The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1119 7 Color Leeches

Chapter 1119 Seven Color Leeches
A bright silver light flashed in his eyes, and the terrifying leech changed in an instant.

Its huge, sticky skin became an empty shell in Yunying's eyes, and all that really existed was a thin layer of red light that could barely cover Dao Gang.

The thin layer of red light is very much like blood light, but if you look closely, you will understand that the red is not the scarlet color of blood, but the fiery red color that represents anger.

There are five elements, five colors and five emotions, and when anger manifests, it is red.When you are extremely angry, you will become extremely red and almost turn black.

Yunying is comprehending the various realms of reality transforming into emptiness, and emptiness transforming into reality, and she is confident that what she has gained far surpasses ordinary monks.

However, this kind of anger that was almost condensed into a ball was still something she had never heard of or seen before.

Compared to the leeches created by blindfolding, this ball of red light gave her a stronger sense of terror.

At the same time, this red light also made Yunying understand that although the evil cultivator who attacked her was wearing the Blood River Mountain robe, he was definitely not a monk from the Blood River Mountain.

The monks of Blood River Mountain are all dedicated to the Blood River Banner. How could they have such an exquisite magic weapon?

Or just kill him!
Yunying thought, slightly loosening the restriction on the gray spiritual source in her dantian, and that bit of gray energy immediately rushed into the Dao Gang, dyeing the originally shining silver Dao Gang into light gray.

As Dao Gang deformed, the red light that originally tightly covered Dao Gang gradually shrank.The gray light entangled the red light, swallowing it up and absorbing it.

Yunying runs her skills and carefully feels the news that the gray light has come back.

She rarely uses this gray spiritual source, but she knows very well that the gray spiritual source is like the gray glue tempered from the bone marrow. It has the function of swallowing, but it has one more use than gray glue for analysis and dismantling. Just use it This gray spiritual source does not consume spiritual energy, but the energy of chaos.

The energy of chaos should be used sparingly. Yunying would never use it casually unless she thought it was very critical.

Now, she has to do it again.

The gray spiritual source and the eyesight worked together, and Yunying immediately felt a mysterious and mysterious feeling, and several words appeared in her mind unconsciously.

The Heart Sutra of Seven Emotions Condensing the Heart and Transforming the Prison.

This is not a simple magic weapon, but something between a magic weapon and a magical power.

Yunying was shocked and accelerated the transformation of the gray spiritual source.

Just when the gray light and the red light were in a stalemate, Yunying suddenly felt a shiver in her heart.

That guy actually came back again!
Yunying suddenly dodged forward and fired another wisp of sword energy.

This time she didn't hold back, and the sword flew directly towards his neck.

The evil cultivator never imagined that Yunying had clearly been attracted by the angry insect, so how could she still have the energy to take care of herself?

This time the sneak attack failed again. Yunying controlled the sword to cut off his sharp claws, and the evil cultivator couldn't find any space to escape or counterattack.

He was so angry that he called out another light blue leech and swallowed Dao Gang in one gulp.

He didn't plan to escape this time, so he simply released five leeches, including yellow, black and white, and controlled them to besiege Yunying.

But before he could make a gesture, there was a sudden sound in his ears, a high-pitched and sad voice. He immediately felt that something was wrapped around his throat, making him almost breathless.

Yunying seized the opportunity and used the sword to strike forward. The monk's head flew down from his neck and rolled several times on the yellow sand.

(End of this chapter)

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