The originally bright red fire spider has now been mixed with some bright yellow hues, and the two hair-thin legs have become much thicker at this time, but the body shape is not only not bigger than before, but also slightly smaller.

"This fire spider is really unusual." Yun Ying looked at the fire spider intently, but found that after it landed, it was spinning around anxiously, spit out layers of slightly fiery spider silk.

Feng Jing also noticed this, and said with a smile: "The little guy is a little uneasy, could it be that he has been in the wilderness for a long time, and he is not used to the popularity of the streets and alleys?"

Yun Ying knew that he was joking, the same boring joke as before, but she couldn't help but echoed it: "Maybe, it's a monster after all, and it always feels nervous when it detects the aura of a strange monk."

Feng Jing is not a careful person, but she was still very happy when she heard Yunying catch her words.

Yun Ying was only gentle for a moment, and then said in the next moment: "But this Longnan City does indeed hide secrets."

Feng Jing was not interested in Longnan City, but he listened attentively to what Yun Ying said.

But Yunying actually didn't have any concrete evidence. The reason why she noticed this was nothing more than her senior brother's entrustment. Although she did feel a little different, it was only a vague feeling after all.

Opposite was Feng Jing, and Yunying expressed her feelings without hindrance.

"While you were on your way, I kept silently reciting formulas from my dreams to exercise my spiritual knowledge." Seeing Feng Jing's expression of disapproval, Yun Ying smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's really fine, at least I'm fine now, nothing No matter what kind of backlash, the spiritual consciousness is almost the same as before."

"That's what's scary." Feng Jing didn't quite agree. He knew that Yunying was soft on the outside and strong on the inside. It can't be another karmic bondage in the dark."

"Maybe it is." Yunying smiled, "After entering the city, the spiritual consciousness faintly felt that the flow of the air of heaven and earth in the city was a bit strange, and there was an extremely mysterious and evil feeling."

As she spoke, she asked Feng Jing with her eyes.

Feng Jing shrugged: "I didn't feel anything."

"Don't fight with me, feel it seriously again."

When Yun Ying said a word, Feng Jing obeyed obediently, calmed down, and spread out her spiritual knowledge.

This divergence, as expected, noticed some differences.

As Yunying said, the air of heaven and earth in this city is not as scattered as in other places, but flows along a certain track, but the track is not clear, and it is impossible to find the track with only a rough search of spiritual knowledge .

"There is indeed something wrong." Feng Jing rubbed her chin, thinking seriously.

Yun Ying knew that it was so easy to find something wrong. With the level of senior brothers and sisters, it was impossible to let them go lightly, but they still found nothing in the end. layer

It's a pity that if you want to probe deeply, you can't do it overnight.

Feng Jing pushed open the window, looking out the window into the dark night.

Unlike Dazhou, which is bustling and never dark, the night in Longnan City is completely dark. Only a few scattered houses are lit. Looking outside, I feel that the night is swallowing up those khaki-colored houses like monsters. Not to mention the sand dunes, there is no trace of it.

But here is also good, the cool breeze is much more refreshing than the noisy evening breeze in Qingshan Town.

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