The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 330 Is it Brother 3?

"We are in the city of Anzhou. The eldest brother said that he will find someone to come and meet me." At this point, Zhuo Yanjia suddenly gave a sly smile, "Third brother, you have to be careful, I and the eldest brother have sued you hard. What a state!"

"I'll wait." Feng Jing didn't care, and smiled.

Seeing that the siblings were about to quarrel, Yun Ying turned the Shadow Transmission Stone to Feng Jing, and Zhuo Yanjia realized that their relative positions were a bit strange.

There was only Yunying's face in the imagery stone just now, she didn't realize anything, but now that the angle of view changed slightly, she suddenly realized how their two heads were so close.

"Brother, you..." Is this behind someone's back?
Feng Jing glanced at her doubtful younger sister: "Didn't you say that you have to have a warm heart in order to be a human being."

Zhuo Yanjia opened her mouth, but really didn't know what to say.

Is this really my third brother?

My third brother who has no face and no skin, a friend who is dead but not a poor fellow?
"You...that..." Zhuo Yanjia organized the conversation for a long time, but finally couldn't organize a sentence, so she had to change the subject, "Is the mirage difficult to deal with? Brother, what kind of injury did you get? You won't let Sister Yun be a child." The girl helped you resist everything, right?"

Feng Jing was very hurt by her sister's distrust, but she also admitted that Yunying contributed more, and vividly recounted the scene at the time, but she didn't notice that Zhuo Yanjia's eyes were always on the overlapping hair of the two .

Yun Ying has been resting her head on Feng Jing's left shoulder, and her temple hair rests on Feng Jing's bun, which looks extra lingering.

The third brother, who has been making steel for a long time, is finally going to be turned into soft fingers?
Zhuo Yanjia listened intently to Feng Jing's ramblings, and sighed perfunctorily: "It's really dangerous, but luckily I wasn't teleported there."

"So don't bother us to recuperate, and go home quickly!" Feng Jing said immediately.

Zhuo Yanjia stuck out her tongue at Feng Jing, and asked, "Then when will you come back? I'm still taking care of your elder brother's fire, and I'm sure you'll be locked up when you get home."

"Just close it, Zhuo Pengju can still beat you!" Feng Jing didn't care.

Well, her third brother is still that third brother, a dead fellow is not a poor one.

After chatting about communicating the news between the two sides, Zhuo Yanjia shut down the Shadow Transmission Stone in disbelief.

After that, Feng Jing walked all the way in the direction of Longnan City, traveling thousands of miles a day, arrived at Longnan City at night, and found an inn to stay.

It is undoubtedly very eye-catching that a handsome young man like him is carrying someone behind his back. The only three or four people on the desolate street all focused their attention on the two of them.

Feng Jing never cared about other people's opinions, and went straight to the guest room with Yunying on her back.

The color of Longnan City is earthy yellow, and the so-called guest room is just a small room on the second floor of the inn. When you open the door and enter the room, you can only see the simple beds, old tables and chairs, and Feng Jing frowned subconsciously.

But Yun Ying didn't dislike it, and asked Feng Jing to put herself down by the window and adjust her sitting posture by herself.

Seeing that Feng Jing was still looking left and right and had no place to set foot, Yunying said, "There is no dust or spider silk, just sit down wherever you want."

Feng Jing shrugged, followed her words and sat down on the bed.

Yun Ying mentioned the spider silk, and Feng Jing thought of the fire spider he had tamed a few days ago. After a few days of panic, the little spider had been forgotten by the two of them.

Thinking of it now, Feng Jing took it out again, wanting to see if it had absorbed all the anger.

The beast card flashed white, and the fire spider appeared in the center of the room.

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