Chapter 1028
When wandering to Peng Qing's side, Yun Ying did not continue to move forward, but pinched a Qingxin formula and pointed it at Peng Qing's head.

If Yinxue could be completely controlled, or if Yinxue had the ability to break away from her dantian's autonomous form, then it would be an easy task to save these dozens of people, but no matter what, they couldn't do it now.

So Yunying can only guard at the dividing point that is about to fall out of the darkness, and keep punching the Qingxin formula into the heads of every senior brother and sister.

As for how effective this move would be, she didn't know herself, so she could only resign herself to fate.

After Bai Yujuan also fell out, Yunying followed.

She was suspended in the air, stepping on Gao Yi's sword energy, and looked down coldly at everything under her feet.

The soles of the feet are underground caves with jagged rocks, and the earthy brown rocks are made into fifty platforms, one large and 49 small, and they are scattered with each other.

Fifty platforms are combined by huge and complex blood-colored formations, and each small platform is like a branch tillering from the big platform, with a total of 49 branches. It looks like a lush tree crown from the front, but it looks like a messy tree crown from the other side. root.But whether it is the canopy or the roots, they all interweave towards the big platform in the end.

The blood-colored pattern buzzed non-stop, and radiance escaped from it from time to time. Whenever someone fell on the stage, the blood light would condense into reality, turning into a cage to trap the person on the stage.

One table after another, they all caught the person she wanted to capture, only the last table was still empty.

The blood flickered, like a huge mouth that kept opening and closing, waiting for someone to feed on it.

Yun Ying glanced at this stage, then immediately glanced over to look at the people on the big stage.

Compared with the small platform that seems to be piled up randomly, the large platform looks much more refined and elegant. Yun Ying can see clearly that the steps are made of 99 blood bone bricks On it, there are fourteen copper pillars as thick as one person, which communicate the cave roof and the big platform.

A very strange monster is carved on the copper pillar, with a sheep body and a human face, eyes in the armpits, and tiger teeth and human claws.

Yunying recognized it immediately, it was Taotie.

Taotie is a vicious and gluttonous monster.

Blood bone bricks are refined from the weathered bones of thousands of corpses.

With these two things appearing here, it is conceivable that this formation must not be the method of the orthodox Taoism!

But these are actually within Yun Ying's expectations, Liu Changqing is probably a deeply hidden evil cultivator, she has known this for a long time.

What she didn't expect was that there was not only Liu Changqing alone on the big stage, but another person.

This person is nine feet tall, with purple skin, thick beard and cheeks, and swords around his body. He is a sword repairer like Yunying.

He and Liu Changqing sat cross-legged back to back, receiving the bloody bath together.

Yun Ying frowned slightly, she could see that this person was a monk of the Gold Line, why did he participate in the Wood Attribute Formation presided over by Liu Changqing, could it be that this Formation has a strange use that he hadn't guessed just now...

Suddenly, Yunying's heart skipped a beat.

When Xuan Rong's power swept over the other person's heart, Yun Ying clearly saw that his heart was not beating.

he died?
Just when Yunying was in doubt, Liu Changqing suddenly opened his eyes.

His normally half-closed eyes suddenly widened, Yunying could see clearly now, his pupils were not like ordinary people, but had a horizontal square shape!

Looking at Yun Ying who was stunned, Liu Changqing grinned ferociously.

"Aying, you're here, why don't you come to pay respects to Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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