The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1120: Heart Sutra of Transforming Hell

Chapter 1120: Heart Sutra of Transforming Hell
The soul of this evil cultivator flew out of the revelation and screamed for help from his fellow disciples.

How could Yunying give him this opportunity? She immediately intertwined the gray light into a net, tightly trapped his soul and put it into the jade slip.

Putting away the jade slip, Yunying smiled and thanked Yu Simeng beside her.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Yu, for your timely help."

Yu Simeng smiled and said, "You can beat him with or without me. I'm just going along with the flow."

As she said that, she pointed at the evil cultivator who had died, and the blinding technique disappeared, leaving only a few colored light spots the size of fingernails, and asked Yunying, "Does Junior Sister Yun know what this is?"

Yunying paused, nodded and said, "It's a love bug."

"Love bug?" Yu Simeng looked confused. She had never heard of such a bug in the world.

The reason why she asked this was because when she trapped the evil cultivator with the feather tune just now, the blue insect obviously reacted, and the halo on its body seemed to be a little bigger.

Yunying originally only had a vague understanding of it, but after the evil cultivator released a few love bugs, her eyesight, gray spirit source and golden bamboo slips began to work together, and she quickly decoded a strange skill .

Although there is only the first article, this article contains a lot of content.

"I killed an evil cultivator before and found an article called "Seven Emotions Concentrating Heart and Transforming Prison Sutra" from his storage bag. Although there is only one article, it explains the general practice method clearly. .”

Yunying simply found a reason for herself and told Yu Simeng about the connection between the Seven Emotions Concentrating Heart and Transforming Prison Heart Sutra and the seven love insects.

The Seven Emotions Condensing Heart and Transforming the Prison Heart Sutra is a method of collecting the seven emotions to refine the Gu insects. This emotion can be collected from oneself or from other monks.

While collecting, you should also start refining Gu.

Love bugs can be transformed from any insect, but the best material is the evil bug that is originally related to the seven emotions.

These seven bugs were made by evil cultivators using heart-eating leeches.

Using the method of cultivating gu, the remaining seven leeches were selected from tens of thousands of heart-eating leeches as carriers of the seven emotions.

When many complex emotions have been collected to the point of being tangible, they can be sealed in a small clay pot, and then these seven poisonous insects can be put in and refined for seventy-seven and 49 days using the methods in the Heart Sutra. The possibility of tempering an insect into a love insect.

The situation was still very chaotic at this time. There were always evil cultivators who thought that the two of them in the Bone Forging Realm were easy to bully and wanted to take advantage. Yunying said as she beat back the invading evil cultivators. By the time the dream was over, those love bugs had already exploded without anyone controlling them.

Yu Simeng cooperated with Yunying and kept playing the piano to trap the monks. As long as they locked their breath, Yunying could finish them off.

The surroundings finally calmed down, and no evil cultivator dared to invade again. When the two of them could rest for a while, there were no bodies left of those love bugs.

Yu Simeng sighed, feeling a little regretful.

She said to Yunying: "Listen to what you say, this technique is not very evil."

Yunying nodded and smiled: "I think many evil practices are not evil at all. It's just that some people want to take shortcuts and come up with some evil and crooked ways."

Yu Simeng nodded in agreement, and then looked at Yunying with some confusion.

"Junior Sister, I..."

Yunying smiled knowingly and said, "Sister, do you want to see that technique?"

Yu Simeng nodded in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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