Feng Jing immediately felt that the surrounding area was much cooler, dryer and refreshing.Although it is still unbearable, the humidity and bitter heat that make the soul unable to stay there have gradually dissipated.

This made Feng Jing sigh in her heart. What the book said was indeed true. The seven complex emotions make the soul like a burning house or a waterfall, making it difficult for people to calm down and have to fall into madness.

Only by keeping the spiritual platform clear can we avoid going crazy, but the so-called clarity is not so easy to achieve.

Take Yunying, for example, her rationality was so strong that Feng Jing once felt inhuman, but as soon as the man in black who was suspected of being her father appeared, she was easily defeated.

And he himself is weaker and more easily defeated.

Qingming, Qingming, how can the mind be clear, how can the eyes be clear?

This is too difficult for the monks.

Feng Jing had many thoughts in her mind and watched the changes of the soul in front of her with keen eyesight.

He just felt that there was an unspeakable force rushing out from the place that he couldn't grasp. Wherever it passed, the spiritual consciousness that was originally rolling like huge waves was smoothed out one by one.

Yunying slowly opened her eyes, looked at Feng Jing's face in front of her, and said word by word: "Come out, I'm already awake."

This was said not only with his mouth, but also with the Phoenix Friendship Seal to communicate with his spiritual consciousness.

Feng Jing quickly withdrew her spiritual consciousness, distanced herself, and stared at Yunying seriously, fearing that she would be suddenly attacked.

Looking left and right, I saw that Yunying had indeed calmed down completely, her face was no longer haggard and pale, but gradually gained some color.

Only then did he feel relieved and waved his hand to Yunying: "Can you see my hand clearly?"

Yunying forced a smile: "There is nothing wrong with my eyes, so don't worry blindly."

Feng Jing breathed a sigh of relief: "Just wake up."

His expression became serious and his tone became even more cautious: "I know you are worried about your uncle, but you must remember that only by ensuring that you can live well can you one day rescue your uncle."

Yunying couldn't help but smile bitterly when she heard what he said.

"Do you all think that I became obsessed because of the man in black?"

Feng Jing was startled: "Isn't it?"

Yunying shook her head slightly.

She knew that even if Cui Zun saw the man in black, he would think that it was his father.But Yunying had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Although his aura and style are so familiar, even though it is obvious that he must also be the owner of the Xuanrong body, even though his body shape is so similar to his father.

However, it is only "like" after all, not "is".

Precisely because it was just a "resemblance", Yunying could not suppress the confusion and anger in her heart.With such a thrilling obsession.

These words are not enough for outsiders, but Feng Jing and Cuizun are not outsiders.

Yunying still held Feng Jing's hand and told him all her concerns.
"Perhaps you two will think that this is me comforting myself, because I really can't accept the facts, so I have such resistance. But I know very well that I don't care whether my father becomes a subordinate, I don't care whether he He has endured humiliation, and my respect for him has nothing to do with it. If it was really him, I would not deny it just because I dare not face the fact that he was humiliated."

Feng Jing held her hand tightly: "I believe you!"

Cui Zun also said: "Don't think that you are the only one who understands your father. I have been with him much longer than you. I think what you said is quite right. There may be something fishy about this matter."

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