The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1104 See Tricks and Tricks

After all, the frost-breaking knife has a low starting point. Even if we try to feed it now, it can only make it move forward more than ten feet. However, there is a million feet between it and the water and sand, and tempering it in advance still cannot equalize the two. the gap between.

In this case, it's better to take a completely different approach.

In fact, the success of smelting mainly depends on Feng Jing and Phoenix Divine Fire.

After Yunying tempered the knife, she immediately threw it above the formation. Hundreds of fire-attributed swords gathered around the Frost-breaking Knife, roaring like a golden-red storm.

The golden red storm and the wisp of phoenix divine fire gradually merged, hanging eagerly above the water and sand.

Originally protected by the sealing formation, the Frost-breaking Sword could not approach, but now the formation was controlled by Feng Jing. Although the power was earth-shattering, it did not refuse the entry of the Phoenix Divine Fire from the same source. The Frost-breaking Sword had been repeatedly tempered by the Phoenix Divine Fire. Frost Knife was able to come in.

This is the second part of the duo's plan and a crucial experimental stage.

Yunying planned to let the tip of the frost-breaking knife enter the range of the large formation, using this subtle distance to test how the water and sand react.

If Shuisha struggled wildly and immediately attacked the Frost-Breaking Knife, then the Frost-Breaking Knife would immediately withdraw and Feng Jing would increase the smelting intensity.

And if the water and sand don't struggle...

Yunying carefully let the tip of the knife enter the formation and observed the reaction of Shuisha.

Shui Sha's scream became even sharper, but he did not attack immediately.

This situation surprised both Feng Jing and Yunying.

They thought that Shuisha would definitely be able to deal with the Frost-breaking Knife.

The two looked at each other and felt somewhat relieved.

Although this was also a very risky road, Shuisha's obedience gave them some confidence.

Yunying also relaxed somewhat.

No matter how Zhuque and Yinxue said that the water and sand were not that powerful, they still felt uneasy in their hearts. They always felt that a weapon of this level might already have a weapon spirit, or it might have the courage to take life and death.

Whether Shuisha is dormant on its own or not attacking due to other reasons, it always shows that it is not too powerful beyond their capabilities. As long as they deal with it carefully, it is possible to capture it.

Yunying carefully manipulated the frost-breaking knife and penetrated into the formation bit by bit.

Every inch she sank, Yunying was on tenterhooks, ready to pull away the frost-breaking knife.

But until Frostbreaker completely entered the formation, Shuisha still didn't react at all. He just kept chirping, disturbing Yunying and Fengjing with the ripple-like sound waves.

It only took about a quarter of an hour for Feng Jing to realize that she had been tricked, to wake up completely, and to become a little confused again.

He bit the tip of his tongue repeatedly, trying to use the pain to remind himself not to sink.

But Yunying suddenly reminded: "Run the "Nine Transformations of the Soul"!"

Feng Jing's heart moved.

Yes, why did you forget this?

When "Nine Transformations of the Soul" is running, my heart feels uncomfortable and my body hurts. It must be uncomfortable at ordinary times, but it is most appropriate to use it at this time.

He immediately obeyed Yunying's instructions, his eyes burning with pain.

But this kind of pain seemed to be covered with a vague water pattern, and Feng Jing immediately knew that she had been tricked, and she was always vigilant in her heart.

Yunying's willpower was far superior to Feng Jing's, and she had also activated the Nine Soul Changes early on. Shuisha's little tricks did not interfere with her at all, and she unswervingly controlled the frost-breaking knife to move to the position of the water.

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