The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1103 The waves confuse the heart

After Feng Jing mastered the formation, she did not dare to slack off at all. She immediately matched every detail of every part of the formation with what Yunying said just now.

The node away from the fire is the key to controlling the flame. Originally, the fire crystal stone here was rotating slowly and unhurriedly, producing a weak and continuous fire spirit energy, binding the water and sand in the center of the formation, but It will not cause it to be alert and disgusted.

After Feng Jing took over the formation, he immediately changed his style. A steady stream of spiritual power was poured into the Lihuo node by him. The fire crystal spun until only a group of afterimages were left. The water and sand were immediately wrapped in heavy flames, like Like a trapped beast, it let out a sharp cry.

This attack was directed at the formation. As the controller of the formation, Feng Jing naturally bore the brunt of the attack and was immediately stunned by the roar.

When Suzaku saw this, he snorted coldly. Suddenly, a wave of heat rushed from his dantian to the spiritual platform, and Feng Jing immediately woke up again.

He nervously continued to control the formation to wear down the water and sand, but did not immediately use the Phoenix Divine Fire, but was secretly nervous in his heart.

Just a cry of self-defense has such a powerful power. If it really starts to threaten, I am afraid that neither I nor Yunying will be a match.

But Suzaku said that their plan has a [-]% chance of success, and things shouldn't be as bad as he thought...

Feng Jing was filled with entangled doubts and couldn't let go, so she couldn't help but bite her lip tightly.

Suddenly, his sharp canine teeth scratched his lip, causing him to feel a slight sting.

But then he felt something was wrong.

It hurt, but why was it different from the usual pain?

The pain was not clear, but a vague, vague pain, as if separated by a layer of water.

Could it be that he is not completely free from the influence of the sound of water and sand?

This frightened Feng Jing, and she suddenly woke up completely.

This was different from Suzaku reminding him to wake up. He realized the problem himself and gave himself a wake-up call, so he woke up faster and more completely.

"A Ying, you have to be careful!"

Feng Jing woke up and immediately shouted to Yunying: "This water and sand are very weird and may paralyze your spiritual consciousness! Be careful!"

Upon hearing this, Yunying's eyes became slightly solemn, but her expression did not change, and she continued to attach fire crystals and other fire-attribute materials to the blade one by one.

Finally, the entire blade of the Frost-breaking Knife glowed with a blurred red light, and a faint fiery red filament ran from the tip to the tail of the knife.

All this is just a dozen breaths of effort. If it were not for the help of the Phoenix Divine Fire, if it were not for her own Feng Jing soul crystal and two drops of blood in her body, the frost-breaking knife would have been familiar with the Phoenix fire. This time, the small tempering Refining will never be completed so quickly.

She also considered whether to temper it in advance so that the frost-breaking knife would be of higher quality.

But after thinking about it again, she decided to temper it on the spot and strike while the iron was hot.

There was no other reason than that she didn't have enough material on her body.

Although Zhuo Jingxiu was generous and gave a lot of fire-type spiritual materials, all of these spiritual materials were tempered into the frost-breaking knife, which was not enough to make it comparable to the water and sand.

These fire-type spiritual materials and the Ten Thousand Transformations Snow-Liujin combined can only allow the Frost-Breaking Knife to advance to one level.

And if you wait until the tempering is completed and then conquer the water and sand, the success rate will not increase much, and Feng Jing will not be able to exert her strongest power because of the lack of help from fire spiritual creatures.

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