The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 1154 Rather than jade pieces

Feng Jing said in response to these words: "So you must cheer up!"

"Whether that person is his uncle or not, it means that Shangqing Sect has deeply colluded with the devil world. My uncle must have stayed there and must have left some traces there. The man in black might be the killer of Xuanming Palace, said Maybe we can use him to grab the vines behind him."

"But the premise of all this is that you have to be good, right?"

Yunying saw him talking at length like coaxing a child, with a gentle tone, and felt funny and moved in her heart.

She nodded slightly and looked at Cui Zun in her dantian.

Cuizun knew that Yunying was waiting for him to continue to say something, so he said: "What I want to say is what Feng Jing said. Your father handed me over to you at that time in order to sacrifice himself to protect you. Regardless of whether there is Whether he was really insulted or made a puppet, I think he expected it."

At this point, Cuizun felt in a daze that what he said was a bit too pessimistic, and hurriedly added: "But then again, your father's temper has always been that he would rather be in pieces than in ruins. Even if it is his corpse, he will not It is left to Xuanming Palace. If the other party has the intention of erasing his consciousness again and making him a puppet, he will probably take the first step and give himself to..."

He really couldn't say the words "broken bones and ashes", so he could only shut up sadly.

Yunying knew the ominous outcome he was talking about. In fact, it was precisely because of the thought of this ominous outcome that she went crazy just now.

But after going crazy, his state of mind became much clearer.

"No matter what, you are right." She said softly to Feng Jing.

You can't ruin yourself first, you have to persevere until the day when you can find your father's whereabouts, even if all you find is the ending of his soul being scattered, you must persevere until that day.

She thanked Feng Jing, Cui Zun, Yin Xue and Yang Bo. If these four people hadn't shouted at the top of their lungs just now, she might have died.

It was also because she had never been in this situation before. She knew that monks all had inner demons, but she had never been disturbed. She could not help but think too highly of herself and ignored her vigilance in this regard.

After being suddenly hit today, she truly understood the dangers of inner demons.

Her obsession with her parents is her inner demon.

On weekdays, this inner demon would urge her to practice diligently day by day.But at this time, it became a reminder.

The path of spiritual practice is in danger at every step, and what happened today is a wake-up call.

If you still think highly of yourself, think you are different, and think you can overcome all problems, then sooner or later you will still fall into such a big trap.

Yunying once again realized this truth personally, sighed deeply, and said to Feng Jing: ""It's too dangerous for you to come out like this. Go back to Hongyu Mountain as soon as possible.I'm really fine, don't worry. "

How could Feng Jing feel relieved so easily: "I'll keep you outside for a while, just in case..."

"There is nothing wrong. You won't lose your trust in me just because of a mistake." Yunying's tone was a bit tough. Although her face was still pale and weak, her momentum still made Feng Jing have to obey.

"Okay, I'll go back first, but you have to give an order to Hongyu Mountain first." Feng Jing said, "If you notice something is wrong with you, release me immediately. If I had come out later, I might have really screamed I won’t come back to you!”

Yunying nodded: "I will give the order."

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