"Stop! Stop!"

The evil cultivator did not expect that Yunying would act so boldly, pulling Wan Xuemanan around and heading towards him. At this time, the two sand scorpions struggled hard and tried their best to inject poison into his body through their tail needles. The purple fire in his hand could not be closed at all. He couldn't draw out more spiritual power to control the Ten Thousand Blood Mantle. Seeing the Ten Thousand Blood Mantle rushing toward him, the evil cultivator opened his eyes wide in horror and quickly retreated while dragging two sand scorpions. I want to buy myself some time.

As long as these two sand scorpions are burned to death, he will have his hands free and can...

With a crash, the Wanxue Curtain ran over the evil cultivator, and continued to chase forward without stopping. The long curtain was like a giant python. Wherever it passed, the quicksand gave way one after another, plowing a long path on the ground. In the gully, the sound of gas explosions continued to sound, and the billowing dust and smoke almost covered the moonlight in the sky.

This lasted for about a quarter of an hour before Wanxuemanai fell to the ground.

Yunying coughed, crawled out of the yellow sand again, and vomited several mouthfuls of blood on the ground.

Her Immortal Steps can throw away the Ten Thousand Blood Mantle for a certain distance, but it is difficult to avoid the self-destructive explosion after the Ten Thousand Blood Mantle attacks the evil cultivator. Yunying condenses all the swords into water to protect herself, and then she can barely do so. He survived the successive explosions, but he was also quite embarrassed and couldn't recover for a while.

She sat down on the spot, meditating and spreading her spiritual consciousness to observe the surrounding situation.

After the dust and smoke gradually dissipated, the moonlight shone brightly again, and there were only pieces of tattered corpses of sand scorpions in the boundless sea, and a long curtain of blood.

The uncontrolled Ten Thousand Blood Curtain lay softly on the yellow sand, like a flowing river of blood.

At the end of the blood river, there was a bloody corpse.

Yunying sighed. In the end, he killed this person, which was quite different from the plan.

But it is indeed difficult to deal with evil cultivators in the realm of spiritual connection.

The nameless purple fire and the ten thousand blood mantle are extremely powerful. Although the damage to the evil cultivator is not small, the evil cultivator has these two magic weapons and can definitely kill her and Sand Scorpion before their spiritual power and even their cultivation are drained.He had to seize the opportunity to kill him.

It was indeed dangerous just now. Yunying relied on Yinxue's disguise to detect the evil cultivator and rushed directly towards his face. She didn't turn sideways until she was so close that Wanxuemantle would never turn. It swept past the evil cultivator's arm.

Had it been one minute earlier or one minute later, this would not have been the case. She herself would have to pay a price tens of millions of times worse than now.

Fortunately, she still won.

Yunying thought, slowly stood up, and used her spiritual consciousness to penetrate into the yellow sand to see if the formation materials at the yellow sand level had been disturbed by the Ten Thousand Blood Curtain.

Seeing this, Yunying couldn't help but be surprised.

Although the formation was disrupted, there was still some power left, and that part of the power showed that the souls in the formation had not surrendered.

The souls within the formation...

Yunying looked at the corpse thoughtfully.

The evil cultivator of the Fusion Realm has been thrown into the White Jade Cave by her, and is not included in the formation. There is only one soul in the formation at the moment, and that is the evil cultivator of the Fusion Realm.

He is not dead yet, his soul is still alive?

Yunying frowned at first, then slowly relaxed her brows and revealed a smile.

"Monks in the realm of spiritual connection are different after all. A cunning rabbit has three burrows and is hard to guard against."

Fortunately, her formation skills were good. As long as she sent the spirit stones in, the formation would still be effective.

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