The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1055 Gold Inlaid Jade Inlay

Yun Ying felt that Sheng Kui was too polite, but she still accepted these saber talismans for self-defense.

After all, her internal energy is empty now, and if she really encounters a desperate situation, it is really good to have something around her that can help her escape.

Su Minglang and Sheng Kui knew that she was seriously injured and needed to recuperate, so they didn't bother him too much, and left after delivering the things.

Yunying absorbed the pills faster and faster, and finally became able to drain the power of hundreds of pills with just one breath.

Her lost cultivation base was also growing back at a rapid rate. When Feizhou arrived at the headquarters of Longyin Trading Company, her cultivation base had stabilized at about six or seven levels of bone forging.

Apart from the continuous stream of pills, there is another important reason for his cultivation to grow so fast.

Originally, the gray glue in the bone marrow would keep growing, and Yunying needed to keep cleaning it out.

Even if he is promoted to Rongyuan in the future, this process cannot be interrupted.

But after being burned by two drops of blood, nailed into the bones by cold air, and tortured by the two heavens of ice and fire, these gray glues seem to never be reborn again.

At least in the past few days, when the spiritual consciousness swam through the dantian, no new gray glue was found.

Although she doesn't know what's going on, but Yun Ying has a feeling somewhere, which is a good thing for herself.

The cultivation base is roughly stable, the violent qi and blood are slowly recovering, and the spiritual consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness is also gradually stabilized because of the ice soul nourishing pill.

Although it is still far from returning to its heyday, for Yun Ying, self-protection is no longer a problem.

The headquarters of Longyin Trading Company is in Feizhou City, which is extremely far away from Mingyue Sect. The flying boat traveled thousands of miles a day, but it took a whole day to arrive.

I have heard Feng Jing said a long time ago that the business of Longyin Trading Company has opened in every big city and small town in Mobei. It can be said to be extremely luxurious, and its headquarters is even more luxurious.

Originally, Yunying thought that this was just a metaphor, but when she got off the flying boat at the headquarters of Longyin Commercial Bank with the elders who led the team, she realized that this sentence really needs to be understood literally.

The golden floor tiles carved with the patterns of Taotie cloud and thunder, the radiant five-color glazed tiles, and the aura that overflows the entire building and is almost condensed into substance are all enough to illustrate one thing.

The building materials here are all good things of grade seven or above. If you pick up a brick and sell it, you can instantly become a rich man.

It wasn't just Yun Ying who was dumbfounded.

When the other disciples saw this scene, they all looked like they had never seen the world.

The shop assistants who came to welcome them were very polite, they didn't show any contempt because of their dumbfounded looks, they just said with a smile: "Fellow daoists came very early, the second young master has just woken up and is having breakfast. If you don't mind, please follow me to the main hall and wait."

It can't be ruled out that this guy has long been used to seeing monks who are stunned by the decoration of his own house, so it's not surprising.

But Yunying was still very moved by this guy's thoughtfulness and gentleness.

The disciple leading the team, Bai Zhen, put away the flying boat, only then did Yunying see clearly that the place where they landed at this moment was a high platform.

The front, back, left, and right sides of the high platform are all palaces, inlaid with gold and jade, very gorgeous.

The staff of Longyin Trading Company led them down the steps, and walked into a palace along a road carved with flying dragons and phoenixes. The inside of the palace was not like the outside, and the furnishings were quite simple and elegant, which made this group of people who were almost crushed by gold and jade The Mingyue Sect disciples who were blinded by the flash were able to rest their eyes.

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