn't understand this, so he told the second sister-in-law about the situation and asked the second sister-in-law to think about it. To be honest, the second sister-in-law is under great pressure because she owes so many foreign debts. After thinking about it, I mentioned it to me and asked me what to do.

What I mean is that it would be best if the lawsuit is won, but it’s fine if you can’t win the case. Looking back, do you want to help me find out? "

In Yan Jiandang’s situation, there is definitely no way to go to court. Zhou Xiao’e can’t read a single word, and doesn’t understand anything. Let alone a lawsuit, it’s good not to let people cheat. Yan Jianjun has no idea but no courage. He is not tough enough, and he will easily shrink back when encountering some troubles, and it will not work if he is asked to do it. In the end, he has to count on Yan Jianguo.

Yan Jianguo nodded, and said in a low voice, "Thank you for your hard work. I'll go out and ask about this tomorrow. If it really works, I will definitely do it. At least it can relieve the pressure on my second brother and sister-in-law."

The next day, Yan Jianguo went out with some snacks early in the morning. Lin Liqing didn't ask him to hurry, but hurriedly started working. Recently, she had to say goodbye again. She had a lot more orders, and the manpower was getting tighter and tighter. , It's completely to the point where the feet don't touch the ground.

On the Su family's side, Mother Su has recently found some ways to do business. She and Lin Liqing got up early in the morning. When the two of them went to the yard to pick up the goods, they found a room full of packages, so they knew that Yan Jianguo had returned, so they quickly opened them and counted them. .

Mother Su's eyes lit up when she saw those middle-aged clothes, seeing how she couldn't put them down, Lin Lishu immediately said: "Mom, let's keep the one you like, and put it on my account."

Mother Su shook her head without thinking, and stopped looking at the clothes, saying: "I just want to see, don't keep them, let's take the clothes quickly, there will be more people at the vegetable market in a while, what if we can't get a booth?" ?”

When Lin Lishu heard this, she stopped persuading her and hurriedly brought some of those clothes. Before leaving, Su's mother suddenly looked at the pile of clothes and put on the one she liked. Lin Lishu's eyes lit up immediately, and she followed suit. Mother Su changed into a dress that suited her, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law rode a tricycle to the nearby vegetable market.

Not long after the stall was set up, many middle-aged women who bought vegetables gathered around. They mainly bought spring shirts. Middle-aged women’s spring shirts are thin plaid long-sleeved, with some waist design and black wide legs. Pants and cloth shoes, the whole person looks young and fashionable.

Some people who came to buy vegetables also knew Su's mother, and after seeing the effect of her wearing new clothes, they all surrounded her involuntarily.

We are all neighbors, you can wear such beautiful clothes, why can't I wear them?
With this kind of mentality of comparison, those middle-aged women actually gritted their teeth and bought themselves a new suit of clothes compared to Su's mother's outfit.

Lin Lishu's suit is not as good as Su's mother's, but this is understandable. After all, the people who go out to buy groceries are uncles and aunts who are about the same age as Su's mother. Young people have to go to work, so there are not many people who go out to buy groceries. .

But there were only a few, so Lin Lishu also sold a few skirts.

There are also some people who are reluctant to buy new clothes for themselves and only think about their children, so children's clothes are also selling well.

By seven o'clock, they had already sold a lot of clothes, and it was time for Lin Lishu to go to work. When Su's father came to help her, she left immediately.

The old couple set up a stall until after ten o'clock, and they didn't close the stall until the vegetable market was about to close.

When she passed by Qingxiangzhai on the way back, Mother Su saw Lin Liqing keeping accounts at the cash register, so she went in cheerfully and said to her excitedly, "Liqing, where is your Jianguo family?"

Lin Liqing raised her head and smiled sweetly at Mother Su, "Auntie, what's the matter? Jianguo went out to do some errands early in the morning. Seeing Auntie's radiant face, today's business should be good!"

"That's not it! Let me tell you, Jianguo bought a lot of clothes at my age this time, and they are very easy to sell! Look, don't they look good?" Su's mother walked around in front of Lin Liqing, and got Lin Liqing's advice. The flatterer left happily.

Of course, she didn't close the stall and stop selling clothes, but came back to get the goods, and went to the department store in the afternoon to set up a stall. Although it was hard work, she was happy when she made money, and it was worth it no matter how tired she was.

Not long after Su's mother left, Yan Jianguo came back, and Lin Liqing hurriedly asked, "How is the inquiry? Can it be done?"

Yan Jianguo smiled slightly and nodded slowly, "It's almost there. I went to the police station in the town and delivered some snacks to some familiar policemen. I sat there for a while and told about my second brother's situation. After understanding the situation, they told us to call the police directly. After the police station accepted the case, they would call all the people who participated in the fight to the police station for questioning.

As long as what I said is true, the person who injured the second brother will have to pay for it. It is not a problem to ask the other party to pay half of the medical expenses. In the afternoon, I will go to the hospital to talk to my second sister-in-law and take her to the police station to report the case. The rest of the matter will be handled by the police. up. "

Lin Liqing frowned after hearing this, and said in a leisurely manner: "Okay, you! That's not what my elder brother said when he went to find out the situation. Why is it different for you? When did you have so much face?"

(End of this chapter)

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