With a bang, the blood mantle struck like a blood python.

The eighteen-petal Dao Gang Lotus is as fragile as glass. It breaks into pieces with just a slight touch, and cannot stop the offensive of Wanxuemantle at all.

But after all, it blocked it for a moment. Yunying used Immortal Stepping to the extreme, and flew a hundred feet away in an instant.

With a loud bang bang, thousands of blood curtains smashed into the ground, splashing thousands of feet of sand and making dozens of huge pits.

But it didn't stop there. It seemed to have locked Yunying's position by some means. Wanxuemanan was chasing Yunying closely. If it hadn't been for Immortal Butian who made Yunying extremely fast, thousands of miles away in an instant, she would have been there long ago. It will be smashed into a puddle of flesh by these thousands of blood curtains.

"It didn't attack me, so why did it lock onto my aura? Even Yinxue couldn't stop it?"

Yunying asked the three seniors in Dantian.

Yinxue said: "The Ten Thousand Blood Curtain is a technique of demons and ghosts. It does not rely on Qi to lock the opponent."

"What's that for?"


When he said this, Yunying understood.

Yinxue's disguise just now was just to cover up her aura like yellow sand to avoid the evil cultivator's spiritual consciousness, but to completely cover up her vitality is something that Yinxue cannot do now.

As long as he regains seven degrees of power, he can disguise Yunying as lifeless gravel. By then, not to mention the Ten Thousand Blood Mantle, even the Spirit Emperor will not be aware of Yunying's existence.

But now, Yinxue couldn't even achieve four successes, so she was naturally helpless to Yunying.

Yunying did not expect Yinxue to help her, because with the blessing of Immortal Butian, although she could not completely get rid of the Ten Thousand Blood Mantle, she was not in too much danger.

She is not that frivolous cultivator who relies solely on human flesh and blood to achieve her goals. Hundreds of spiritual sources work together to create an almost endless supply of spiritual energy, which can be used up to the end of the world with these ten thousand blood mantles.

What needs attention is the evil cultivator in the realm of spiritual connection.

After Yunying escaped his blow, he went crazy. His whole body was covered with a bloody halo, and his attacks became harder and harder. The corpses of countless little sand scorpions piled up into a mountain. The seventh-level sand scorpions and the sixth-level sand scorpions also suffered. hurt.

But such violent blood light could not last for long, and soon the blood-colored halo slowly dimmed and almost disappeared.

Upon seeing this, the seventh-level sand scorpions and the sixth-level sand scorpions immediately surrounded him. The evil cultivator retreated repeatedly, but was still stabbed in the arm by the tail needles of the two sand scorpions.

"Good come!"

Instead of being angry, he smiled, grabbed the tails of the two sand scorpions with his backhand, and ignited purple flames in his palms.

The two sand scorpions struggled violently as if they had encountered natural enemies and screamed loudly. Hearing the sound, the evil cultivator couldn't help but feel dizzy.

But he still held the two sand scorpions tightly, and the flames spread across the body surface of the sand scorpions, and cracks appeared on the hard shell.

Yunying knew that if the two sand scorpions died, it would be difficult for her to deal with these guys who would fight against her wholeheartedly.

The Ten Thousand Blood Mantle posed such a big threat to her if no one controlled it. If someone controlled it, that would be okay!

Yunying looked at the Ten Thousand Blood Curtain behind her, and then at the evil cultivator who was holding the Sand Scorpion and laughing wildly, and a solution suddenly flashed in her mind.

She immediately changed her direction and led Wanxuemanai towards the evil cultivator.

She wanted to make a bet, betting that this evil cultivator's control over the Mantle of Ten Thousand Bloods was not so smooth and smooth, and that he himself would be seriously injured by the Mantle of Blood!
She was extremely fast, and in an instant she was three inches in front of Xie Xiu.

The evil cultivator couldn't see Yunying, but saw Wan Xueman rushing toward him, and was shocked for a moment.

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