The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1152 is called rationality

Chapter 1152 Calling back reason

Although Feng Jing had never experienced human affairs, she had seen some dual cultivation techniques, so she immediately understood the problem.

He immediately shouted loudly: "Are you worried that that is your father? Because the body shape is similar and the breath is similar, right?"

"You are still worried that he has become a prey for others to capture and a plaything for others!"

"What you can't be sure of, I certainly can't be sure of! But I still want to tell you, don't worry so much! Don't let anger control your mind!"

Feng Jing shouted loudly: "Although there are many secrets in Shangqing Sect, and although they have a deep collusion with the devil world, they may have been completely penetrated by Xuanming Palace and become its stronghold... But the more this happens, the less you can I’m thinking about everything, and I’m so obsessed with it!”

"You have to believe in your father! Although I have never met him, I have heard your stories about him. I believe that he is an upright man! His dignity and pride will never allow himself to fall into this situation! What’s more, even if it really turns out like this, it’s not his wish. You’ve always been proud of him, so shouldn’t you cheer up now and plan for the future?”

He was afraid that Yunying wouldn't hear him, so he repeated what he just said louder.

"No matter how many doubts or fears you have in your heart, you can't scare yourself now, and you can't surrender first. If you go crazy and collapse here, what damage can the demon world suffer? What damage can Shangqing Sect suffer? If that is really you My father, if he has really been deprived of his dignity, then you are his only hope!"

"If you are so excited now, you will only make yourself a complete invalid. Then your father will still have to live in such darkness! You are such a smart person, how can you not understand this!"

After hearing what he said, Cui Zun, Yin Xue, and Yang Bo finally determined what was going on.

Cui Zun was almost stunned when he heard the word "furnace and tripod".But he soon came to his senses and quickly followed Feng Jing in shouting.

"I don't know about others, but your father will definitely not let himself be bullied like this! He would rather be broken into pieces than leave his body to be insulted by others, let alone be insulted alive!"

Yinxue and Yangbo didn't know what kind of person Yun Yichen was, but they followed Cuizun and shouted loudly.

Everyone hopes to use this method to regain Yunying's consciousness.

The three of them were worried, but Feng Jing was full of confidence.

He is within Yunying's soul, "standing" in Yunying's soul where he controls memories and emotions.

He could feel that when he said these words, a completely different strength began to surge in Yunying's soul.

The chaotic emotions were obviously much calmer, and a rather powerful force awakened in every part of her soul, surging and spreading outwards.

Although there is no way to break through the emotional trap for the time being, as long as she persists, Yunying's rationality will definitely wake up.

It can be done!
Feng Jing was full of hope and shouted loudly, hoping to bring Yunying back to her senses sooner.

He shouted like this for who knows how long.Even in the state of spiritual consciousness, Feng Jing felt a little dizzy and her throat was dry.

At this moment, Yunying's suppressed rationality suddenly burst out, suppressing many violent and chaotic emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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