The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1027 Falling to the Ground

Chapter 1027 Falling to the Ground
All the disciples, including Peng Qing, felt panicked, they didn't expect Liu Changqing to make a move so soon.

Only Yunying remained calm.

She had expected this moment a long time ago, so she had already made all the preparations.

When she realized that she was pulled into the ground by an irresistible force, and that force came from her dantian, Yun Ying believed that she had guessed most of the things right.

She guessed correctly that the idea was not only to monitor and control them, but also to bind them at the end.

At the same time as she fell, the thoughts in her dantian rose rapidly, as if they were about to rush into the sea of ​​consciousness, bind her spiritual consciousness, and make her lose control of her body when she was conscious.

What is the purpose of doing this, Yun Ying is very clear.

Not only can one's body be nourished, but even one's soul can be refined.

Even for what Liu Changqing wanted, his soul was much more important than his body.

But using thoughts to restrain others is not as good as directly erasing spiritual wisdom, which is risky.If the other party's spiritual consciousness is too strong, they may conversely refine their thoughts.

Liu Changqing had been concerned about this for a long time, so he made preparations early in the morning and planted the most powerful thought in Yunying's body. At this time, this thought with a quarter of Liu Changqing's power rushed straight into the sea of ​​consciousness, intending to bind Yunying in one fell swoop. .

Yunying Su Ri'an was not afraid of letting her spiritual sense swallow her thoughts, but there might be more things to do next, she didn't want to waste her energy, so she directly manipulated Yinxue to swallow her thoughts.

Yinxue's roots are far better than Liu Changqing's, and even if his realm has fallen now, he is much stronger than Liu Changqing, not to mention the idea that only has a quarter of his strength.

After the thought was resolved, Yun Ying immediately felt a lot more relaxed. Originally, she could only fall with the force of the force, but now she can actively use her spiritual power to jump over the falling figures in front of her and fly to the ground.

The further she went down, the more she felt the violent wind blowing her face, and the more difficult it was for her to move.

"Gangfeng is metal, it really is a golden formation!"

In the darkness, Yun Ying's eyes were frighteningly cold, the power of Xuan Rong almost condensed into substance, condensed in her eyes, making her eyes look like night pearls shining brightly.

However, the further she chased, the more clearly she saw that the brothers and sisters in front of her all had dazed faces.

It was too late for Peng Qing's reminder, they didn't find the idea at all, let alone remove it, now Liu Changqing's idea has firmly occupied their altar, maybe they are still trying to absorb the power of their souls.

She paid special attention to the six people, Peng Qing, Mo Feiying, Ling Shuangrui, Jiang Heng, Ye Xingluo and Mu Fengchi, and found that although they were not completely muddled like the others, they also had their eyes tightly closed.

It was probably because they had practiced the thousand-hands-thousand-eyes skill, and knew that they had been planted with thoughts, so they responded in a timely manner, and did not let Liu Changqing's thoughts take down the Lingtai immediately.

But also because they and Liu Changqing's awareness was too great, they could only reach a stalemate, and there was no way to expel Liu Changqing's thoughts from the Lingtai.

"It's up to you now."

Yinxue struggled to digest Liu Changqing's thoughts, and said to Yunying with difficulty.

Yun Ying also became more determined, wanting to crush the jade slip that Yue Wuxia gave her, but sure enough, as she had expected before, the storage bag could not be mobilized.

"Okay." Yun Ying smiled wryly, "Look at me."

(End of this chapter)

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