Yue Wuxia finally found thousands of bottles of low-grade pills with many impurities for Yunying.

Each bottle can hold thousands of pills, and with these thousands of bottles stacked together, Yunying is equivalent to collecting a million discarded pills.

If they can exert their medicinal power to the extreme, this abundant spiritual energy will be enough for him to survive the entire Bone Forging Realm, and once again hit the fusion element!

On the day when he and many other disciples gathered to go to Longyin Trading Company, Yunying had almost nothing in his storage bag, only these low-quality pills.

Relying on non-stop drug use, her aura increased rapidly. Although she was a little frivolous, under the huge pressure of all the spiritual sources turning together, that little frivolity was quickly polished away without a trace.

In the flying boat heading to Longyin Trading Company, Yun Ying focused on retreating and taking drugs to increase her aura.

From the beginning when ten pills were absorbed together, to later when hundreds of pills were absorbed together, the meridians were gradually moistened by various aura currents at every moment.

Even the painful bone marrow gradually hardened under the infiltration of complex spiritual energy.

When she performed the Qingluan Kungfu, the cold air flowed more quickly, and the two drops of blood were suppressed into a shrinking state, basically daring not to make any big moves.

This is undoubtedly a pleasant surprise for Yunying.

Two drops of blood are always a serious concern, if they can't be completely suppressed, when they are fighting with evil cultivators, if they jump out to make trouble, he will die without a whole body.

Although they are not completely surrendering at the moment, the initiative is completely in Yunying's hands, which naturally makes her feel at ease.

Among the disciples of the Mingyue Sect heading to the Kelan Desert, Sheng Kui led the ten mortal realm disciples, and Su Minglang was among them.

When the two saw Yunying, they were extremely concerned and visited her door three times a day to say hello, for fear that her injury would worsen.

Seeing that the two of them were so tense, Yunying couldn't help being amused, and said several times: "You two senior brothers don't believe anything else, don't you believe in my ability to turn disasters into good luck and good luck in disasters?"

After saying this several times, the two of them were a little relieved.

But besides this, there is another thing.

"Why did Feng Jing disappear suddenly? Junior sister, do you know the inside story?" When Su Ming Lang asked this question, the worry in his eyes was not fake.

He is a person who puts morality first, and he and Feng Jing lived and died together in the secret territory of Haidong, so his concern for him is naturally extraordinary.

Although the friendship between Sheng Kui and Feng Jing is not as deep as that of Su Minglang, they have experienced the volcanic eruption anyway, so they have a deep friendship, and they are quite concerned about his whereabouts.

Of course, what's more important is that their status is not low, more or less they all know that the night when Yun Ying was seriously injured, and it was also the time when Feng Jing disappeared.

Outsiders couldn't know so clearly, they only thought that Yunying was seriously injured because of fighting with Liu Changqing.

But they were at the foot of Hantan Mountain that night, so even if they didn't fully know the truth, they could guess some of it.

Yunying looked at the anxious eyes of the two, and smiled.

"You two brothers don't have to worry, Feng Jing is fine, and so am I."

Sheng Kui frowned slightly, but didn't say much, and handed twenty or thirty talismans to Yun Ying.

"Thanks to Junior Sister, Nangongsun and I drew tens of thousands of knife talismans, and spent tens of millions of catties of gold and iron to feed them to the point where they can be used. Junior Sister Yun should be the first credit, and all these talismans are thanks. "

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